
colin jost emmys

It would have been a miracle if they hadn’t made any jokes about diversity, #MeToo, and politics, so here we are. Get your bingo cards out, because we’re going to check everything off here: an awkward opening song, some really, really bad jokes, and of course, all of us wondering why they didn’t hire women to host the show.

First off, we opened with Kenan Thompson, Kate McKinnon, and a variety of other stars (ranging from Sterling K. Brown to John Legend) singing a song about how we solved Hollywood’s diversity solution and all the bad guys have been kicked to the curb. It was awkward, literally; they were all off-beat. Also given the studies that have come out about how little representation there actually is on television, it came off as a little, as they even said in the song, cart before the horse. Of course, it was all very self-deprecating, so there’s that. But when Hollywood is hardly making steps in the right direction as it is, it all feels a little… forced? Like, “hey, this is what the cool kids are all talking about, so let’s put it in the show and make it all a fun joke!” But maybe I’m just being sensitive.

Of course, the sensitivity sort of faded when Colin Jost and Michael Che took to the stage and immediately put their feet in their mouths. I mean, the joke about how apparently the oppression in The Handmaid’s Tale is only bad when it affects white women (which is true, and more people should probably say it). Still, they just keep on coming with bad takes! And so far, many of the presenters have also decided to bring up how diverse the categories are as if to pat themselves on the back for recognizing that talent exists outside a white, male sphere.

Of course, Jost and Che made #MeToo jokes. Which, really, aren’t that funny coming from a male perspective. I’d have much preferred to hear women talking about #MeToo, because for the most part, women making those jokes would make sense. Making a joke about how everyone at the event just hasn’t been caught yet? Eh. No thank you. I’ll skip that joke, thank you very much, especially when it’s after a long day of people dismissing and trying to undermine the movement.

Honestly, trying to keep up with all the bad takes that were dropped on stage during that opening monologue is difficult, so instead I’ll focus on a really good moment, which is Rachel Brosnahan telling everyone to go register to vote and to make their voices heard as she celebrated her win for Best Lead Actress in a Comedy for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, a show about a woman redefining and finding her own voice. Let’s focus on that wonderful moment, which is using the platform for good, instead of for really bad jokes that we’ll be insulting for the next year.

We’ll be updating you with winners throughout the evening, so stay tuned for more really bad attempts at Hollywood laughing at their own meager attempts at leveling the playing field while really doing nothing at all.

(Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

September 18, 2018

The Emmys Open With A Number About How Diversity Has Been “Solved,” Immediately Makes #MeToo Jokes

colin jost emmys

It would have been a miracle if they hadn’t made any jokes about diversity, #MeToo, and politics, so here we are. Get your bingo cards out, because we’re going to check everything off here: an awkward opening song, some really, really bad jokes, and of course, all of us wondering why they didn’t hire women to host the show.

First off, we opened with Kenan Thompson, Kate McKinnon, and a variety of other stars (ranging from Sterling K. Brown to John Legend) singing a song about how we solved Hollywood’s diversity solution and all the bad guys have been kicked to the curb. It was awkward, literally; they were all off-beat. Also given the studies that have come out about how little representation there actually is on television, it came off as a little, as they even said in the song, cart before the horse. Of course, it was all very self-deprecating, so there’s that. But when Hollywood is hardly making steps in the right direction as it is, it all feels a little… forced? Like, “hey, this is what the cool kids are all talking about, so let’s put it in the show and make it all a fun joke!” But maybe I’m just being sensitive.

Of course, the sensitivity sort of faded when Colin Jost and Michael Che took to the stage and immediately put their feet in their mouths. I mean, the joke about how apparently the oppression in The Handmaid’s Tale is only bad when it affects white women (which is true, and more people should probably say it). Still, they just keep on coming with bad takes! And so far, many of the presenters have also decided to bring up how diverse the categories are as if to pat themselves on the back for recognizing that talent exists outside a white, male sphere.

Of course, Jost and Che made #MeToo jokes. Which, really, aren’t that funny coming from a male perspective. I’d have much preferred to hear women talking about #MeToo, because for the most part, women making those jokes would make sense. Making a joke about how everyone at the event just hasn’t been caught yet? Eh. No thank you. I’ll skip that joke, thank you very much, especially when it’s after a long day of people dismissing and trying to undermine the movement.

Honestly, trying to keep up with all the bad takes that were dropped on stage during that opening monologue is difficult, so instead I’ll focus on a really good moment, which is Rachel Brosnahan telling everyone to go register to vote and to make their voices heard as she celebrated her win for Best Lead Actress in a Comedy for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, a show about a woman redefining and finding her own voice. Let’s focus on that wonderful moment, which is using the platform for good, instead of for really bad jokes that we’ll be insulting for the next year.

We’ll be updating you with winners throughout the evening, so stay tuned for more really bad attempts at Hollywood laughing at their own meager attempts at leveling the playing field while really doing nothing at all.

(Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

September 17, 2018

Geek Pick: Kong Skull Island & Friday the 13th Part V on Vinyl

The mighty King Kong lied dormant for quite some time after mixed reviews had surfaced for Peter Jackson’s remake back in 2005. It wasn’t until early last year, that director Jordan Vogt-Roberts would […]

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September 17, 2018

Here’s Why Ghosting In Relationships Can Be So Painful

If only more people had the courage to just express they are "just not into you."

September 17, 2018

This STAR WARS: EPISODE IX Rumor Says Someone Is a Traitor

Warning: This post contains rumors and potential spoilers for Star Wars: Episode IX.



If every “leak” that hit the internet before The Last Jedi had proven true, we would have watched Supreme Leader Luke Skywalker fight Ben Solo and Rey Kenobi on Endor. This is to say that Star Wars rumors must be treated with a healthy level of skepticism. But the latest report about a major plot point for Episode IX feels different than most “spoilers.” It would be a great, logical development that echoes back to another major story from the franchise, and it would lead to a satisfying and fitting end for at least one character who could help destroy the only thing he cares about.

According to a report in The Sunday Express, the last film in the trilogy will find Kylo Ren looking for a First Order mole, who has been giving the Resistance information. Who might care enough about the Resistance to help them? The person who hates them the most, General Hux, and his reported justification is one of the main reasons this rumor makes so much sense.

“Hux is a fanatic dedicated to the aims and convictions that underpin the concept of the First Order as the only way to establish a stable galaxy. But, like any classic villain, he can only see his own aims and is blinded by his own hatred and envy of Kylo Ren.

Kylo has always been driven by his personal demons but Hux is utterly committed to the First Order and his devotion allows him to justify anything as a means to a glorious end.”

We know Hux, who was about to kill Kylo Ren when he found him unconscious in the throne room, detests the new Supreme Leader and everything he stands for. Hux believes he should have been the one to assume Snoke’s position (if not for that whole “Force choke” ability). The end of The Last Jedi–when Kylo’s hatred for Luke blinded him, allowing the Resistance to escape–confirmed for Hux that Kylo’s concerns are about himself, while Hux cares only about the First Order. That fanaticism, combined with his over confidence, vanity, and pride, is why he would take such a drastic and dangerous step.

It’s hard to overthrow a ruler who might also be the most powerful being in the entire galaxy, so Hux would have to undermine him from within using nefarious tactics. He can feed the Resistance enough intel to hand Kylo a series of minor losses that cause the First Order to lose faith in him. Once the Supreme Leader doesn’t seem so capable of leading, he can be mutinied, and General Hux can assume the position he believes he alone is fit to hold. This not only fits with how Hux feels about Kylo, it fits with who he is–a vicious, power-hungry, single-minded snake. And based on Snoke’s description of Hux, it’s easy to see how Kylo would be blind enough to end up in “a cat and mouse” game.

“You wonder why I keep a rabid cur in such a place of power? A cur’s weakness, properly manipulated, can be a sharp tool,” Snoke said about Hux to Kylo. Snoke knew his General was a rat, one he could easily control with a piece of cheese at the right time. Kylo Ren couldn’t manipulate a mouse with a whole block of cheese, nor would he care to when it comes to Hux. Kylo cares about Kylo; he won’t invest in keeping Hux happy or in line, which is why that “rabid cur” will be even more motivated to destroy him the only way he can–with treachery.

Everything about this rumor makes sense for the characters, and it also sounds appropriate for J.J. Abrams who co-wrote the script. Hux will be trying to execute a secret coup, just like Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith. Abrams, whose The Force Awakens was heavily influenced by A New Hope, has said he hopes to tie all three trilogies together, and this would do just that. This makes sense for the movie on a macro and micro scale, as the next stage in the tense relationship of Hux and Kylo.

Hux could help the Resistance just enough to cause Kylo Ren’s demise, all without truly risking the strength of the First Order, which he would then ascend to rule over. He would then be in a perfect spot to set up the Resistance with faulty intel from a trusted source, which he could use to destroy them for good. By playing both sides, just like Darth Sidious, he could destroy all his enemies while assuming power legitimately.

Only one problem–there’s no way Hux is capable of pulling it off. Hux is a freaking moron who got played by Poe Dameron pretending he couldn’t hear him. He’s going to manipulate Kylo Ren, the First Order, Rey, and the Resistance? No chance. What Palpatine did took years of planning and a diabolical genius unmatched in the galaxy, not to mention the power of the Dark Side. Hux has no backbone and big sideburns.

Snoke pegged Hux–he’s a wild dog who can be useful for certain tasks. But Kylo doesn’t have the ability to manipulate him, and he can’t recognize the threat he is. But Hux doesn’t know his own limits either; he doesn’t have the talent to pull off this plan. His vanity and ego will lead to his demise. The question isn’t whether he can usurp his new Supreme Leader, it is whether he’ll drag down Kylo Ren with him.

If Kylo and Hux’s internal struggle ends up destroying the First Order instead of the rebellion, that would be an ending worthy of Star Wars. 

Images: Lucasfilm

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