
October 27, 2018

“Officer Curtis Better Cut It Out”: Ashanti Trolls Back At 50 Cent After Shade Over Cancelled Concert

The "Braveheart"singer had a strong clap back for 50.

October 27, 2018

The Benefits of Using AromaTech – An Aromatherapy Nebulizing Diffuser

Self-care has become a huge topic of conversation in the tech space. Diffusers for aromatherapy are popping up all over the place and essential oils are on trend but are you using the correct diffuser to reap all the benefits? There are four types of diffusers on the market, ultrasonic or humidifying diffusers, evaporative diffusers, and heat diffusers, but the best, hands down, seems to be the nebulizing diffuser.

AromaTech, a nebulizing diffuser, has created the first of its kind, fragrance diffuser, scent machine. Instead of the small device that typically deploys the essential oil scents, these are hi-tech machines that come in several different styles ranging from modern and chic to practical and powerful. The goal of the system is to redefine and improve the way commercial scenting systems work and to bring the technology into your home, with ease and convenience.

AroMini Essential Oil Fragrance Diffuser (Image: AromaTech)

AroMini Essential Oil Fragrance Diffuser (Image: AromaTech)

So, what are the differences? These machines use cold air diffusion technology, which is the safest and cleanest way to diffuse essential and aroma oils. Instead of using heat, a fan, or evaporation, AromaTech’s scent machines filter air from your room in efforts to diffuse the fragrances, which preserves the therapeutic power of the oils, causing it to use a lot less product. Even more importantly, due to the fact that you don’t have to dilute them, it preserves the essential oils’ properties, whereas other diffusers can easily damage them.

AromaTech produces their own oils which are %100 pure and made with fair trade and cruelty-free practices. “We believe that the impact of human consumption has damaged the Earth and its ecosystems, and to survive we must treat our one and only home with respect. It has become more critical to support natural choices, both large and small,” the company boasts on the site. Additionally, all essential and aroma oil blends are eco-friendly, pet-friendly, non-GMO, and contain no harmful chemicals or additives. 


Holiday Spice, Aroma and Essential Oil Blend (Image: AromaTech)

The company offers a subscription-based service where you can have your scents arrive monthly without missing a beat. You can find out more by clicking here.

The post The Benefits of Using AromaTech – An Aromatherapy Nebulizing Diffuser appeared first on Black Enterprise.

October 26, 2018

Boba Fett Movie Is Dead Long Live The Mandalorian

Boba Fett takes aim in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Fanboys please remove your helmets as we return to the well of Star Wars spin-off movie ideas the stand-alone Boba Fett film. According to film journalist Erick Weber, he learned from Kathleen Kennedy herself that instead of a Boba Fett movie, all the SW resources will be going into The Mandalorian.

For me, my main interest in getting a Boba Fett movie was for it to be a vehicle for the fan-favorite character to be played by a Polynesian actor in keeping with how the character was shown to be in the prequels, preferably as directed by (and/or starring) the beautiful Taika Waitit. Beyond that, I can’t say I felt strong about a Boba Fett movie, especially after Solo. Television seems like a much better medium for the character to exist and be explored further.

The Mandalorian, from the title, will be based around the race of bounty hunters that Fett is descended from (even though he’s a clone). The term “Mandalorian” does not appear in the original films, but due to Fett’s popularity, it slowly became a part of the Star Wars mythos. Mandalore is the fictional home planet of the Mandalorian people, and it is, you guessed it, mostly basic ass desert. According to CBR, the series is being created by Iron Man director Jon Favreau and will take place after the fall of the Empire.

Favreau is also the executive producer and scriptwriter on the project. Dave Filoni will direct the first episode of the show, with future episodes directed by Deborah Chow, Rick Famuyiwa, Bryce Dallas Howard, and, of course, the excellent Taika Waititi.

The response to this news has been mixed, with some people happy about the news because it never seemed like a good idea, and others seeing this as yet another example of Kennedy ruining Star Wars:

What do you think—are you more excited for The Mandalorian, or are you still longing for a Boba Fett movie?

(via CBR, image: Lucasfilm/Disney)

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October 26, 2018

Listen to These Podcasts!

A new Hard NOC Life will be available on Friday, but in the meantime, be sure to check out these newly released episodes from other shows in the Hard NOC network, plus a brand new podcast debuting next week! WHO WATCH: TARBIS hosted by Bayana, Robyn, and Connie Jodie Whittaker’s long-awaited turn as the Doctor […]

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