
The story of former Vice President Dick Cheney is one that certainly warrants its own motion picture.  Known to be one of the most powerful men in history with an acute eye for deception. Vice tells the story of how a monotone bureaucratic VP — who we hardly noticed — came into power.

The opening titles deliver a cautionary message before the opening credits that the story is as “true as it can be given”.  This sets the tone that movie may not get the all of the facts or they’re simply embellished for dramatic purposes. Director Adam McKay’s interpretation of Cheney’s tale is a bit off-kilter from most biopics we’ve seen of political figures.

The film begins with a reckless young Dick Cheney (Christian Bale) driving while intoxicated after a night of gambling and hard partying. His vehicle swerves left and right over the roads as he continues to lose control. And he can barely stand up when he’s pulled over by a cop.  This scene serves as a metaphor for who Cheney is and how he handled his role in one of the most powerful and important jobs in the world.


The scene transitions to the day of the September 11th attacks — a day that had the most significant impact of Cheney’s entire career. As the staff huddle together in the situation room filled with anxiety, Cheney sits there calm, stoic and unrestrained.  The chaos that surrounds him at that moment is not a setback, but a setup for something that could be an opportunity.

As one scene transitions to the next, an omniscient voice narrates the account of events (Jesse Plemons) and he eventually becomes a part of the story.

The narrator describes the burgeoning relationship Cheney has with Donald Rumsfeld (Steve Carrell).  Cheney, as depicted in this biopic, is smitten by Rumsfeld. He works as an assistant to Rumsfeld who is a counselor to President Nixon. Slowly the film introduces people who were the building blocks to creating the right-wing rhetoric that scrolls down the timelines of our social media feed today.

And although Vice is getting tons of love from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association leading with a whopping 6 nominations, it could have been a more compelling narrative. The stylized tone of the film with jarring cutaways used as a comedic device fails to deliver an earnest story. There is also a bizarre moment when final movie credits interrupt midway into the film, and although it appears this is yet another attempt at comedy, it just seems completely unnecessary.

Given the weight and seriousness of Cheney’s professional life and how he handled his leadership under the Bush administration — this isn’t something to make light of or even laugh about.  I would be a bit more forgiving if this kind of campy storytelling came from documentary infotainer Michael Moore since this is his schtick, but this is not the case.

McKay seems to want to tell an authentic and compelling story but falls flat on the sarcasm and humor. Cheney’s life on its own doesn’t need color added to it, after all, this is the same guy that accidentally shot his colleague during a quail hunt and was the butt of many jokes several years thereafter.

I will add that the most impressive performance was that of Sam Rockwell who plays George W. Bush.  Rockwell didn’t do an over-the-top impersonation, but rather a mild impression of the 43rd President of the United States.

Successful multi-hyphenate Tyler Perry makes a short yet memorable appearance as former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell. Powell’s role in the Iraq war was one of the most regrettable moments of his career.  The film does shed some light on this and depicts the discord between Powell and Rumsfeld during their time together in the Bush administration.

Vice delivers some impressive performances, but as a narrative, there’s room for improvement. I can’t in good faith take this movie seriously because of how it was executed, but it seems I am in the minority given how well its gaining steam in the awards circuit.

Vice premieres in theaters on Christmas Day December 25th.


The post BGN Film Review: ‘Vice’ appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

December 17, 2018

BGN Film Review: ‘Vice’

The story of former Vice President Dick Cheney is one that certainly warrants its own motion picture.  Known to be one of the most powerful men in history with an acute eye for deception. Vice tells the story of how a monotone bureaucratic VP — who we hardly noticed — came into power.

The opening titles deliver a cautionary message before the opening credits that the story is as “true as it can be given”.  This sets the tone that movie may not get the all of the facts or they’re simply embellished for dramatic purposes. Director Adam McKay’s interpretation of Cheney’s tale is a bit off-kilter from most biopics we’ve seen of political figures.

The film begins with a reckless young Dick Cheney (Christian Bale) driving while intoxicated after a night of gambling and hard partying. His vehicle swerves left and right over the roads as he continues to lose control. And he can barely stand up when he’s pulled over by a cop.  This scene serves as a metaphor for who Cheney is and how he handled his role in one of the most powerful and important jobs in the world.


The scene transitions to the day of the September 11th attacks — a day that had the most significant impact of Cheney’s entire career. As the staff huddle together in the situation room filled with anxiety, Cheney sits there calm, stoic and unrestrained.  The chaos that surrounds him at that moment is not a setback, but a setup for something that could be an opportunity.

As one scene transitions to the next, an omniscient voice narrates the account of events (Jesse Plemons) and he eventually becomes a part of the story.

The narrator describes the burgeoning relationship Cheney has with Donald Rumsfeld (Steve Carrell).  Cheney, as depicted in this biopic, is smitten by Rumsfeld. He works as an assistant to Rumsfeld who is a counselor to President Nixon. Slowly the film introduces people who were the building blocks to creating the right-wing rhetoric that scrolls down the timelines of our social media feed today.

And although Vice is getting tons of love from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association leading with a whopping 6 nominations, it could have been a more compelling narrative. The stylized tone of the film with jarring cutaways used as a comedic device fails to deliver an earnest story. There is also a bizarre moment when final movie credits interrupt midway into the film, and although it appears this is yet another attempt at comedy, it just seems completely unnecessary.

Given the weight and seriousness of Cheney’s professional life and how he handled his leadership under the Bush administration — this isn’t something to make light of or even laugh about.  I would be a bit more forgiving if this kind of campy storytelling came from documentary infotainer Michael Moore since this is his schtick, but this is not the case.

McKay seems to want to tell an authentic and compelling story but falls flat on the sarcasm and humor. Cheney’s life on its own doesn’t need color added to it, after all, this is the same guy that accidentally shot his colleague during a quail hunt and was the butt of many jokes several years thereafter.

I will add that the most impressive performance was that of Sam Rockwell who plays George W. Bush.  Rockwell didn’t do an over-the-top impersonation, but rather a mild impression of the 43rd President of the United States.

Successful multi-hyphenate Tyler Perry makes a short yet memorable appearance as former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell. Powell’s role in the Iraq war was one of the most regrettable moments of his career.  The film does shed some light on this and depicts the discord between Powell and Rumsfeld during their time together in the Bush administration.

Vice delivers some impressive performances, but as a narrative, there’s room for improvement. I can’t in good faith take this movie seriously because of how it was executed, but it seems I am in the minority given how well its gaining steam in the awards circuit.

Vice premieres in theaters on Christmas Day December 25th.


The post BGN Film Review: ‘Vice’ appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

December 17, 2018

7 Ways to Save on Notoriously Expensive Travel Destinations

We don’t catch feelings, we catch flights. That sentiment is nice and catchy for an IG caption, but let’s be real. Bills come once a month and traveling can be expensive. Also, if you’re trying to visit locations that aren’t exactly wallet-friendly, it can be hard to rack up those passport stamps the way you […]

The post 7 Ways to Save on Notoriously Expensive Travel Destinations appeared first on Essence.

December 17, 2018

15 Last-Minute Tech Gifts From Amazon Under $50

Christmas is less than two weeks away, which means the clock is ticking to find last-minute tech gifts. If you’re still scrambling to buy some gadgets for everyone on your list, Amazon has some […]

The post 15 Last-Minute Tech Gifts From Amazon Under $50 appeared first on

December 16, 2018

SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE Sequel, Spin-Off Details Confirmed

We’ve known for a couple of weeks now that Sony was tentatively planning both a sequel to their new animated (commercial and critical) hit Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and a spin-off involving three female web-slingers, but now we know more. In an interview with Amy Pascal (via ComicFade), Vanity Fair got some further deets on the next spider-toons, spider-toons, we thought we might never see in many blue moons. Most significantly, their deal for animated Spider-Man movies has no restrictions in the same way their live-action deal with Marvel Studios does. She won’t say what the latter are, but it is revealed that Marvel’s Kevin Feige wasn’t too happy about the timing of a sequel being announced before Peter Parker gets un-snapped.

The direct Spider-Verse sequel will feature a Miles Morales-Gwen Stacy romance (held off because they wanted to establish her as a hero first, love-interest second), though crucially, Pascal never specifically says whether or not it’s the same Gwen we saw in the current film, or one more properly from Miles’ reality. However, that Spider-Gwen will definitely be the lead in the spin-off, which will costar Jessica “Spider-Woman” Drew and Cindy “Silk” Moon, the last of whom is also likely to get a live-action movie in what they’re now calling Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters, or SUMC. Both animated films are said to stay true to recent runs of the comics. “I think it’s great that we’re going to be able to tell movies about female superheroes in this realm, and in the live-action realm as well, because I believe that there are going to be characters that really resonate for people,” says Pascal.

And speaking of that “SUMC,” in addition to the Jared Leto Morbius movie underway, there are tentative plans for Silver Sable and Black Cat (which we knew), Kraven, Jackpot, and Nightwatch. There’s even a chance that the Sinister Six movie, originally intended to spin off from Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Movies, might get rejiggered to fit the new live-action continuity, if Drew Goddard agrees to direct again.

But as for whether Tom Holland’s Spidey could ever be included? Sorry, fans, but, “it would be years in the future, after Holland’s Marvel contract expires.”

Images: Marvel

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