
Bullet dodged, or tragic missed opportunity? Or, perhaps a third option: concept ready to be revisited?

With all the recent talk about an upcoming sequel to the Michael Jordan/Bugs Bunny movie Space Jam, pro-skateboarding legend Tony Hawk has taken to Twitter to reveal that the original could have been merely the first in a possible series of athlete-meets-Looney-Tunes movies, saying that in 2003, he took a meeting at Warner Bros. to discuss the possibility of, yes, Skate Jam. But don’t blame him for it not happening — the numbers worked against it.

While Space Jam was a hybrid of animation and live-action, it looks as if Hawk would have been animated in this concept, though of course it’s possible that would only have been for a particular sequence. But the world may never know…or will it? With the sheer number of retweets Hawk has been getting, it’s entirely possible he’s trying to gin up interest in reviving the concept if Space Jam 2 turns out to be a hit. Given that such concept art is usually confidential, it’s also possible the studio had him leak it to see how fans react.

Well, fans, how do you react? Should the “Jam” concept go further than just more basketball?

Jump into comments below and tell us what you think.

Image: Warner Bros.

January 6, 2019

Tony Hawk Nearly Made a Looney Tunes SKATE JAM Movie

Bullet dodged, or tragic missed opportunity? Or, perhaps a third option: concept ready to be revisited?

With all the recent talk about an upcoming sequel to the Michael Jordan/Bugs Bunny movie Space Jam, pro-skateboarding legend Tony Hawk has taken to Twitter to reveal that the original could have been merely the first in a possible series of athlete-meets-Looney-Tunes movies, saying that in 2003, he took a meeting at Warner Bros. to discuss the possibility of, yes, Skate Jam. But don’t blame him for it not happening — the numbers worked against it.

While Space Jam was a hybrid of animation and live-action, it looks as if Hawk would have been animated in this concept, though of course it’s possible that would only have been for a particular sequence. But the world may never know…or will it? With the sheer number of retweets Hawk has been getting, it’s entirely possible he’s trying to gin up interest in reviving the concept if Space Jam 2 turns out to be a hit. Given that such concept art is usually confidential, it’s also possible the studio had him leak it to see how fans react.

Well, fans, how do you react? Should the “Jam” concept go further than just more basketball?

Jump into comments below and tell us what you think.

Image: Warner Bros.

January 6, 2019

Check Out Jason Momoa’s Best Scooby-Doo Impersonation

One of the reasons we love Jason Momoa so much is that despite looking like a big ol’ badass biker dude, he frequently demonstrates that he’s often just a little kid at heart. While he’s doing the convention circuit to meet and greet all the Aqua-fans out there, it seems he can’t resist the chance to meet some of his favorites as well, and at Wizard World New Orleans, he encountered the 1998-2002 voice of Scooby-Doo and Shaggy, Scott Innes. Innes challenged the king of the seas to do a Scooby and Shaggy impersonation, which Momoa refused unless Innes agreed to do one first.

Innes filmed the results:

Scooby and Shaggy have had many famous run-ins with Batman, so it’s about time they met up with this Aquaman. Just because he talks to fish doesn’t mean he won’t talk to dogs too. And like Shaggy, he seems to have a hellacious appetite that never once ruins his figure. Perhaps the only issue with a team-up is that the inevitable mystery would be solved way too soon. After all, if Arthur Curry isn’t scared of a deep-sea kaiju that talks like Julie Andrews, what possibility is there that some mean old guy in a costume would make him even blink funny? After all, the closest thing he has encountered to that situation is Ben Affleck’s Batman, who mostly seemed to amuse him.

Or maybe in the highly unlikely event this whole Aquaman thing doesn’t catch on, Momoa can be the official voice of Scooby next. (Hey, we said “highly unlikely.” Only a Sith deals in absolutes.)

Image: Warner Bros.


January 5, 2019

Daredevil Reflects on His History in Man Without Fear #1: Review

Writer: Jeb MacKay / Artist: Danilo S. Beyruth / Marvel Comics

A bird has to fly, a fish has to swim and Matt Murdock has to have the occasional existential crisis. I don’t have the energy to rummage through my ten to fifteen years of Daredevil comics to recall the exact issues (ooo! That could be my comic review New Year’s Resolution) but it seems like every few years Daredevil is within an inch of his life and self-reflects about his heroic nature.

Man Without Fear #1

Mr. Murdock starts the year off with Man Without Fear #1 by Jed MacKay and Danilo S. Beyruth. After being hit by a truck our hero lies in a coma. In true, best-friend fashion, Foggy Nelson accompanies him at bedside. He plays his dutiful role as the voice of reason, pointing out the obvious: Dude. You get stabbed by ninjas, bear-hugged by Kingpin, and shot by Bullseye on a semi-regular basis. Alongside Foggy’s commentary, Daredevil is assaulted in his mind by his darkest failures. Pain and fear induce a philosophical discussion about heroism vs. self-preservation. The question we’re led to is whether a logical fear of harm to his body, his integrity, and his loved ones can be realized enough to avoid ninja stars and weaponized office supplies or if pain can continue to be used as fuel for the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen’s crusade for justice.

Man Without Fear #1

For the repetition that comes along with this kind of Daredevil story, this comic was wonderfully terrifying. The dragging of Daredevil through a hellscape of his own low points is worthy of Dante Alighieri. A disturbing juxtaposition to Foggie’s calm tone, the monstrous yellow costumed Daredevil skeleton and a skinless Daredevil with crimson flesh shriek throughout the book.

This creates shifts in tone that, instead of jarring distraction, serve as attention grabbing tension. Combined with the twisted visuals of Murdock’s comic history, the dialogue was well crafted and made for a sickeningly satisfying read. If you’re going to do this kind of book every so often it might as well be as creative and interesting as this one.

9 “Choked Out Skeletons” out of 10

Reading Daredevil? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here

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The post Daredevil Reflects on His History in Man Without Fear #1: Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

January 5, 2019

Stop It, Sis! No More Fake Handbags In 2019: Get You A Real One For Under $500

We’ve all been there before— window shopping and side-eyeing a luxurious designer handbag that costs waayyy more than we can afford. Some of us give in to the guilty pleasure of purchasing such an extravagant accessory and vow to get those credit card payments taken care of quick, fast and in-a-hurry, while others shamefully settle for […]

The post Stop It, Sis! No More Fake Handbags In 2019: Get You A Real One For Under $500   appeared first on Essence.

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