
The one time HBO mini-series, Big Little Lies, is now back for a second season, with the first full trailer finally out. We can see the Monterey five trying to adjust to life again after the death of Alexander Skarsgård’s Perry Wright, the abusive husband of Celeste Wright played by the beautifully wigged Nicole Kidman.

As a recap last season we had Reese Witherspoon as Madeline Martha Mackenzie, the HBIC of Monterey, having an affair with Lancelot from Merlin, Nicole Kidman as Celeste Wright trapped in an abusive relationship with Perry Wright, Shailene Woodley as Jane Chapman, the newcomer to Monterey with her young son Ziggy, and Zoë Kravitz as Bonnie Carlson, the new wife of Madeline’s ex-husband. We also had Laura Dern as Renata Klein, a rival of Madeline.

After being in conflict over an incident concerning their children, the women all ended up protecting each other when Perry in a drunken rage at a party started to violently beat Celeste in front of them. Bonnie came to their aid and pushed Perry down a flight of stairs, and he ended up being impaled. It was an Audrey Hepburn and Elvis costume party because … whiteness (love you, Audrey).

This second season has Meryl Streep joining the cast as Perry’s mother, looking to get answers about what happened to her son and also to win an Emmy. While I still don’t think this show needed a second season, I’m gonna watch it and enjoy it for the performances alone.

Big Little Lies returns June 9 on HBO.

(image: HBO)

It is finally Friday!!!

Meghan Markle Suits

(image: USA Network)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

May 11, 2019

Things We Saw Today: Big Little Lies’ Monterey Five Are Back & They Are the New Pretty Little Liars

The one time HBO mini-series, Big Little Lies, is now back for a second season, with the first full trailer finally out. We can see the Monterey five trying to adjust to life again after the death of Alexander Skarsgård’s Perry Wright, the abusive husband of Celeste Wright played by the beautifully wigged Nicole Kidman.

As a recap last season we had Reese Witherspoon as Madeline Martha Mackenzie, the HBIC of Monterey, having an affair with Lancelot from Merlin, Nicole Kidman as Celeste Wright trapped in an abusive relationship with Perry Wright, Shailene Woodley as Jane Chapman, the newcomer to Monterey with her young son Ziggy, and Zoë Kravitz as Bonnie Carlson, the new wife of Madeline’s ex-husband. We also had Laura Dern as Renata Klein, a rival of Madeline.

After being in conflict over an incident concerning their children, the women all ended up protecting each other when Perry in a drunken rage at a party started to violently beat Celeste in front of them. Bonnie came to their aid and pushed Perry down a flight of stairs, and he ended up being impaled. It was an Audrey Hepburn and Elvis costume party because … whiteness (love you, Audrey).

This second season has Meryl Streep joining the cast as Perry’s mother, looking to get answers about what happened to her son and also to win an Emmy. While I still don’t think this show needed a second season, I’m gonna watch it and enjoy it for the performances alone.

Big Little Lies returns June 9 on HBO.

(image: HBO)

It is finally Friday!!!

Meghan Markle Suits

(image: USA Network)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

May 11, 2019

This Guy Put a Dirt Bike Engine in a Barbie Jeep

Who didn’t want the iconic child-size Barbie Jeep when they were a child? Well, the folks over at Grind Hard Plumbing Co, have made our childhood dreams a reality with the utterly mad and brilliant idea of putting a real engine in a Barbie Jeep!

Yes! The video is as great as it sounds. The team put a 50HP dirt bike engine in the little plastic car that could. It looks like so much fun! It also looks incredibly dangerous and this definitely comes with a massive “don’t try this at home” warning. Of course, the Barbie Jeep is really cool. But can we talk about the fact that this essentially looks like real-life Mario Kart?

Whether they’re traversing the desert, forests, or sand dunes it literally looks like Princess Peach is ready to get the gold at the Mushroom Cup. Though this is clearly a one-off, we really really want our very own Peach-mobile where we can rep our love for Barbie, driving fast, viral videos, and of course Princess Peach baby!

Sadly, it isn’t a totally happy ending for the cute suped-up kids toy as the axle snapped during the radical romp, but luckily no one was hurt and it was all in the name of fun with the team describing the experiment on their YouTube page. “This is our Power Wheels Barbie Jeep off-road go-kart with a CRF 450 dirt bike engine. This week we take the custom off road go kart to a mudding event in Canada! And she rips! It’s another good day at Grind Hard Plumbing Co. Special thanks to Dirt Garage for there help with this video! This is turning out to be one of those when mechanics lose their minds or insane engine swap type builds. Can we really even call it a go-kart any more? or is it more of a front-engined four-wheeler. Maybe a custom tube frame off-roader??”

Whatever it is, we love it and though it goes against all logic, thought and reason we now want one of these for ourselves!

Images: Mattel, Nintendo

The post This Guy Put a Dirt Bike Engine in a Barbie Jeep appeared first on Nerdist.

May 10, 2019

Chobani CEO Steps up to Pay off Lunch-Shaming Student Debt, but It’s a Band-Aid on a Much Deeper Problem

A small child looks out of a school bus window.

Earlier this week, a Rhode Island school district announced that any student who owed money on a paid, free, or reduced lunch plan would be given a sun butter and jelly sandwich instead of the full hot lunch until the balance was paid. The issue drew national attention for food-shaming children, meaning not only does the policy draw attention to a child’s financial situation, but it instils an internal sense of shame in a child’s relationship with food.

A number of parents commented on the Warwick Public Schools’ Facebook post announcing the policy, saying they’d received bills for literal cents—as in, less than a dollar—or reissues of bills that had already been paid, and that these were the kinds of bureaucratic hangups that are keeping their kids from eating a full lunch. But whether the parents owe 20¢ or $200, this is a terrible policy that punishes kids for poverty.

Two GoFundMe campaigns (and a handful of smaller campaigns) have raised, as of this writing, nearly $100,000 between them to pay off students’ meal debts, which totals $77,000 district-wide. The CEO and founder of yogurt company Chobani, Hamdi Ulukaya, has also announced that he will pay off the entire debt himself.

“No child should be facing anything like this,” Ulukaya says in the above video. “I know it breaks our heart. It breaks many people’s hearts, and we need to step up. We’ll take care of this school’s bill because everybody at Chobani was heartbroken, and they’re stepping up and they’re going to do something about it, but it’s just a small move. We need everywhere, everywhere around the country, to eliminate this for all—forever.”

This is a very cool move on the part of Ulukaya and Chobani, but it’s shameful that this kind of noble act was necessary in the first place. As he says, this is just a small move; it’s a band-aid on a national problem. In their report, the Washington Post makes it clear that the Warwick issue is far from isolated.

The controversy is the latest episode to draw attention to what critics have labeled “lunch shaming.” In schools nationwide, students have been branded with stamps, given unappealing cheese sandwiches, or even had their lunches thrown away after employees discovered that they were in arrears. In 2015, a Colorado cafeteria worker said that she had been fired for giving free food to hungry elementary school students, one of whom had broken down in tears. Similarly, in 2016, a lunch worker in Pennsylvania quit in protest after she was forced to refuse a hot meal to a student because he couldn’t pay for it.

Thanks to the extreme viral backlash, the Warwick school district says they’re reconsidering the policy. “After careful review and consideration the policy subcommittee is recommending that the Warwick School Committee allow the students their choice of lunch regardless of their account status,” wrote the Warwick School Committee Chairwoman on Facebook.

In that Facebook post, Chairwoman Karen Bachus stresses that “72% of the debt has been accrued by paying students, *not* children on the Free and Reduced Lunch Plan,” but that means that 28% of the children affected are on those plans, in a district where close to 40% of students are enrolled in the free/reduced lunch plan.

“With respect to donations, we are grateful for any financial support that has been offered,” she writes, although that, too, seems only to be thanks to the public outrage. Local restaurant owner Angelica Penta says she tried to donate $4,000 to the district more than a year ago, when a student in the neighboring West Warwick reportedly had his lunch thrown away because he didn’t have enough money in his account. Penta started a fundraising drive in her restaurant, and West Warwick accepted her donation (and changed their existing policy around providing lunches), but Warwick did not.

Penta says the district claimed they wouldn’t be able to distribute the money equitably, although clearly, they could have found a way (as they’re doing now). They just chose not to, at the expense of the children themselves.

(image: SEIU Local 99 | Education Workers United on VisualHunt / CC BY-NC)

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

May 9, 2019

BLOG DROPPINGS! The Uncanny Daryll B. Rises Like a (Dark) Phoenix With Clarity and Insight For New & Old Fandom

Life is funny sometimes. Inspiration can hit you from the strangest moments/times. I was recently forced to step away from the geek arena due to health problems/concerns for better over 9 days. So no podcasting. No New Comic Book Day. No Free Comic Book Day. No Avengers Endgame opening day/night chatter. Little to no Superhero TV and my only way to stay current with the contacts/friends I've made through the business was Twitter & Facebook. Boy. I tried to remain sane but even as an Outsider looking in, there comes a point where I had to release, to vent, to give my take...


1) A lot of comic book companies are dropping the ball to be frank. I have seen creators and fans hype up upcoming projects on Twitter just about 24/7. From the companies themselves? Nothing until the day of a comic's release and unless it is for a mainstream article that gives away (spoils) key plot points for potential readers. How do these places expect to get "new" money? It seems like a broken record for me as heard on the AfroNerd Podcast, but don't these companies have social media divisions now? The only companies I see making great use of social media to push their books are the lower ebb companies like Lion Forge, Alterna, AHOY! etc. They remember the hustle, the NEED to reach out and entice new readers. Big companies have been making strides forward but the lack of chatter from them makes their actions feel like they just going through the motions...​

2) Is this where we have come to fantasy fans? Have we become the stereotype of "if I can't enjoy/like a project, I'm going to ruin it for everyone else..." This is how far we have fallen. I spent five days watching geeks/nerds delight in leaking details from Endgame and Game of Thrones online without consideration for their fellow fans. What the F...? What motivates you all to just do that? There are literally thousands of other sci-fi/comics/fantasy properties for folks to go to that won't "offend" your senses and STILL you want to poison the experience for others. When did you want to watch the world burn? How exactly does actions like these help the genres grow? All that "nerdier than thou" posturing reduced to nothing more than tantrums from spoiled children who didn't have things their way and now wanna take their ball and go home.....after setting the house aflame.​

3) I want to thank the folks behind Into The Badlands for all the entertainment you have given me over the past 3-4 years. Warrior looks to be a worthy successor but there is something about the self-contained mythology and way out there martial art styles that made it akin to Superhero TV to me. Speaking of which...​

4) My thanks to Arrow for lasting this long and setting up the framework for the "Nu" CW DCTV Universe but let's be honest: Arrow needed to end or at least  go to two 8-10 episode mini seasons 3 years ago. And if I can be honest for a second, The Flash is on the same path. A lot of cool plot lines just rushed through the last 2 seasons...
5) A discussion was being had about how effective Free Comic Book Day is in growing business for comic book stores on Twitter. I will say I won't know locally until I can talk to some of the retailers I know BUT from what I saw on Facebook and Twitter, a good time was being had by those that attended.....and boy was I envious...​

So that's my first missive from "out in the cold". I've missed this....I've missed interacting with you lot. I promise not to disappear for so long again (if I can help it). Next article will be my pros and cons for Endgame, Justice League vs Fatal Five and if I can manage it, a few books of note.​

Until Then, Keep Fantasizing!​

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