
Warning! Spoilers For Shazam! Throughout!

In Shazam!‘s post credits stinger, the evil little worm known as Mister Mind appeared. And in Shazam! comics, wherever Mister Mind is, his Monster Society of Evil is usually near, with plenty of villains in tow.

Over the decades, the Monster Society has included dozens and dozen of villains–even Hitler and Mussolini were members at one point! (they probably won’t go there in a movie.) A film would have to narrow things down a bit. But aside from Mister Mind and Sivana, who should make the cut? Here are our top picks for five members of the Shazam rogue’s gallery we think should join up for the sequel. And no, Superman ain’t one of ’em.


Fans like to think that Black Adam is Shazam’s “opposite number” villain, but he’s more like a corrupted version of Shazam than his polar opposite. In the comics, Shazam’s evil doppelganger was named Ibac. But his real name was even better: Stanley “Stinky” Printwhistle. He was a common thug granted powers by Satan, who offered him the chance to become a champion of evil, in exchange for his immortal soul.

Printwhistle gladly said yes, and whenever he spoke the magic word “IBAC”, he transformed from a skinny petty criminal into the musclebound villain. And just like Shazam, each of the letters in his name stand for something — I for Ivan the Terrible, C for Cesare Borgia, A for Attila the Hun, and C for Caligula. There is a less cheesy version in modern DC Comics, but we like the “Stinky” Printwhistle version better.

Mister Atom

One of the goofiest looking of the original Shazam! villains, Mister Atom was your classic sci-fi bad guy from the Atomic Age. He was basically a robot created by a mad scientist who powered him with atomic energy. Mister Atom became sentient and killed his creator, then decided he needed to rule the world. You know, typical stuff. A more modern version of the character appeared in the ’90s in the Power of Shazam series, in which Mister Mind controlled him. We want him in the Shazam! sequel, but only if it’s the classic goofy looking version.

The Crocodile Men

We actually catch a glimpse of the The Crocodile Men inside the Rock of Eternity in Shazam!, but that only left us wanting more. Herkimer, Jorrk, and Sylvester belong to a race of humanoid crocodiles from the planetoid Punkus, and they become Mister Mind’s enforcers of the Monster Society of Evil.

King Kull

Not to be confused with the Sword and Sorcery hero Kull the Conquero, King Kull is a prehistoric “beast man” who ruled the Submen race in 28,000 BC. The Submen were savage, but also technologically advanced (think Star Trek’s Klingons). They ruled humanity until they were overthrown in a revolt thousands of years ago, and King Kull was placed in suspended animation till the 20th Century. He awoke and joined the Monster Society of Evil.

Captain Nazi

Now more than ever, we would like to see a despicable Nazi bad guy in a movie, so the righteous thundering fists of Shazam and knock them right across the teeth. It would be cathartic for everyone. Albrecht Krieger received powers from Hitler in World War II, and was subsequently frozen to organize the 4th Reich in modern day. Boy would we would like to see Shazam kick his ass on screen.

Images: DC Comics / Warner Brothers


The post 5 SHAZAM! Villains We Want to See in the Sequel appeared first on Nerdist.

April 9, 2019

5 SHAZAM! Villains We Want to See in the Sequel

Warning! Spoilers For Shazam! Throughout!

In Shazam!‘s post credits stinger, the evil little worm known as Mister Mind appeared. And in Shazam! comics, wherever Mister Mind is, his Monster Society of Evil is usually near, with plenty of villains in tow.

Over the decades, the Monster Society has included dozens and dozen of villains–even Hitler and Mussolini were members at one point! (they probably won’t go there in a movie.) A film would have to narrow things down a bit. But aside from Mister Mind and Sivana, who should make the cut? Here are our top picks for five members of the Shazam rogue’s gallery we think should join up for the sequel. And no, Superman ain’t one of ’em.


Fans like to think that Black Adam is Shazam’s “opposite number” villain, but he’s more like a corrupted version of Shazam than his polar opposite. In the comics, Shazam’s evil doppelganger was named Ibac. But his real name was even better: Stanley “Stinky” Printwhistle. He was a common thug granted powers by Satan, who offered him the chance to become a champion of evil, in exchange for his immortal soul.

Printwhistle gladly said yes, and whenever he spoke the magic word “IBAC”, he transformed from a skinny petty criminal into the musclebound villain. And just like Shazam, each of the letters in his name stand for something — I for Ivan the Terrible, C for Cesare Borgia, A for Attila the Hun, and C for Caligula. There is a less cheesy version in modern DC Comics, but we like the “Stinky” Printwhistle version better.

Mister Atom

One of the goofiest looking of the original Shazam! villains, Mister Atom was your classic sci-fi bad guy from the Atomic Age. He was basically a robot created by a mad scientist who powered him with atomic energy. Mister Atom became sentient and killed his creator, then decided he needed to rule the world. You know, typical stuff. A more modern version of the character appeared in the ’90s in the Power of Shazam series, in which Mister Mind controlled him. We want him in the Shazam! sequel, but only if it’s the classic goofy looking version.

The Crocodile Men

We actually catch a glimpse of the The Crocodile Men inside the Rock of Eternity in Shazam!, but that only left us wanting more. Herkimer, Jorrk, and Sylvester belong to a race of humanoid crocodiles from the planetoid Punkus, and they become Mister Mind’s enforcers of the Monster Society of Evil.

King Kull

Not to be confused with the Sword and Sorcery hero Kull the Conquero, King Kull is a prehistoric “beast man” who ruled the Submen race in 28,000 BC. The Submen were savage, but also technologically advanced (think Star Trek’s Klingons). They ruled humanity until they were overthrown in a revolt thousands of years ago, and King Kull was placed in suspended animation till the 20th Century. He awoke and joined the Monster Society of Evil.

Captain Nazi

Now more than ever, we would like to see a despicable Nazi bad guy in a movie, so the righteous thundering fists of Shazam and knock them right across the teeth. It would be cathartic for everyone. Albrecht Krieger received powers from Hitler in World War II, and was subsequently frozen to organize the 4th Reich in modern day. Boy would we would like to see Shazam kick his ass on screen.

Images: DC Comics / Warner Brothers


The post 5 SHAZAM! Villains We Want to See in the Sequel appeared first on Nerdist.

April 8, 2019


For those visiting our blog for the first time, ‘round these parts “N.O.C.” stands for Nerds Of Color (or Non-Official-Cover if you’ve just rewatched the first Mission: Impossible film). It’s a term of inclusivity that we wear with pride. And because part of our nerdy duties include ingesting a lot of TV, movies, and Twitter, […]

April 8, 2019

‘Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy’ puts a Spin on the Ip Man Franchise

In terms of action films, once the name Ip Man is said, those in the know, know, it can’t possibly get any more trill. Donnie Yen carved out a new path in martial arts films with his portrayal of Bruce Lee’s teacher, Ip Man. Listen, Ip Man hands so good that even those who took an L from him can get a movie of their own. Which brings us to Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy. After a behind closed doors battle, where Ip Man put all the hands on him, Wing Chun master Cheung Tin Chi (Zhang Jin aka Max Zhang) has pulled out of the spotlight for a simpler life.

Cheung Tin Chi now leads a light moonlighting as a mercenary for hire, that he gives up as well, and a grocery store owner. Though Cheung may have tried to leave the world of martial arts, the fight hasn’t left him. A chance encounter with Julia (Liu Yan) and her friend Nana (Chrissie Chau) fleeing the wrath of a gangster Tso Sai Kit (Kevin Cheng) and Cheung’s intervention lead to an ordeal that’s going to bring them hands back out.

The Crouching Tiger Back

Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy

Michelle Yeoh comes through as Kwan, older sister of Kit and the leader of the gang. Yo, Michelle Yeoh came through just to steal scenes in this movie man. All you need to know is she is trying to make things legit and have her syndicate give up crime, but her kid brother is making that shit dumb hard. I loved seeing Yeoh in this. She plays her character so well. Where Zhang Jin has an aloof charm, Michelle Yeoh has a very extremely stoic charming to her character.

Though the story moves very fast and the fights scenes didn’t have the same emotional build and climax as Ip Man’s, what I do appreciate is how women have a more prominent role in this martial arts film. Yeoh, Yan, and Chau add more to the film by being women that have their own depth and portion of the story, especially seeing them fight and hold their own.

Bigger than Catching them Hands

Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy

Aside from the action and gang activity taking place, I found that the bigger story that shines in this movie is the British influence on the citizens portrayed in the film. We see how far corruption and misuse of police force is handled through the Brits. This is something Ip Man had shined some light on as well with foreigners looking down on Chinese citizens. I liked this element being looked at through the film, and we see more of this in the entertainment district as well. White male sailors being ashore and taking part in the nightlife in a very aggressive and indulgent way. The entertainers having to put pride aside in order to make money in dealing with these types says a lot of the time period this takes place in.

While it ain’t hard to tell that as a spin-off of the Ip Man series, Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy is different from its predecessor. There is room for improvement but with the women having a more prominent role and Zhang Jin being an aloof yet cute charmer, it’d be of interest to see just where this spin-off could go from here.

Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy hits theaters on April 12, 2019.

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April 8, 2019

New Podcast! Nipsey’s Last Hustle; Endgame Tix on Sale; Peele’s Twilight; Akira News-MWIR 7pm

The Mid Week in Review airs 4.3.19

The Mid Week in Review airs every Wednesday at 7pm eastern. It's an integral part of the Afronerd Radio engine and it's steered by your favorite podcast stewards,  Capt. Kirk, Daryll B. and Dburt.  The topics up for grabs this evenining are:  our thoughts about the execution style killing of hip hop artist and entrepreneur. Nipsey Hussle; Avengers: Endgame (3 hours runtime?) tickets are officially on sale and available (if you're lucky); Jordan Peele's Twilight Zone reboot debuted this week, courtesy of CBS All Access; Thor: Ragnarock director, Taika Waititi has been tapped to helm the live action version of the Anime classic, Akira and it looks like it will NOT be a white washed project (whew!); we never did talk about Netflix' Love, Death and Robots or On My Block S2...we will this time!; we also forgot to talk about the Gotham/Batman prequel, Pennyworth TV series trailer;  filmmaker, Jim Jarmusch (Ghost Dog!) has a zombie mocie starring Bill Murray, Danny Glover, Steve Buscemi and Adam Driver? The Dead Don't Die...Dburt is intrigued to say the least...dammit Iggy Pop and RZA?;  please don't tell me that Joaquin Phoenix' Joker might be yet another DC film that surprises and surpasses audience expectations;  Lastly, does Marvel have something cooking for the Deathlok character? Movie? Disney+? Call LIVE at  646-915-9620.

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