
We’re not saying it’s possible for us to be more excited to see a Keanu Reeves’ character on the big screen this year more than John Wick, we’re just saying his character in Toy Story 4 at least has us asking the question, especially after the newest commercial for the animated film introduces us to Canada’s greatest stuntman and popular ’70s toy, Duke Caboom. He’s an action figure who can’t exactly deliver on the “action” part, but he sure can pose.

This delightful ad is our best look yet at the new Reeves-voiced toy. “Riding his powerful Caboom stunt-cycle, Duke is always prepared to show off his stunt poses with confidence and swagger,” but that’s about all he can do. As Woody finds out soon after after meeting him, “Duke has an Achilles heel: he has never been able to do the awesome stunts advertised in his own toy commercial,” and “for years, Duke has been sitting in an antique store, constantly reliving the failures of his tragic past.”

We know Keanu Reeves lived in Toronto as a kid, which is why we assume that after hockey and Alanis Morissette he’s the country’s export, so having him voice a famous Canadian stuntman is a fantastic choice on its own. But hearing him play a super silly toy full of false bravado and doubt is genuinely inspired. Despite being one of the stars of Bill & Ted, somehow Reeves’ comedic sensibilities have always been underappreciated.

So are we more excited to see Duke Caboom and his inability to do cool stunts this year more than we are the ultimate action hero John Wick? Probably not, but it’s pretty revealing we’re even thinking about it

But if we find out Duke also loves dogs all bets are off.

Toy Story 4 leaps into theaters on June 20.

Featured Image: Disney Pixar

The post Meet TOY STORY 4’s Canadian Stuntman Played by Keanu Reeves appeared first on Nerdist.

May 2, 2019

Meet TOY STORY 4’s Canadian Stuntman Played by Keanu Reeves

We’re not saying it’s possible for us to be more excited to see a Keanu Reeves’ character on the big screen this year more than John Wick, we’re just saying his character in Toy Story 4 at least has us asking the question, especially after the newest commercial for the animated film introduces us to Canada’s greatest stuntman and popular ’70s toy, Duke Caboom. He’s an action figure who can’t exactly deliver on the “action” part, but he sure can pose.

This delightful ad is our best look yet at the new Reeves-voiced toy. “Riding his powerful Caboom stunt-cycle, Duke is always prepared to show off his stunt poses with confidence and swagger,” but that’s about all he can do. As Woody finds out soon after after meeting him, “Duke has an Achilles heel: he has never been able to do the awesome stunts advertised in his own toy commercial,” and “for years, Duke has been sitting in an antique store, constantly reliving the failures of his tragic past.”

We know Keanu Reeves lived in Toronto as a kid, which is why we assume that after hockey and Alanis Morissette he’s the country’s export, so having him voice a famous Canadian stuntman is a fantastic choice on its own. But hearing him play a super silly toy full of false bravado and doubt is genuinely inspired. Despite being one of the stars of Bill & Ted, somehow Reeves’ comedic sensibilities have always been underappreciated.

So are we more excited to see Duke Caboom and his inability to do cool stunts this year more than we are the ultimate action hero John Wick? Probably not, but it’s pretty revealing we’re even thinking about it

But if we find out Duke also loves dogs all bets are off.

Toy Story 4 leaps into theaters on June 20.

Featured Image: Disney Pixar

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May 2, 2019

Y’all Cute: Meet The Black Couples From Season 9 Of Married At First Sight In Charlotte

Married at First Sight cast Season 9

Source: JCM Photography- Asheville, NC / JCM Photography

Season 8 of Married at First Sight in Philly may have just come to a close, but it’s already time to prepare for a new season and four new couples. That’s right, Lifetime is sticking with four couples instead of the traditional three after the success of this last season. Just like the previous season, there are two African-American pairs featured again, but this time around, the search for love and marriage continues in Charlotte, North Carolina. Here are the stories behind the individuals matched to be married at first sight.

The first couple consists of 27-year-old Keith Manley and Iris Caldwell, who is also 27.
Keith is a Greensboro native who believes that family is the most important thing in life. Divorce, for him, is not an option, and he looks up to his grandparents, married 55 years, parents, married almost 30 years, and Jay-Z and Beyoncé, married 11 years, as marital role models. He is aware that marriage requires a great deal of communication and work, and he’s ready to do it. He’s also ready to become a father “immediately.” His ultimate hope is to find a partner he can build and grow an empire with, à la Bey and Jay.

We’ll see if he will find his queen bee with Raleigh native Iris. Raised an only child, she doesn’t have married couples she is inspired by because her parents divorced when she was young. However, she is excited for the opportunity to possibly be matched with someone she can not only pour into, but have pour back into her, as she is known for giving so much of herself to help those in her life. She hopes to be supported and uplifted.

Also interesting about Iris is the fact that she is a virgin. She has been saving herself specifically for marriage, and looks forward to giving all of herself to the right man — hopefully her future husband. (Should be an interesting honeymoon episode.)

Married at First Sight cast Season 9

Source: JCM Photography- Asheville, NC / JCM Photography

Married at First Sight cast Season 9

Source: JCM Photography- Asheville, NC / JCM Photography

The second couple we’ll be watching out for is Gregory Okotie, 32, and 30-year-old Deonna McNeill.

Gregory is a transplant to Charlotte, primarily raised in Fort Washington, MD in a single-parent household. He is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) lover who is strong in faith, successful, and heavily involved in his church. Gregory is also more than ready to find love and start a family after years of being on the move traveling and going through failed relationships. He is confident that the success he’s seen some of the couples have on MAFS, he too will have, and is willing to put in the work to ensure that happens.

His match is Deonna, who was raised by both of her parents and considers family to be everything. Like Gregory, she has reached success in her career. Deonna is a homeowner, has done a great deal of traveling and has a tight-knit group of friends and family, but she too feels as though she’s missing something by not being married and having her own family. She is open and willing to try whatever is necessary to succeed with the experiment because she trusts the experts and is confident in her leap of faith.

Married at First Sight cast Season 9

Source: JCM Photography- Asheville, NC / JCM Photography

Married at First Sight cast Season 9

Source: JCM Photography- Asheville, NC / JCM Photography

These are some good-looking people, but we’ll have to wait and see if that actually translates to compatibility.

Season 9 of Married at First Sight in Charlotte premieres on Wednesday, June 12 at 8 p.m. with the matchmaking special. The two-hour premiere follows at 9 p.m. EST/PST on Lifetime.

May 2, 2019

Review: ‘The Intruder’ Is A Horror Film with a Great Central Hook

The Intruder is more than a “break-in” film. It’s a homage to the thriller/horror genre.

But if it had to be classified, ultimately if Amityville Horror (1979) and Peeping Tom (1960) had a baby, this would be it.

The film follows Annie and Scott, a young married couple played by Meagan Good and Michael Ealy, as they move from the city to a gorgeous new house surrounded by acres of wooded land in Napa Valley, California. Previous owner Charlie, played by Dennis Quaid, decides to sell to the couple but has a hard time (understatement) letting go. Directed by Deon Taylor, The Intruder is a good time in the theater.

It’s not so much an original film as a different perspective. The protagonists are Black, which creates a different type of story, for sure. At first, everything seems good. Then, there’s a gradual shift as you learn things aren’t as hunky-dory as they seem. Like true horror movie fashion for films about a house, this one has a history that our new owners know nothing about it. Hence the Amityville Horror reference, which itself was about a house with a horrible past that comes to bite the new owners in the butt.

Dennis Quaid becomes the peeper that will give you nightmares. What starts off innocent or merely quirky escalates to enraged moments that channel The Shining and the landlord in 13 Cameras. It’s a rollercoaster that keeps viewers on the edge of their seat. The audience is constantly guessing what Charlie will do next. They are also guessing what naive thing Annie will do or say, despite the advances of Charlie. The atmosphere created by director Deon Taylor manages to combine humor and horror in the best way.

This film is also reminiscent of The Strangers in the way it evokes fear and terror in the simplest ways. There are so many scenes in The Intruder when the audience sees Charlie lurking behind the couple and they have no idea. The suspense builds at the right moments and crescendos with the best twist. The audience is able to see the viewpoint of both the protagonists and antagonist of the story. The Intruder is exhilarating, scary, and fun.

The script, written by David Loughery, is smart and well written. Writing suspense is hard, but Loughery seems to know what he’s doing. One of the tricks to suspense is to give the main characters more than just one problem. For our couple in their new house, the problems keep piling up. What starts off as a loving couple getting jiggy to baby-making music turns into a cheating husband and Black Lives Matter topped off with a creepy, athletic, good-looking older American Psycho type obsessing over the house. The Intruder has a great central hook. The basic idea of buying a house and having the previous owner linger around far too long is a first buyer’s nightmare. There’s also the creepiness of a house with so many windows in a dense wood area people are bound to be spying on you.

The Intruder isn’t perfect. It has its cheesy moments real-life cheesy, but cheesy nonetheless. You can see that Meagan Good’s character Annie is the nice, albeit naive, young woman who strangers like Quaid’s character Charlie prey upon. Annie’s role is reminiscent of the main character in the film The Resident. She makes some really bad decisions to the point where theatergoers will yell at the screen at her foolishness. At least, that’s what happened at the early screenings of this film. There were people screaming at the screen and commenting with gasps and clapbacks. Listen to the audience, and you can tell when a character is making too many mistakes.

Conversely, the audience will let you know when there’s something right. Dennis Quaid is the bad guy we never thought would be so terrifying. Let the nightmares begin. Quaid channels so many different classic thriller moments, you can’t help but scream out loud in the theater or jump in anticipation. Loughery and Taylor have created a really good villain. He’s not perfect. One scene, where he practices something the rest of us do naturally, could easily have been cut. But, goodness gracious, for a man who has played mostly good guys like the dad in the Parent Trap, this is a side of Dennis Quaid we haven’t seen before. It’s both praiseworthy and look-under-your-bed terrifying. You will be surprised by how well he finds his inner villain. It even goes beyond his creepy psychotic mortician role in Beneath the Darkness.

If you’re into horror, The Intruder is a lot of fun. It’s got some kinks, but overall it’s a good genre film. Be sure to see The Intruder in theaters May 3, 2019.

The post Review: ‘The Intruder’ Is A Horror Film with a Great Central Hook appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

May 1, 2019

How AVENGERS: ENDGAME Sets Up Marvel’s Disney+ Shows

While we have a foggy idea of what the future holds for the MCU on the big screen, recent announcements for upcoming Marvel shows on Disney+ make a lot more sense after Avengers: Endgame. Keeping in mind the events from the films, here’s how we think the conclusion of Phase 4 (obviously discounting Spider-Man Far From Home) sets up the basic premises for the many Disney+ series heading our way within the next year.


One of things that had folks scratching their heads about the announcement of a Tom Hiddleston Loki series was the fact that Thanos killed him in Infinity War – and that was well before the Snap. But Endgame showed us that thanks to the Avenger’s “time heist,” Loki got away with the Tesseract in an alternate 2012. That means the Loki series could follow a different path. Does he turn the stone over to Thanos? Keep it for himself? Endgame opened up a world of possibilities for the character, all without undoing his redemption arc in Infinity War.


Although every hero that got snapped away came back for the big battle at the climax of Endgame, characters that died before the snap like Vision did not. So how is that going to work? During the closing moments of the film, we see Clint and Wanda bonding over their recent losses. Wanda tells Clint that she believes that Vision knows that they won, and she’s not just being spiritual. We think this is a hint that Shuri completed her work downloading Vision’s consciousness before the snap, and now Wanda will go to any length to resurrect him, even if he’s not exactly the same man as before.

What If?

When Marvel announced an animated series based on the What If? comics, we just thought it was a fun nod to that old Marvel staple. But with the Avengers having created two or more branching realities, this show could explore those possibilities. Cap went back in time to marry Peggy, but did he stop Hydra from infiltrating SHIELD, and free Bucky from their control? Heck, did he stop real world tragedies he knew were coming? With the multiverse in play now, we might even see the old Jane Foster becomes Thor story. Endgame sets up a lot of possibilities for this series.

Falcon and the Winter Soldier

At the conclusion Endgame, old Steve Rogers gives Sam Wilson his shield, telling him that it is his job to be the new Captain America. And Bucky seems completely okay with this idea, probably realizing his past makes him unworthy of the title. But the new show is called FALCON and the Winter Soldier. Might Sam find himself reluctant to take on the mantle of Cap, despite the title being bestowed on him by Steve Rogers himself?  We think that Endgame is setting up a longer journey for Sam Wilson from Falcon to Captain.


Hawkeye took it on the chin harder than anyone in Infinity War and Endgame, losing his entire family due to Thanos’ snap. He then became the vigilante Ronin, going around the world and killing members of the Yakuza and drug cartels alike. But now that he’s got his life back, how will Clint Barton seek to redeem himself for his past actions as the sword wielding killer? By training a newer and younger Hawkeye in the form of teenage archer Kate Bishop, he can set her on a better path than the one he ultimately went down. Now that Endgame has shown us what he became, we know Clint Barton has a lot to do to erase that stain on his legacy.

Images: Marvel Studios

The post How AVENGERS: ENDGAME Sets Up Marvel’s Disney+ Shows appeared first on Nerdist.

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