
Women World Awards 2004

Source: Franziska Krug / Getty

The news of a Whitney Houston hologram tour being in the works has been met with mixed feelings from fans, but not from her family. Houston’s cousin Dionne Warwick isn’t too fond of the idea.

“I haven’t a clue as to what that is. It’s surprising to me,” she told  Entertainment Tonight on Thursday. “I don’t know what it is. I think it’s stupid, but whatever it is that’s what it is.”

It was announced earlier this week that Houston’s sister-in-law, Pat Houston, has signed a deal with Primary Wave Music Publishing to work on the hologram tour as well as an album of unreleased music. Houston told The New York Times that a musical featuring her hits. is also being developed. Primary Wave will now acquire 50 percent of Whitney Houston’s estate’s assets.

Pat Houston, who is the executor of Whitney Houston’s estate, feels that this is best time to remind the world of the late singer’s greatness since her legacy was tarnished due to her drug abuse.

“The hologram has taken precedence over everything,” Houston said. “Before she passed, there was so much negativity around the name; it wasn’t about the music anymore. People had forgotten how great she was. They let all the personal things about her life outweigh why they fell in love with her in the first place.”

The hologram will perform hits like “I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)” and “The Greatest Love of All.”

May 25, 2019

Dionne Warwick Thinks The Whitney Houston Hologram Tour Is A ‘Stupid’ Idea

Women World Awards 2004

Source: Franziska Krug / Getty

The news of a Whitney Houston hologram tour being in the works has been met with mixed feelings from fans, but not from her family. Houston’s cousin Dionne Warwick isn’t too fond of the idea.

“I haven’t a clue as to what that is. It’s surprising to me,” she told  Entertainment Tonight on Thursday. “I don’t know what it is. I think it’s stupid, but whatever it is that’s what it is.”

It was announced earlier this week that Houston’s sister-in-law, Pat Houston, has signed a deal with Primary Wave Music Publishing to work on the hologram tour as well as an album of unreleased music. Houston told The New York Times that a musical featuring her hits. is also being developed. Primary Wave will now acquire 50 percent of Whitney Houston’s estate’s assets.

Pat Houston, who is the executor of Whitney Houston’s estate, feels that this is best time to remind the world of the late singer’s greatness since her legacy was tarnished due to her drug abuse.

“The hologram has taken precedence over everything,” Houston said. “Before she passed, there was so much negativity around the name; it wasn’t about the music anymore. People had forgotten how great she was. They let all the personal things about her life outweigh why they fell in love with her in the first place.”

The hologram will perform hits like “I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)” and “The Greatest Love of All.”

May 25, 2019

Runaways #21 Cuts To The Chase

Writer: Rainbow Rowell / Artist: Andres Genolet / Marvel

If last week focused on the mundane, this week things get emotional! Rainbow Rowell is beginning to dive deep into the psyche of our young heroes with jaw-dropping, tear-jerking, exquisitely illustrated moments by Andres Genolet. I have to stop myself from marveling over these panels because this new artist has hit the ground running with Usain Bolt strides and I couldn’t be happier. He seems to be keeping Kris Anka’s “thick thighs take lives” energy by drawing stunning women of all sizes. Here for it.

First off, huge round of applause for Chase Stein: First of his name, The Innovative Fix-It Man, Grocery Shopping Maven, Child Whisperer, Engineer Elite, Man Bun Zaddy and Protector of the Squad. My guy out here putting the whole team on his back, flexing like Atlas! He throwin’ domesticated numbers up on the board and getting digits thrown at him like Westbrook in triple double mode.

It’s unbelievable how good of a guy he’s become! Rowell is making my a Chase Stan — which I have zero problems with, but the way this issue ends for him just breaks my heart.

Big ups to Rowell for introducing therapy into one of these young adults’ lives. It’s a no-brainier that one of them would result to licensed therapy after everything they’ve been through, and it’s good for that to be seen by readers of all ages. The snapshot of Karolina’s session was so real that I couldn’t help but feel for our usual ray of sunshine. What really struck me, though, was Genolet’s ability.The scene is portrayed such a classic comic book fashion, while still making it the artist’s own. In a positive way, it gave me wild Heroes In Crisis vibes. Despite how you and the rest of the world feels about the ending, you probably enjoyed the visual ride leading up to that final issue bomb drop.

Molly is still in a teenage funk. Disheartening to see this young ball of beaming joy in such a melancholic, vulnerable position. Leave it to Chase to end this depression-filled moment in Princess Powerful’s life, yet still wind up getting the short end of the stick.

Chase gets deaded on the regular bathroom, forcing him to resort to the creepy bathroom where he happens upon that tragic ending from last issue. What he ultimately discovers is something far worse, and very well may drive a wedge between the family he just swore to protect. Genolet has added a slick new look to this comic, while Rowell keeps the Eisner Award-nominated hits coming.

8 ‘Your Dinosaur Would Eat a Pony’ Clapbacks out of 10

The post Runaways #21 Cuts To The Chase appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

May 25, 2019

Grindhouse Pt.2 for the Mid Week & More: CNN’s Baby Race, Spidey 2-Wed @#7pm ET

The Mid Week in Review Airs 5.8.19

Making it PLAIN!  Per usual, we overloaded the Afronerd Radio Engine from this past Sunday's podcast, so we intend to continue the conversation for this Wednesday's Mid Week in Review (MWIR) airing at 7pm eastern.  Additional topics up for grabs are: noted progressive cable news channel, CNN appears to have "stepped in something" due to their prurient curiosity over the race of Prince Harry and Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle's newborn child and raising the ire of former Afronerd guest and CNN journalist, Soledad O'brien;  what about that Avengers: Endgame spoilerific  Spiderman: Far From Home trailer that hit the internets?;  Netflix taps South African Triggerfish animation studios for their all girl spy team cartoon, Mama K's Team 4 for their streaming service; one of Dburt's favorite writers, J. Michael Straczynski returns to comics and Marvel no less; and speaking of Marvel, their prospective release schedule up to 2022 was announced; AI can graphically create fake humans with mind boggling accuracy (we should all be very afraid) and lastly, we will cover additional breaking stories in the pop/pulp and political realms if time permits.  Call LIVE at 646-915-9620.

May 25, 2019

Shuri #8 Review

Writer: Nnedi Okorafor / Artists: Rachael Scott & Carlos Lopez / Marvel

“Don’t Stall!” “I Never Stall.”

You know when you forget something and it messes up your plans, so now you gotta retrace your steps before everything else falls like a domino effect? Shuri’s going through the same thing, y’all. Her memories are linked to her powers as The Black Panther, and an extremely important memory was wiped clean. I’m not gonna lie to you, it took everything in me to not say: “that’s a hot metaphor, let’s unpack” like the literature analyzer that I am. Well, I’m here to tell you that once again I lacked the power to resist (I probably never will, either). So, “let’s unpack”.

Erasure and Our Connection to Spirituality

Consider this: one constant throughout modern times is the erasure of black history and its contributions to society. The American public school system narrows it down to a couple of warped excerpts from the speeches of “acceptable” civil rights leaders to support the inclusion of whiteness in the function of daily life. In turn, this tends to separate our reality from the importance of our history and our links to future improvements as a culture. Shuri begins to lose the flexibility of her powers — the sturdiness and ability to shape-shift her flesh — after her loss of connection with an important memory which ignited that power of the suit. Her search to regain that memory in the spiritual realm is her attempt at reversing such an erasure.

Shuri #8 connects spirituality to the past. From the Baobab tree to the lost village, what unifies these experiences? Why does it affect the characters’ perceptions and abilities in “the now”? Erasure takes on different forms. Wanting to ignore our memories or our history, it follows us annoyingly in our own heads and later projecting itself before our eyes. I love how Shuri’s series never fails to remind us the importance of spirituality in this way. What we might have forgotten is not lost, but rather to be searched for. Certain relics before us have the ability to ignite memories and keep in touch with the spiritual realm, to serve as a meeting point across various generations (i.e.: the Baobab tree). These meeting points allow us to take on different abilities (i.e. shape-shifting in Shuri), and analyze the connections within our own experiences for application our daily lives.

Our Faded Connections

At times these memories haunt us, transforming into different entities that take over our well-being. Being in touch with them can open up both previous trauma and ways that were used to escape it. Not all memories bring back joy. Sometimes they hold us hostage. I feel like this comic was in tune with that sentiment. Shuri #8 opened my eyes to the fact that our own memories our sometimes the villain in our story. We can’t always overpower them and we may not be able to vocalize them, there are people to help us (…did Shuri #8 give me a lesson or two on how to deal with depressive episodes? Probably.) The Okorafor-Scott-Lopez team took us on a journey through quips, colors, and famous tunes to help readers come to terms with combating erasure on our own spiritual journeys.

9.3 Spirit Bombs out of 10

Reading Shuri #8? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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The post Shuri #8 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

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