
E3 isn’t just about the lucky few people who descend on Los Angeles to be the first to play the latest and greatest upcoming video games. It’s about all of us together online […]

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June 9, 2019

Watch These E3 2019 Video Game Trailers

E3 isn’t just about the lucky few people who descend on Los Angeles to be the first to play the latest and greatest upcoming video games. It’s about all of us together online […]

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June 9, 2019

Things We Saw Today: The Cast of One Day At a Time Still Wants To #SaveODAAT

The cancelation of One Day At a Time came as a blow to fans and critics. A campaign to save the show, using the hashtag #SaveODAAT, spread across the Internet, as the fandom spoke of the show’s importance and expressed why it deserved a fourth season. While there has been no movement on that front for a while, at least the show’s creatives and cast are still holding out hope that the show can come back.

“All I can say is that there’s hope — there’s not not hope,” said showrunner Mike Royce at a panel at the ATX Television Festival as reported by Deadline. “I’ve been through three ‘save our show’ campaigns — they didn’t work. This is beyond miracle status. We just need to make sure it works out. We’re talking and we hope to have news sooner rather than later.”

In a video message record for the panel, star Isabella Gomez, she added “We are not dead yet Let these networks know you want us back!”

It’s nice to know that the showrunners and stars haven’t given up hope. The show is an uplifting, joyful, important piece of television, and it deserves to run far longer than for just three seasons. There’s more story to tell. So keep tweeting, keep pushing, and maybe we’ll get a miracle here, because the show deserved to come to an end on the writers’ terms.

Do you want to see One Day At a Time return? What network should pick it up?

(via Deadline, image: Netflix)

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June 9, 2019

Watch 14 Minutes of Stunning STAR WARS: JEDI FALLEN ORDER Gameplay

Ever since Respawn’s ambitious new Star Wars game was announced back in 2016, fans have been desperate to discover everything that they can about the newest addition to the ever-sprawling canon. At Star Wars: Celebration, we got our first look at Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, as well as the backstory and motivations of protagonist Cal Kestis (Gotham’s Cameron Monaghan.) On Saturday morning at EA Play, the first event of this year’s E3 Expo, we got our biggest look yet with almost 15 minutes of incredible gameplay that gave us a huge insight into the upcoming game.

If you’re reading this then you probably know all about Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, but in case you’re just discovering the game, it is a single-player action adventure game that takes place in the wake of Order 66 and the events of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith during a time where the Jedi are being hunted down and systematically murdered.  You play as Cal Kestis, a Jedi on the run, who takes on the Empire with the aid of his Force powers and some unexpected allies. “Three hours after the game starts, Cal has built himself up, he’s no longer a lowly padawan but he’s not a Jedi,” according to the livestream.

The live gameplay demo took us to the wartorn Wookiee planet of Kashyyk as Cal teams up with Saw Gerrera, the radical rebel from Rogue One, who sends the young Jedi on a mission to save the Wookiees who have been enslaved by the Empire and forced to cut down wroshyr trees the resin to create “a powerful compound.” We saw a variety of Force powers, ranging from opening doors to creating bridges by pushing over obstacles to Force pushing enemies into one another. It’s a Star Wars game, so there’s also some satisfying lightsaber action with Cal wielding his own blue blade to slice through unsuspecting stormtroopers and Kashyyk’s “multilayered deathtrap” ecosystem.

There are plenty of deep-cut Star Wars references featured in the gameplay demo, including a sequence in which Cal is battling snarling Wyyyschokk, giant Kashyykian spiders that first featured in the Jedi Academy series, before being brought into contemporary canon in The Force Awakens novelization. We also got our best look yet at the newly created Purge Troopers who are under the control of the Inquisitors and Second Sister, one of the game’s major villains who you might recognize from the Star Wars comics. Clad in black armor, these intimidating enemies wield massive quarterstaffs that emanate a sinister purple energy at either end. However, the most exciting inclusion of all is Cal’s droid bud BD-1, who rides on his back like a little robot Yoda and can help provide important environmental information and hack into Imperial technology to help you navigate your surroundings.

The creators were quick to explain that the game is completely canon and the characters “will live in other places.” It seems like the game won’t give the usual choice from Star Wars games of being able to choose the light side or the dark but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be light… as Cal is doing a whole lot of killing in the sequence we saw.

We will continue to report on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order as the story develops. The game will release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC on November 15, 2019. Be sure to stay tuned to Nerdist all week long for the latest stories coming out of this year’s E3.

Images: EA, Lucasfilm

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June 8, 2019

The 12 Best Types of Donuts, Ranked

Jonas Salk. Nikola Tesla. Marie Curie. Alexander Fleming. Thomas Edison. These are some of the individuals whose discoveries changed the world forever, making life better for all mankind. Among them stands another, someone whose name has been lost to time despite serving no less an important role in our planet’s history: they found a way to make eating cake for breakfast acceptable. We speak of the person who made donuts a breakfast staple. (As well as a lunch, dinner, and “any time of day snack” staple.) In honor of them and National Doughnut Day, here is the definitive and indisputably accurate ranking of the twelve best types of donuts.

Note: Number 13 was the donut you think should have made the list. Yup, that specific donut you’re furious didn’t make it juuuust missed. Like it was cut by that person in the office who keeps slicing all the donuts into way too small pieces so everyone can “share” instead of anyone being happy.

12. Powdered

Powdered sugar makes everything better, except for your shirt and face. No one would ever turn down a powdered donut, nor should they (especially mini ones which are far more enjoyable than their normal sized brethren), but they cause quite a mess. We don’t need to look like Tony Montana at eight in the morning.

11. Strawberry Frosted

Probably the most “childish” donut thanks to its unnatural pink color (frequently accompanied by sprinkles), you can look like a big goober eating one. Sooooo what? It’s like eating a round cupcake, and no one would side-eye you for that just because it was pink. Sometimes you just want something super sweet and delicious, no matter your age, and if you think you’re too good for a strawberry frosted donut you were probably a hall monitor.

10. Jelly

Our first huge surprise is that one of the most iconic donuts of them all, a staple of every donut shop and a must-have member of any dozen purchased for an office, the jelly donut comes in at only number ten. It’s not an indictment on the quality of the donut, easily the best (and only truly good) jam-filled donut, but rather that it’s not better than any donut above it based on its merits and not its reputation. Plus it’s often the victim of over and under filling, because the perfect ratio of filling-to-donut is hard to master, and its floor is lower than its ceiling is high.

9. Blueberry Glazed

A regular blueberry donut is fine. It’s fine. But a glazed version is the only way to go. It’s crispy yet soft, sweet yet….well it’s still really sweet even with the fruit. It’s not like the blueberries make it especially healthy, but we’re not worried about things like “calories” or “living a long life” when we’re digging through a box of donuts.

8. Chocolate Frosted

It’s chocolate icing on a donut. What else do you need, not just in a donut but in life?

7. Old Fashioned

If someone served you a plain cake you’d have them arrested, and yet a crispy, delicious old fashioned donut is wonderful all on its own. It’s also all we want sometimes for one very specific reason – it’s perfect for dunking in coffee or milk. Without icing or frosting they aren’t as sweet as other donuts obviously, but sometimes that’s exactly what you want, and if you get one that’s especially light and fluffy it’s fantastic even without dunking it in anything.

6. Maple Frosted

The most “mature” of the frosted donut family, the maple donut is still just as sweet and wonderful as all the others icings. That said, it’s also a flavor you don’t get a chance to enjoy as often (unless you live in Canada or a tree in Vermont). You run into vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry icing all the damn time, but maple isn’t as ubiquitous despite being delicious, which is another reason it’s the best frosted donut. It fills a desperate dessert-need in our life.

5. French Cruller

The most distinct doughnut in terms of texture. The French cruller (which is glazed and far, far superior to a boring old plain cruller) is crunchy on the outside and flaky on the inside. A real delight for the senses. It’s also one of the most satisfying to dunk in milk. All of that plus its unbeatable taste mean I might actually have ranked it too low.

4. Apple Fritter

It’s almost like someone said, “People might think a doughnut made with apples won’t taste good, so slather it in icing and make it look enormous and messy so they know it isn’t.” That captures the beauty of this chewy delight.

3. Glazed

The true baseline test of any donut shop’s worth is the glazed donut. Its beauty lies in its simplicity. It’s a soft, light donut dipped in a honey glaze, that if done correctly will have you asking important personal questions like, “How many donuts can I eat before I’m a bad person?” and “Could I afford all new pants?” A glazed donut is nearly a perfect food. Nearly.

2. Chocolate Glazed

It’s a glazed donut, but with chocolate. Now that’s perfection.

1. Boston Kreme

Soft and sweet, like a warm hug in your mouth, a Boston Kreme combines chocolate icing and a pudding filling. This is everything a doughnut can be all wrapped up into one treat. The only issue is that some donut shops overfill it, and others under fill it. We do prefer consistency in our consistency. It’s still number one though, because the ideal Boston Kreme, made to perfection with the right ratio of icing, donut, and filling, is the best you can have.

And thanks to one anonymous hero, the best part is you can have doughnuts for breakfast.

Featured Image: Baking a Moment/YouTube

The post The 12 Best Types of Donuts, Ranked appeared first on Nerdist.

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