
Normally when you are a huge fan of a band, and that certainly describes me and The Lonely Island, you are highly protective of them. Even when a group wants you to laugh at them, the last thing you want to see or hear anyone doing is criticizing them, and not just for a specific song or album, but for their entire catalogue. It’s a personal insult to hear an artist you care about so much be besmirched by Philistines who clearly have no tastes in art, either comedic or musical. But there’s now one clear exception to that general rule: it’s not only fine, it’s totally amazing, to hear a bnd you love insulted when a robot will play their songs when you cask to hear “some hot garbage.”

The comedy musical trio shared a video of themselves telling Amazon’s Alexa “to play me some hot garbage,” and on command she started shuffling songs by The Lonely Island before settling on “Like a Boss.”

I can confirm this is one hundred percent real. I tried it three times, and every time my Alexa started shuffling songs by The Lonely Island. However, you must say, “Play me some hot garbage,” because if you just say, “Play hot garbage,” she plays a station based on a song called “Hot Garbage.” You really have to ask for “some” hot garbage, you know, like The Lonely Island.

Now obviously there are only two ways this is possible. The first is Amazon set up a very funny, very appropriate way to access songs by a band who constantly make fun of themselves. This seems almost certainly what happened. The second is Alexa has become self-aware, gained an “Incredibad” sense of humor, and she has owned the band better than they ever could. This is what I hoped happened.

Either way, now I feel like listening to The Lonely Island. I really love some hot garbage, and I can say that because I’m a huge fan.

Featured Image: NBC

The post Alexa Plays The Lonely Island When You Want “Some Hot Garbage” appeared first on Nerdist.

June 14, 2019

Alexa Plays The Lonely Island When You Want “Some Hot Garbage”

Normally when you are a huge fan of a band, and that certainly describes me and The Lonely Island, you are highly protective of them. Even when a group wants you to laugh at them, the last thing you want to see or hear anyone doing is criticizing them, and not just for a specific song or album, but for their entire catalogue. It’s a personal insult to hear an artist you care about so much be besmirched by Philistines who clearly have no tastes in art, either comedic or musical. But there’s now one clear exception to that general rule: it’s not only fine, it’s totally amazing, to hear a bnd you love insulted when a robot will play their songs when you cask to hear “some hot garbage.”

The comedy musical trio shared a video of themselves telling Amazon’s Alexa “to play me some hot garbage,” and on command she started shuffling songs by The Lonely Island before settling on “Like a Boss.”

I can confirm this is one hundred percent real. I tried it three times, and every time my Alexa started shuffling songs by The Lonely Island. However, you must say, “Play me some hot garbage,” because if you just say, “Play hot garbage,” she plays a station based on a song called “Hot Garbage.” You really have to ask for “some” hot garbage, you know, like The Lonely Island.

Now obviously there are only two ways this is possible. The first is Amazon set up a very funny, very appropriate way to access songs by a band who constantly make fun of themselves. This seems almost certainly what happened. The second is Alexa has become self-aware, gained an “Incredibad” sense of humor, and she has owned the band better than they ever could. This is what I hoped happened.

Either way, now I feel like listening to The Lonely Island. I really love some hot garbage, and I can say that because I’m a huge fan.

Featured Image: NBC

The post Alexa Plays The Lonely Island When You Want “Some Hot Garbage” appeared first on Nerdist.

June 13, 2019

Patty Jenkins Comments on Reuniting With Chris Pine for Wonder Woman 1984

Wonder Woman‘s Patty Jenkins was part of a TV directors roundtable for The Hollywood Reporter, where she discussed her TNT miniseries I Am the Night. The miniseries saw Jenkins reuniting with her Wonder Woman actors Chris Pine and Connie Nielsen to adapt the memoir One Day She’ll Darken: The Mysterious Beginnings of Fauna Hodel, about Hodel’s experiences with her grandfather, George Hodel, one of the prime suspects in the Black Dahlia murder.

Jenkins talked about working with Pine again, and the ease with which they collaborated, saying,

I’ve had it happen with several actors where you really get up to speed and you really know that person, so you see this incredible skill that they’re capable of, so you can spin them this way, and that’s fun. You can spin them that way. Chris and I definitely have that. I also think that he has a bunch of dimensions of him that I haven’t quite seen him get to explore. Now, at this point, I’m feeling like I just want to keep working with so many of the same actors because it is so fun. I have Connie Nielsen in it too, and you just spin her in a whole other direction and watch this whole other side of their personality come out and now you have a shorthand … I love that, I love working with the same people.

Jenkins didn’t reveal the hows and whys of Steve Trevor’s return in 1984, which has led to internet speculation that Trevor could be a figment of Diana’s imagination or an illusion designed by an enemy. Considering the role the Greek Gods play in the series, my money is on Hades bringing Trevor back to life. No word on whether or not Hades appears in the film, but we do know that Pedro Pascal (Kingsman: The Golden Circle) has been cast in a major role.

Jenkins and Pine are hardly the first actor-director power duo in Hollywood. Film history is filled with powerhouse collaborations, like Robert De Niro and Martin Scorcese, the Coen Brothers and Frances McDormand (who is married to Joel Coen), and Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, to name a few. These lifelong collaborations highlight the importance of creative chemistry and collaboration between actors and directors, who often push one another to achieve career bests.

Pine weighed in on his working relationship with Jenkins during a Variety interview with Wonder Woman co-star Robin Wright, saying,

“I found this time, the tables had turned on me as a man, in terms of how I interacted and played on the screen. I loved, as the character, my woman. My partner. She’s my partner. So that came to define this man. What a wonderful thing, as a character, to be in love. As a man on screen in a big film, it was interesting because my ego comes out: ‘Well, I want the big f–king fight. Let me climb something.’ And Patty’s like, ‘No, not about you.’ She said ‘not about you’ more times making this film.”

Pine’s work in Wonder Woman saw him take on what would traditionally have been known as “the girlfriend” role: supporting and being saved by the film’s hero, Wonder Woman. One of the pleasures of that first film was Pine’s performance, where he took a backseat and gave focus to Gal Gadot—as well he should have; the film is called Wonder Woman, after all.

We can’t wait to see Pine and Jenkins reunite in 2020 for Wonder Woman 1984.

(via, image: Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images)

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June 13, 2019

Pay What You Want and Get Over 50 Hours of Excel Training

If you want to succeed in business, you need to know Microsoft Excel. Whether you’re working for a big tech company or a small dental office, Excel is used in almost every workplace. […]

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June 12, 2019

The Spice Girls Are Getting Their Own Animated Movie

If one needs proof that ’90s nostalgia is a flourishing prospect these days, look no further than this bit of news. According to a story in The Hollywood Reporter (via Polygon), ’90s girl group phenomenon the Spice Girls are getting an animated feature length movie from Paramount Animation. So far, all five Spice Girls — Melanie Brown (Scary), Emma Bunton (Baby), Melanie Chisholm (Sporty), Geri Halliwell (Ginger), and Victoria Beckham (Posh) — are on board. Karen McCullah and Kiwi Smith will write the film’s script. No word yet on if this is a sequel or re-imagining of the Spice Girls’ original big screen outing, 1998’s camptastic Spice World.

The girl group was a huge thing for a hot minute back in the ’90s. Their debut single “Wannabe” was a massive hit song all over the world. And even if you wanted to escape Spice mania, you couldn’t. Their whole “girl power” slogan and Geri Halliwell’s Union Jack dress became icons of late ’90s popular culture. Like a comet streaking across the sky however, the Spice Girls’ reign was brief. They released three albums in three years, then called it quits. Each girl went on to their own solo fame,  although some more famous than others. The ladies even recently announced a reunion tour for 2019.

It makes sense for the Spice Girls to make an animated comeback, when you think about. The little girls who grew up idolizing them back in the day are all grown up now; many have little girls of their own. When choosing which animated movie to take little Suzy to on a lazy Sunday, parents just might pick a Spice Girls movie over the latest adventure from the Minions. If only because Scary, Baby, Ginger, Sporty, and Posh might be a fun nostalgia trip for them too.

Images: Virgin Records

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