
Jay-Z is stepping in to help the Phoenix couple that was aggressively arrested by police when their daughter mistakenly walked outside a Dollar Store with a doll. According to, […]

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June 17, 2019

Jay-Z’s Roc Nation Offers Legal Support To Phoenix Family Involved In Brutal Police Incident

Jay-Z is stepping in to help the Phoenix couple that was aggressively arrested by police when their daughter mistakenly walked outside a Dollar Store with a doll. According to, […]

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June 17, 2019

Tim Story’s ‘Shaft’ Brilliantly Balances The Old-School With The New School

“I would tell this generation to stay ready, and to do the work.” –Richard Roundtree

New Line Cinema’s newest adaptation of Shaft, is back on the big screen in theaters this weekend, but this time around under the direction of Tim Story (Fantastic Four, Think Like A Man, Ride Along), the franchise starring Samuel L. Jackson, Jessie T. Usher, Regina Hall, Richard Roundtree and more has found a brilliant way of combining the “old-school” legacy of Shaft with a “new way” of fighting crime. John Shaft’s no-nonsense, street-style of fighting crime, coupled with JJ’s millennial political-correctness, cyber smarts and sensitive consideration for the humanity in others makes for an interesting, yet dynamic storyline that is sure to have create nostalgia for the original Shaft films, while instilling a newfound respect for the Shaft franchise in newer, millennial audiences.

JJ, aka John Shaft Jr. (Jessie T. Usher), is an All-American type who rocks plaid shirts and button down sweaters and just happens to be an extremely articulate cybersecurity expert with a degree from MIT. Yet to uncover the truth behind his best friend’s mysterious death, JJ needs an education only the streets can provide. JJ intuitively decides to pursue his father who he’s estranged from since he was a baby. Absent throughout JJ’s youth, the legendary John Shaft (Samuel L. Jackson) has never had an interest in working for “the man”, but he agrees to help his progeny navigate Harlem’s streets. While JJ’s own FBI analyst’s badge and rule-following methodology may clash with his dad’s trademark leather coat and style of handling business on the streets, there’s no denying that the generational connectivity and Shaft legacy has been passed on to JJ. Besides, Shaft’s got an agenda of his own, and a score to settle that’s professional and personal.

On The Film’s Intergenerational Theme

While director Tim Story has had his fair share of blockbuster hits, he wanted to be careful to handle the Shaft legacy with great care. He wanted to make sure that the: soundtrack, the wardrobe and the balanced narrative of the film flowed cohesively.

On the theme of intergenerational legacy and providing a balanced narrative for elder Shaft fans and a new millennial audience, Story states “I was very deliberate with it [the intergenerational theme]. I knew that if this movie was to be successful, it would mean that we have created a conversation between the generations on everything from manhood to the way you’re supposed to interact with women. I just knew that if we had a conversation between the generations that it would make for a fun kind of adventure. It was specific, and we wanted to find a balance so that Samuel Jackson could still be the ‘Shaft’ that we know, say what he wanted to say, and remain unapologetically edgy. Yet, balance those attitudes and perceptions, and have them be combatted by Regina Hall’s Maya or the millennial persona of JJ. As long as those ideals are being combatted we knew that it would make for great conversation and debate.”

Old School vs. New School

Veteran actor Richard Roundtree makes a return in Story’s Shaft and as the elder Shaft, he is as smooth as they come and definitely has not lost his penchant for handling business in the streets. Of the difference between the old school way of doing things versus the new school, Roundtree states, “No matter your generation. Stay ready. There is a scene where my grandson and son come to visit me. They ask if they can borrow some guns. They open up a back closet, and every gun imaginable is store there. I would tell this generation to stay ready.” When thinking back on the difference between the millennial generation and his and Samuel Jackson’s generation, Roundtree candidly quips “When I listen to Sam’s generation of actors, these are guys who have taken the time and gotten the schooling and really learned the craft. And they are so well read, well educated and have gotten life experiences that have served them. I went to college with an aim to be a football player, and that’s all good, but get your education first. Get that degree!” He asserts that “This generation must get their education and do the work.”

The Millennial Perspective

On his role of JJ, Usher admits that he has found JJ to be a very rewarding character. He admonishes that playing against stereotypes is the most challenging and fulfilling.“My dad is super mellow, and very well spoken. Both of my parents are, and I grew up in private school. I like a challenge and I feel like intelligent characters are more challenging. It’s easy to be a thug on television. It’s not so easy to be an MIT graduate, because it’s not shown as frequently. It’s nice. It’s a nice, refreshing change.”

Additionally, Usher admits that director Tim Story was a prototype that he modeled JJ after as well. “To be honest with you, it was nice to have Tim Story by my side, because Tim carries himself as if he is that person. He’s liberal, yet still very sensitive to the difference of others. We’re both very sensitive. I feel like a lot of where my data came from, was him. Although, he’s of a different generation– the way he carries himself, the way he dresses, the way he treats and speaks to women. He’s a very respectfully man, especially in this day and age.”

On lessons that he’s learned from working on set with Samuel L Jackson, Usher’s face lights up as he states, “Sam has a level of professionalism that I’ve never ever seen before. I’ve never seen someone with eyes in the back of their head on set the way Samuel Jackson does. He’s not necessarily demanding, but he raises the bar and has a level of standards that are as high because he’s so professional. When he steps on set, you have to do the same. I mean Sam walks on set from rehearsal and he not only knows his lines but he knows mine and yours as well as the shots.

From Story’s perspective, JJ was everything that he was looking for in a young Shaft. Of Usher, story states, He gave me exactly the innocence that I was looking for. Jesse has this innocence about him, but he’s also extremely smart and very savvy. He’s even very athletic. All of the stuff that he was doing with the Capoeira fighting scenes, Jesse had done that stuff before. I found in him as an actor, the same qualities that I needed in JJ. That he would be able to grow up on-screen and become a version of Shaft that we would like, yet that would also be different from Roundtree or Jackson. He just gave me everything I wanted in JJ, and I had to have him be a part of the project.”

Shaft premieres in theaters nationwide June 14th, 2019.

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June 16, 2019

Still the Most Ignored Demographic: Single, Black Fathers

One of the first articles I ever had published was a feature story I wrote many years ago on growing up with a single, black father. “Oprah doesn’t do stories on single, black dads,” I wrote. I complained about them being an ignored demographic.

To my surprise, I received several letters from black women angered by my article. I recall one stating that the single, black father was the exception, not the norm and why take focus off of black women who so often pull double duty as mother and father while working full time?

Those women deserve support and admiration. Yet, I said then as I say now: Black men with sole custody of their kids, comprise a small yet mighty group that deserves far more attention than received.

A look at the statistics: From the Pew Research center’s data from 2017; 36% of black children under 18-years-old live with married parents; 47% live with single mothers; 7% live with cohabitating partners; and 4% live with single fathers.

I was part of that scant percentage. My father had little-to-no resources when my mother just upped and left him with two pre-teen kids. He worked two, sometimes three jobs to keep paying the mortgage on the house he and my mother had just bought; and to provide for us. Although there was no time or money for vacations I cannot remember ever doing without lights, heat, air conditioning, school supplies, clothes—without any of the basic needs, really.

My father would come home from a two-hour commute every night just in time to make sure we were OK—fed, homework done—and then was back out the door two hours later—on yet another grueling two-hour train ride to his second job. Our lives ran that way for years until we kids were grown.

Still, I think my then-over-taxed father could have benefited with some support. In her book, “The Best Kept Secret: Single Black Fathers,” associate professor of sociology at Marquette University Roberta L. Coles writes that “monies, scholarly research, and public debate have nearly entirely focused on non-custodial fathers or so-called ‘irresponsible fathers’ for which black fathers have become the poster child.”

In her research, which included interviews of single, black fathers, Coles discovered, “African American fathers struggle to extricate themselves from the negative and restrictive cultural baggage that attends the ‘black male’ identity in American society.”

As a child, and even today as an adult, I get defensive about the persistently negative portrayals of black men as fathers as I remember my own and how he did so much to raise us.

So, what is my point? Well, I guess I wish there were more single, black fathers highlighted in media. I wish there were more policies and organizations that advocated for fathers’ rights when the father is the more fit custodial parent.

But, my point is also to highlight the single, black fathers out there this Father’s Day. I remember so well when my father removed the drop leaf that extended our dining room table after my mother left, shrinking it down into a small, encompassing circle. “We were a family of four, now we are a family of three,” he said.

He was right then, and we still are a strong family of three. And Happy Father’s Day to all of the single, black fathers.

CHECK OUT THE 2019 LIST OF BE MODERN MEN —an integrative program that honors the essence, image, and accomplishments of today’s man of color.

The ideas and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author’s and not necessarily the opinion of Black Enterprise.


June 16, 2019

NOC Goes to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge: Tips and Tricks for Your Visit (Part II)

Okay, so where were we? Recently The Nerds of Color were lucky enough to visit the planet of Batuu, aka Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland. And wanted to pass down some of our tips and tricks to you, our readers, for your next visit! In case you missed Part 1 of our coverage, we discussed […]

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