
As we adjust to the news that Spider-Man will (maybe) no longer be in the MCU, it’s time to pour one out for the greatest live-action incarnation of Marvel’s #1 hero. Although Spidey has existed on the big screen since 2002, it was this third incarnation that truly got Peter Parker right. When Sam Raimi gave the world its very first taste of a big screen Peter Parker by way of Tobey Maguire, he did right by the character in many ways. But I think it’s fair to say that it wasn’t until Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios got ahold of him that we all got the truest version of the wall-crawler ever put on film. Simply put, Kevin Feige understand what makes Spider-Man tick more than any producer ever.

The Raimi movies understood that Peter Parker was a lovable loser, and Tobey Maguire nailed that part of the character from the word go. But he was never the quippy, funny guy when he put on the red and blue tights—at least nowhere near as much as he should have been. Meanwhile, Spidey 2.0 Andrew Garfield did get the smart-ass nature of Spider-Man down, but he was this traditionally handsome dude, with Twilight hair and charm for days. I never bought he’d ever be anything but the popular guy in school.

But when Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios came on board, Spider-Man was saved. Casting Tom Holland was the absolute perfect choice. He was adorable, but in a teenage dorky way—not in a sexy “I got game” way like Garfield. Holland’s Peter was a science dork for sure, but like comic book Peter, he actually has friends in school. Tobey Maguire’s version of Peter only had Harry Osborn as a friend, and that’s because Harry used him as his tutor and kind of put up with him. Holland’s Spidey was the version from the comics we’d all been waiting years for.

Peter’s relationships with the kids around him—Ned, Liz, MJ, and the others—was a staple of the Stan Lee/Steve Ditko comics, and almost totally ignored by the non-MCU Spider-Man films. Making Spider-Man a John Hughes-esque high school story was a genius move, and it helped make this perhaps our most beloved version of Peter yet.

In let’s not forget: we got two great villains in a row with MCU Spider-Man. Michael Keaton as the Vulture and Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio were both fantastic in totally different ways. Among the first five Spider-Man movies, we got one truly great bad guy in the form of Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock. But they dropped the ball on just about everyone else. Willem Dafoe was a great Norman Osborn for sure, but the less said about his Green Goblin, the better. Feige fully understood what made Spider-Man’s rogue’s gallery great.

And when MCU Spider-Man did deviate from the comics, like with Aunt May, it worked. We’d seen old and doting May Parker done perfectly well in the original films, but Marisa Tomei’s version of May made way more sense in a modern context. Feige has an uncanny instinct to know what things from the classic comics must be kept, and which things are ready for a change. And it was most true in the MCU Spider-Man films.

Tom Holland is remaining as Spider-Man for Sony, as are the previous two film’s directors Jon Watts. And maybe everything will proceed more or less as it has been, just without mention of any Avengers. But the MCU magic that Kevin Feige sprinkled onto Spider-Man is something that no one else can replicate. Here’s hoping this eulogy is premature, and somehow Peter Parker can remain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where he clearly belongs.

Images: Sony Pictures

The post A Eulogy For the MCU Spider-Man (2016-2019) appeared first on Nerdist.

August 21, 2019

A Eulogy For the MCU Spider-Man (2016-2019)

As we adjust to the news that Spider-Man will (maybe) no longer be in the MCU, it’s time to pour one out for the greatest live-action incarnation of Marvel’s #1 hero. Although Spidey has existed on the big screen since 2002, it was this third incarnation that truly got Peter Parker right. When Sam Raimi gave the world its very first taste of a big screen Peter Parker by way of Tobey Maguire, he did right by the character in many ways. But I think it’s fair to say that it wasn’t until Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios got ahold of him that we all got the truest version of the wall-crawler ever put on film. Simply put, Kevin Feige understand what makes Spider-Man tick more than any producer ever.

The Raimi movies understood that Peter Parker was a lovable loser, and Tobey Maguire nailed that part of the character from the word go. But he was never the quippy, funny guy when he put on the red and blue tights—at least nowhere near as much as he should have been. Meanwhile, Spidey 2.0 Andrew Garfield did get the smart-ass nature of Spider-Man down, but he was this traditionally handsome dude, with Twilight hair and charm for days. I never bought he’d ever be anything but the popular guy in school.

But when Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios came on board, Spider-Man was saved. Casting Tom Holland was the absolute perfect choice. He was adorable, but in a teenage dorky way—not in a sexy “I got game” way like Garfield. Holland’s Peter was a science dork for sure, but like comic book Peter, he actually has friends in school. Tobey Maguire’s version of Peter only had Harry Osborn as a friend, and that’s because Harry used him as his tutor and kind of put up with him. Holland’s Spidey was the version from the comics we’d all been waiting years for.

Peter’s relationships with the kids around him—Ned, Liz, MJ, and the others—was a staple of the Stan Lee/Steve Ditko comics, and almost totally ignored by the non-MCU Spider-Man films. Making Spider-Man a John Hughes-esque high school story was a genius move, and it helped make this perhaps our most beloved version of Peter yet.

In let’s not forget: we got two great villains in a row with MCU Spider-Man. Michael Keaton as the Vulture and Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio were both fantastic in totally different ways. Among the first five Spider-Man movies, we got one truly great bad guy in the form of Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock. But they dropped the ball on just about everyone else. Willem Dafoe was a great Norman Osborn for sure, but the less said about his Green Goblin, the better. Feige fully understood what made Spider-Man’s rogue’s gallery great.

And when MCU Spider-Man did deviate from the comics, like with Aunt May, it worked. We’d seen old and doting May Parker done perfectly well in the original films, but Marisa Tomei’s version of May made way more sense in a modern context. Feige has an uncanny instinct to know what things from the classic comics must be kept, and which things are ready for a change. And it was most true in the MCU Spider-Man films.

Tom Holland is remaining as Spider-Man for Sony, as are the previous two film’s directors Jon Watts. And maybe everything will proceed more or less as it has been, just without mention of any Avengers. But the MCU magic that Kevin Feige sprinkled onto Spider-Man is something that no one else can replicate. Here’s hoping this eulogy is premature, and somehow Peter Parker can remain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where he clearly belongs.

Images: Sony Pictures

The post A Eulogy For the MCU Spider-Man (2016-2019) appeared first on Nerdist.

August 21, 2019

Sony’s Statement on Spider-Man’s Relationship With Marvel Is Reason for Hope

Peter Parker/Spider-Man wears Tony Stark/Iron Man's glasses in Spider-Man: Far From Home

Sony has officially made a statement about the “divorce” of our Spider-Man parents, basically saying, “We’re separating and we’re going to work on our differences and who knows? It could work out.”

News broke yesterday that negotiations between Disney and Sony over the future involvement of Marvel’s Kevin Feige in standalone Spider-Man films had come to the unsatisfactory end for fans of Feige no longer being involved, because to be honest, Sony shouldn’t be allowed to touch Peter Parker without a big dose of help. I remember Spider-Man 3.

That being said, Sony has now issued a statement about the situation that makes me feel a bit better about everything going on. Essentially, it says that Feige just has too much on his plate (which makes sense because he just acquired the Fantastic Four and all of the X-Men), not that Sony is deliberately taking Spider-Man away from him, and that he will not be the lead producer on the Spider-Man films going forward. And guess what? That’s all it says.

It doesn’t say that Peter Parker is gone from the MCU or that we have to completely erase what happened to Peter in regards to the reveal of his identity by Mysterio or how he feels about Tony Stark. None of that was said. That’s more fans yelling on Twitter and freaking out.

You can read their official statement on Twitter:

So, when you look at the wording and how Sony Pictures has addressed the issues, it seems as if there is still hope for Peter Parker to remain a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in bigger crossover pictures, and because of how the MCU’s future is set up, that gives Sony plenty of time to take the character on a journey with Jon Watts and Tom Holland that Feige has, apparently, already laid out with them. Not only that, but Sony’s obvious desire to reassure fans that as little as possible is changing is reason to be optimistic about their desire to keep him connected to the MCU.

Am I worried about the situation? Yes, of course. Peter Parker is my son, and I love him with my whole heart and have since I was a kid, but I don’t think that Disney would just give him up after working so hard to get him into the MCU, and I don’t think it means that Sony has to forget everything that happened with him in the MCU.

It’s somewhat good news for fans, as nothing is set in stone. Only time will tell, but it seems like everyone still wants the same thing.

(image: Marvel Entertainment)

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August 21, 2019

‘The Terror: Infamy’ Doesn’t Need Ghosts to be Scary

In the third episode of The Terror: Infamy, one of the main characters told his wife, who put up some items to protect from evil, “It may protect us from spirits, but not from human evil.” The latest installment of the supernatural anthology series by Alexander Woo and Max Borenstein explores a dark part of […]

August 21, 2019

You Can Get 3 Ultra-Durable Lightning Cables for Only $13

Most charging cables are less than reliable. They fray and break so easily that people find themselves purchasing new ones on a semi-regular basis, which gets expensive. And that’s what makes these JunoPower cables so notable. They’re super tough so they’ll last a long time and they’re currently discounted by 56 percent so they’re economical too.

The Kaebo cable from JunoPower is not your garden variety Lightning cable. Unlike other cables, Kaebo’s are designed to withstand the punishment of day-to-day usage. They feature a braided nylon covering that resists tears, so they’ll last far longer than a standard Lightning cable that’s coated with rubber. And, since they boast aluminum adapter heads, you’ll enjoy stronger connections too.

Got a case on your iPhone? No sweat. Kaebo cables feature slim heads, so they’re safe to use with most iPhone cases including those from Lifeproof and Otterbox. And they’re compatible with all other iOS Lightning compatible devices, such as the iPad and iPod Touch, so you’ll find plenty of ways to use them.

Simply choose the color that suits your style. Cables are currently available in Gold, Grey, Orange, Pink, Red, and Silver. Each cable is an ample 3.2 feet in length and you’ll receive three with your purchase so you can leave one at home, keep one in the car, and take one to the office. If you are tired of buying and replacing cheap cables, then this is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

Constantly replacing your iOS Lightning cables? Save your time and money and purchase a set of three Kaebo Braided Anti-Tear Charging Cables from JunoPower for just $13.

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Prices subject to change.

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