
Arielle and Steve were college sweethearts whose love didn’t blossom until their senior year. At first, Arielle insisted on being just friends. But then an “aha” moment brought her closer to her truth. “One night, he was getting dressed to go on a date with another girl and my antennas went up,” she tells ESSENCE. “I was like hol’ up, hol’ up. I don’t want him dating anyone else.”

Their careers briefly took them to different cities, but they continued dating long distance for the better part of a decade. Steve eventually proposed in front of Arielle’s closest family and friends, and although she had a feeling it was coming, she swept away by his grand gesture. “I was truly in shock to see that Steve had coordinated the attendance of my closest friends (and goddaughter) along with my family. I loved his attention to detail and was blown away by the grandness of it all!”

True to their relationship, everything about their wedding was the balance between quality and cost. Pinecrest Gardens in Miami offered the couple beauty and an affordable price. To add a unique factor, they opted for a brunch reception complete with tropical centerpieces and the finest Haitian cuisine. They also shut down the notion that day weddings can’t offer a knock your socks off reception. They partied until the sun went down and offered their guests an unforgettable experience. Best of all, they did it all under budget!

Scroll through the gallery and get into Arielle and Steve’s magical, tropical wedding day.

Want to see your wedding featured in Bridal Bliss? Send your story and a link to your wedding photos to for consideration.

The post Bridal Bliss: Arielle and Steve’s Miami Wedding Photos appeared first on Essence.

August 28, 2019

Bridal Bliss: Arielle and Steve’s Miami Wedding Photos

Arielle and Steve were college sweethearts whose love didn’t blossom until their senior year. At first, Arielle insisted on being just friends. But then an “aha” moment brought her closer to her truth. “One night, he was getting dressed to go on a date with another girl and my antennas went up,” she tells ESSENCE. “I was like hol’ up, hol’ up. I don’t want him dating anyone else.”

Their careers briefly took them to different cities, but they continued dating long distance for the better part of a decade. Steve eventually proposed in front of Arielle’s closest family and friends, and although she had a feeling it was coming, she swept away by his grand gesture. “I was truly in shock to see that Steve had coordinated the attendance of my closest friends (and goddaughter) along with my family. I loved his attention to detail and was blown away by the grandness of it all!”

True to their relationship, everything about their wedding was the balance between quality and cost. Pinecrest Gardens in Miami offered the couple beauty and an affordable price. To add a unique factor, they opted for a brunch reception complete with tropical centerpieces and the finest Haitian cuisine. They also shut down the notion that day weddings can’t offer a knock your socks off reception. They partied until the sun went down and offered their guests an unforgettable experience. Best of all, they did it all under budget!

Scroll through the gallery and get into Arielle and Steve’s magical, tropical wedding day.

Want to see your wedding featured in Bridal Bliss? Send your story and a link to your wedding photos to for consideration.

The post Bridal Bliss: Arielle and Steve’s Miami Wedding Photos appeared first on Essence.

August 27, 2019

Dave Chappelle Doesn’t Believe Michael Jackson’s Accusers & Tries His Hand At Victim Blaming In Latest Netflix Special

Comedian Dave Chappelle, a D.C. Native, is Honored by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser

Source: The Washington Post / Getty

On Monday with the release of his latest Netflix special, Sticks & Stones, comedian Dave Chappelle used the opportunity to make derogatory, irresponsible statements about survivors of sexual assault.

He began his tirade with a soliloquy on “cancel culture” and how he feels it’s no longer safe to be politically incorrect especially for celebrities, an argument made so many times by those who take delight in verbally assaulting the most vulnerable populations.

“This is the worst time ever to be a celebrity,” Chappelle argues. “You’re gonna be finished. Everyone’s doomed. Michael Jackson has been dead for 10 years, and this n—a has two new cases.”

The mention of Jackson’s name leads him to HBO’s Leaving Neverland, the controversial 2019 documentary which recants the accusations of two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who claim they were sexually molested by the singer as children.

During the special Chappelle also claimed that he revels in his reputation as a “victim blamer,” touting that he resorts to asking questions regarding the victim’s whereabouts, like “well what were those kids wearing at the time,” when it came to Jackson’s accusations.

“I don’t think he did it, but you know what? Even if he did do it … you know what I mean?” he continued. “I mean, it’s Michael Jackson. I know more than half the people in this room have been molested in their lives, but it wasn’t no g——n Michael Jackson, was it? This kid got his d–k sucked by the King of Pop. All we get is awkward Thanksgivings for the rest of our lives.”

Chappelle then argued that Macaulay Culkin’s adjacency to the King of Pop should have been used as a barometer of Jackson’s guilt.

“If Michael Jackson’s out here doing all this molesting, then why not Macaulay Culkin, hm?” he asked. “I’m not a pedophile, but if I was, Macaulay Culkin’s the first kid I’m f—–g, I’ll tell you that right now.”
Chappelle then turned his attention to R. Kelly, whom shares a complicated alignment with the comedians rise to stardom stemming from his satirical “Piss on you,” skit which took aim at the allegations made about the R&B singer from over 20 years ago. However, when it came to Kelly’s numerous accusations, Chappelle said he’s “pretty sure he did that.”
“This guy makes more sex tape than he does music. He’s like the DJ Khaled of sex tapes,” the comedian said, before shouting DJ Khaled’s signature phrase, “Another one!”

Chappelle also responded to reports from earlier in the year when it was revealed that he declined to interview with the producers of Surviving R. Kelly. He said he said no to producers because he didn’t know R. Kelly “at all.”

“Surviving R. Kelly” producer and cultural critic dream hampton responded to Chappelle’s assertion that he didn’t sit down for an interview because he didn’t personally know the singer. hampton also points out that Chappelle’s point was unrelated to the reasoning on why he was asked to participate.

Chappelle also doubled down on previous comments regarding the #MeToo movement and reiterated that he believes survivors who are speaking out about sexual assault and named their abusers are going about it the wrong way. He even went so far as to defend his friend, comedian Louis C.K. who faced several accusations.

“Louis C.K. was a very good friend of mine before he died in that terrible masturbation accident,” he began. “He didn’t do anything you can call the police for. I dare you to try….They ruined this ni–a’s life, and now he’s coming back playing comedy clubs and they’re acting like if he’s able to do that that’s going to hurt women. What the f–k is your agenda, ladies?”

Both Safechuck and Robson have since responded to Chappelle’s statements in an interview with TMZ.

“I’m heartbroken for all those children who look to see how they will be received when they finally find the courage to speak out about their sexual abuse,” Safechuck said. “I just want to reach out to other survivors and let them know that we can’t let this type of behavior silence us. Together we are strong.”

“He can say whatever he wants,” said Robson. “It reveals him, not us.”

Years ago Chappelle’s takes on the culture actually made headwaves into the common collective, challenging us to laugh at our misunderstandings as a means to inform and correct. However, his latest comments on sexual assault survivors are violent, ill-informed and rooted in a strange desire to push back against the recent string of accusations made against prominent Black male celebrities.

And as hampton points out in a later tweet referring to Chappelle, the medium of comedy works as a powerful change agent when used effectively.

Even more importantly, those who refuse to believe sexual assault survivors, specifically Black women survivors, are also aligned with a dark legacy left by slavery and the intended violence on Black bodies spurred by white supremacy.

August 27, 2019

Upgrade Your Space With These Extra Cozy Home Accessories

There’s nothing like a cool gust of wind to get you in the mood to cuddle up and stay in.

As temperatures slowly cool off, we’re temped to transform our humble abodes into cozy, safe havens.

From fluffy throws and rugs to candles that’ll fill the room with warm, familiar smells, Walmart has everything you need to life your best cozy life this season.

If your space is in need of some additions that’ll make it feel extra homey, look no further!

Shop below!

The post Upgrade Your Space With These Extra Cozy Home Accessories appeared first on Essence.

August 27, 2019

With ‘Borderlands’ Crossover, ‘Fortnite’ Just Advertises Other Games Now

Fortnite is so big that we’re frankly bored of reperating how big it is. Epic constantly cranks away at the battle royale to make sure it makes all the money in the world, but what if they’ve already achieved that goal? What’s next? Well the latest event may give us the answer. With its Borderlands crossover Fortnite uses its lofty perch to just straight-up promote other video games now.

Fortnite X Mayhem is a new limited challenge included in Season X. In this Borderlands mashup players travel to a Rift Zone based on Pandora, the primary planet of Gearbox’s loot shooter. In Pandora you can spawn if a shield if you avoid getting hit. And you can get gear based on sassy robot Claptrap and the Psycho mascot.

Fortnite x Borderlands makes a certain amount of sense. Both shooters share a colorful irreverent tone, even if Borderlands pushes things towards M-rated Deadpool territory. But it’s the business potential that’s most interesting to us. Previous Fortnite crossovers advertised big movies like Avengers: Endgame and John Wick 3 right before they released. Advertising a big game though to an audience that already cares about game is something else entirely. Plus Borderlands 3 runs on Epic’s Unreal Engine and is an Epic Games Store exclusive on PC. Reminds us of the time PUBG included Uncharted skins for its PS4 release.

Fortnite X Mayhem begins September 10. Borderlands 3 releases on September 13. But no matter what game you play, we just hope we don’t need to see any more of Randy Pitchford’s magic tricks. For more on Fortnite learn about the first Fortnite world champion get angry about the overpowered robot suits.

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