
This list is made up of the coolest and cutest baby shoes we’ve found on the internet. We’ve filled it full of cute baby shoes from pop culture references, STEM ideas, and booties that are just too adorable not to feature. We try to keep this list as updated as possible, but if you see something out of stock, please contact us.
If you are searching for a gift, make sure you head over and view all our ideas for a baby shower gift.

Star Wars Comic Baby Shoes

Your little one will be using the force with these cute little booties featuring Star Wars vintage comic print. Before you know it, they’ll be heading off to the Jedi Temple for proper training. Unless, they’ve chosen the darkside. NOOOOO! Check out all our Star Wars baby clothes.

Leather Skull Baby Shoes

Yo-ho-Yo-ho a pirate’s life for me. Whether it’s a Halloween pirate costume or your baby’s everyday footwear, these are sure to beach any on-looker’s ship!

Rainbow Baby Booties

Rainbows aren’t exactly nerdy, but they are super cute. These little baby shoes remind us of Rainbow Brite from the 80s.

Dinosaur Baby Shoes

Dinosaurs grew TWICE in size after hatching from their eggs – in just six weeks! Thankfully, your little one won’t do that, but it might feel like they are growing at the same rate! Yo, don’t forget to look at all our dinosaur baby clothes.

Justice League Baby Booties

Do you love Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, or Batman? If that’s a yes, then we’ve found an awesome shoe for your little one. Don’t worry there’s another version with the Dark Knight and Flash.

Unicorn Baby Shoes

A long time ago, in a faraway forest Narwhals, known for their long majestic horns fell in love with massive pure white horses. The exact mating ritual still remains a mystery to this day, but we know that their love children were called Unicorns.

Comic Book Baby Booties

Stan Lee would definitely be proud of these cute baby booties featuring action comic bubbles. It will be a while before your little one will be doing any superhero moves, but for now, you can pretend.

Whale Baby Shoes

Moby Dick isn’t a children’s story, but it is one of the most famous literary novels in history. For bookworms, very few things get any better. Plus, whales are awesome, they cruise our oceans and eat microscopic organisms. How cool is that?

Periodic Table Baby Shoes

Future chemists need to know the periodic table if they ever want to wear a lab coat and safety goggles. Luckily, you can get your little one started early with these little booties. Don’t worry you won’t have to worry about them mixing any explosives just yet.

Spiderman Baby Shoes

These Spiderman booties are amazing! Sure, your little one won’t be swinging from the crib or walking on the ceiling, but these adorable baby shoes are perfect for any spidey fanatic in training. Need more Spiderman? Check out all our featured Marvel baby clothes.

Jack Nightmare Before Christmas Baby Booties

These cute baby shoes are appropriate any time of the year not just Halloween or Christmas. Of course, Halloween is always in fashion no matter what month the calendar is showing.

Rocket-ship Baby Shoes

Blast off with these little infant booties. We don’t know if your child is going to be an astronaut, a space tourist, or galactic rebel. However, for the time being, take this chance to expose your little to everything you love.

Mummy Crib Shoes

Classic Universal monsters will always have a place in our hearts, and these cute mummy booties are no exception. We’re happy to include them in our cute baby shoes article. Plus, they aren’t too spooky for little kids.

Jack-O-Lantern Baby Booties

Your little one might be a little young to go parading around the pumpkin patch, but don’t worry you can still dress them like it’s Halloween 24/7. No tricks here, this is all treats.

Tardis Baby Shoes

These cute baby shoes will have your little one traveling throughout time or at least the living room floor. Doctor Who booties are the must-haves for any true Whovian. We have a whole article dedicated to Doctor Who baby clothes.

Superman Baby Shoes

There’s no shortage of superhero-inspired baby clothes on the market today. Especially, for more popular characters like Superman. Your baby might not have superpowers, but they certainly can dress like one.

Hogwarts House Baby Shoes

These cute baby shoes are for when you absolutely cannot decide which Hogwarts house your little one belongs to. With all four houses represented, these shoes from the magical world of Harry Potter will have you debating parents on which house is right for your child.

Batman Crib Shoes

Who doesn’t love the dark knight? Mysterious, ridiculously intelligent, and kind of a jerk, Batman represents the more realistic side of superheroes. These crib shoes are perfect for when your little one is sneaking around the room trying to solve crimes. Make sure you visit our article featuring DC comic baby clothes.

Star Wars Galaxy Baby Shoes

Classic Star Wars booties for the family that loves the original trilogy. No glitz or glamor here, your family is old school. These shoes even have adorable little stars just like the opening crawl scenes.

Calculus Baby Booties

It’s going to be a long time before your child is calculating slope, using differentiation formulas, or finding derivatives. However, don’t let that stop you in dressing your tike in these cute baby shoes that feature awesome math formulas.

Space Baby Booties

Space, the final frontier, these cute baby shoes will take your little one on out of this world adventures. Before you know it, they’ll be naming planets, star gazing, and playing spaceship and aliens.

Game of Thrones Baby Shoes

You might not be the mother of dragons or father of the wolves, but you are still entitled to dress your child up in these sweet GOT booties. Make sure you check out all our Game of Thrones baby clothes.

Avengers Crib Shoes

These awesome baby booties are worn by all young Avengers. Yup, that’s Shield policy. Feel free to take it up with Nick Fury. X-men baby shoes? No, those mutants just go barefoot until their four years old.

Monster Baby Booties

Any fans of monsters out there? If so, check out these not-too-scary cute baby shoes. Appropriate for children that are born green, three-eyed, and gobble down the occasional family pet.

Sleeping Beauty Baby Shoes

Talk about Disney classics, Sleeping Beauty debuted in 1959. Quite some time ago, long before most of us were born. However, it’s still one of the most loved animated films of all time. These adorable booties for your little one are no exception.

Marauder’s Map Baby Booties

If only you could watch your kids on a map and track them everywhere they go. Well, I guess we do have creepy apps that do that already. What a time to be alive. Don’t worry, these Harry Potter baby shoes will cheer you up! Check out all our Harry Potter baby clothes while you’re at.

Pac man Baby Shoes

Who doesn’t love some old-school arcade cabinet mayhem every once in a while? Maybe you play the old classics on your Raspberry Pi or you’re lucky enough to have an arcade in your city. Either way, there’s no way your child is growing up without experiencing the true skill of getting to level 10.

Dragon Feet Baby Booties

Transform your little one into a young dragon by purchasing this shiny scaley baby shoe. Don’t worry the claws aren’t real.

Polyhedral Dice Baby Booties

For you gamer parents out there, these rad retro dice baby shoes are just for you. Please, no rolling your child to see if you scored a critical hit.

The post Cute Baby Shoes & Soft Sole Booties appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

September 7, 2019

Cute Baby Shoes & Soft Sole Booties

This list is made up of the coolest and cutest baby shoes we’ve found on the internet. We’ve filled it full of cute baby shoes from pop culture references, STEM ideas, and booties that are just too adorable not to feature. We try to keep this list as updated as possible, but if you see something out of stock, please contact us.
If you are searching for a gift, make sure you head over and view all our ideas for a baby shower gift.

Star Wars Comic Baby Shoes

Your little one will be using the force with these cute little booties featuring Star Wars vintage comic print. Before you know it, they’ll be heading off to the Jedi Temple for proper training. Unless, they’ve chosen the darkside. NOOOOO! Check out all our Star Wars baby clothes.

Leather Skull Baby Shoes

Yo-ho-Yo-ho a pirate’s life for me. Whether it’s a Halloween pirate costume or your baby’s everyday footwear, these are sure to beach any on-looker’s ship!

Rainbow Baby Booties

Rainbows aren’t exactly nerdy, but they are super cute. These little baby shoes remind us of Rainbow Brite from the 80s.

Dinosaur Baby Shoes

Dinosaurs grew TWICE in size after hatching from their eggs – in just six weeks! Thankfully, your little one won’t do that, but it might feel like they are growing at the same rate! Yo, don’t forget to look at all our dinosaur baby clothes.

Justice League Baby Booties

Do you love Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, or Batman? If that’s a yes, then we’ve found an awesome shoe for your little one. Don’t worry there’s another version with the Dark Knight and Flash.

Unicorn Baby Shoes

A long time ago, in a faraway forest Narwhals, known for their long majestic horns fell in love with massive pure white horses. The exact mating ritual still remains a mystery to this day, but we know that their love children were called Unicorns.

Comic Book Baby Booties

Stan Lee would definitely be proud of these cute baby booties featuring action comic bubbles. It will be a while before your little one will be doing any superhero moves, but for now, you can pretend.

Whale Baby Shoes

Moby Dick isn’t a children’s story, but it is one of the most famous literary novels in history. For bookworms, very few things get any better. Plus, whales are awesome, they cruise our oceans and eat microscopic organisms. How cool is that?

Periodic Table Baby Shoes

Future chemists need to know the periodic table if they ever want to wear a lab coat and safety goggles. Luckily, you can get your little one started early with these little booties. Don’t worry you won’t have to worry about them mixing any explosives just yet.

Spiderman Baby Shoes

These Spiderman booties are amazing! Sure, your little one won’t be swinging from the crib or walking on the ceiling, but these adorable baby shoes are perfect for any spidey fanatic in training. Need more Spiderman? Check out all our featured Marvel baby clothes.

Jack Nightmare Before Christmas Baby Booties

These cute baby shoes are appropriate any time of the year not just Halloween or Christmas. Of course, Halloween is always in fashion no matter what month the calendar is showing.

Rocket-ship Baby Shoes

Blast off with these little infant booties. We don’t know if your child is going to be an astronaut, a space tourist, or galactic rebel. However, for the time being, take this chance to expose your little to everything you love.

Mummy Crib Shoes

Classic Universal monsters will always have a place in our hearts, and these cute mummy booties are no exception. We’re happy to include them in our cute baby shoes article. Plus, they aren’t too spooky for little kids.

Jack-O-Lantern Baby Booties

Your little one might be a little young to go parading around the pumpkin patch, but don’t worry you can still dress them like it’s Halloween 24/7. No tricks here, this is all treats.

Tardis Baby Shoes

These cute baby shoes will have your little one traveling throughout time or at least the living room floor. Doctor Who booties are the must-haves for any true Whovian. We have a whole article dedicated to Doctor Who baby clothes.

Superman Baby Shoes

There’s no shortage of superhero-inspired baby clothes on the market today. Especially, for more popular characters like Superman. Your baby might not have superpowers, but they certainly can dress like one.

Hogwarts House Baby Shoes

These cute baby shoes are for when you absolutely cannot decide which Hogwarts house your little one belongs to. With all four houses represented, these shoes from the magical world of Harry Potter will have you debating parents on which house is right for your child.

Batman Crib Shoes

Who doesn’t love the dark knight? Mysterious, ridiculously intelligent, and kind of a jerk, Batman represents the more realistic side of superheroes. These crib shoes are perfect for when your little one is sneaking around the room trying to solve crimes. Make sure you visit our article featuring DC comic baby clothes.

Star Wars Galaxy Baby Shoes

Classic Star Wars booties for the family that loves the original trilogy. No glitz or glamor here, your family is old school. These shoes even have adorable little stars just like the opening crawl scenes.

Calculus Baby Booties

It’s going to be a long time before your child is calculating slope, using differentiation formulas, or finding derivatives. However, don’t let that stop you in dressing your tike in these cute baby shoes that feature awesome math formulas.

Space Baby Booties

Space, the final frontier, these cute baby shoes will take your little one on out of this world adventures. Before you know it, they’ll be naming planets, star gazing, and playing spaceship and aliens.

Game of Thrones Baby Shoes

You might not be the mother of dragons or father of the wolves, but you are still entitled to dress your child up in these sweet GOT booties. Make sure you check out all our Game of Thrones baby clothes.

Avengers Crib Shoes

These awesome baby booties are worn by all young Avengers. Yup, that’s Shield policy. Feel free to take it up with Nick Fury. X-men baby shoes? No, those mutants just go barefoot until their four years old.

Monster Baby Booties

Any fans of monsters out there? If so, check out these not-too-scary cute baby shoes. Appropriate for children that are born green, three-eyed, and gobble down the occasional family pet.

Sleeping Beauty Baby Shoes

Talk about Disney classics, Sleeping Beauty debuted in 1959. Quite some time ago, long before most of us were born. However, it’s still one of the most loved animated films of all time. These adorable booties for your little one are no exception.

Marauder’s Map Baby Booties

If only you could watch your kids on a map and track them everywhere they go. Well, I guess we do have creepy apps that do that already. What a time to be alive. Don’t worry, these Harry Potter baby shoes will cheer you up! Check out all our Harry Potter baby clothes while you’re at.

Pac man Baby Shoes

Who doesn’t love some old-school arcade cabinet mayhem every once in a while? Maybe you play the old classics on your Raspberry Pi or you’re lucky enough to have an arcade in your city. Either way, there’s no way your child is growing up without experiencing the true skill of getting to level 10.

Dragon Feet Baby Booties

Transform your little one into a young dragon by purchasing this shiny scaley baby shoe. Don’t worry the claws aren’t real.

Polyhedral Dice Baby Booties

For you gamer parents out there, these rad retro dice baby shoes are just for you. Please, no rolling your child to see if you scored a critical hit.

The post Cute Baby Shoes & Soft Sole Booties appeared first on Geek Baby Clothes.

September 7, 2019

Underwater ‘Observatory’ Vanishes Without a Trace in Germany

Ever lost, say, a sock in the dryer or a bobby pin around the bathroom sink? How about a 1,600-pound ocean-based sensor that collects environmental data and costs about $333,000? It sounds like a real headache. Sadly it’s one German researchers are having to deal with after finding out that their “Boknis Eck” observatory is now missing. And yes, authority suspects foul play.

The chewed-through fiber-optic cable is Boknis Eck’s only remnant. 

Smithsonian picked up on the news of the missing ocean observatory, which comes out of Eckernförde Bay, a Förde in Germany, that’s north of the capital city of Kiel. The trouble started on August 21, when researchers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel stopped receiving data transmissions from Eck. At first, GEOMAR’s team thought that the issue was a simple transmission error, but when divers went to check on the unit, it had vanished. It left only chewed-through fiber-optic cable used to tether the sensor to the ground.

Eckernförde Bay pinned on a map. Google Maps

GEOMAR notes that the Boknis Eck Observatory includes two desk-sized racks; one of which is responsible for the power supply while the other anchors the station to the coast. On top of the two racks, there’s a frame that carries the observatory’s sensors. (By the way, this is all Google translated from GEOMAR’s blog post regarding the matter, so some of these details may be iffy.)

One of Boknis Eck’s desk-sized components. This one is responsible for power supply. 

Dr. Hermann Bange, the Boknis Eck project coordinator, said in GEOMAR’s post that “When the divers reached the bottom of the sea last week at the observatory’s location, they found only the torn off land cable”. He added that “It was completely shredded….”

In regards to function, Boknis Eck takes numerous environmental measurements of the south-western Baltic Sea. The underwater observatory measures everything from methane concentrations on the seabed to flow velocities of water to how much chlorophyll is collecting around the area. So while the actual station may have had a price tag of $333,000, it makes sense that Dr. Bange would refer to the information it provides as “priceless.”

Unfortunately there’s no clear culprit for who or what perpetrated the crime. GEOMAR’s post notes that Boknis Eck’s “connections [to land] are extremely massive,” which probably points to currents, storms, or marine animals as the culprit. Although the researchers, who’ve already called in local police, are leaving the door open to the possibility that people stole the observatory. But who would want a 1,600-pound ocean sensor station? That’s an even bigger mystery than how it vanished in the first place.

Who or what do you think is to blame for the missing Boknis Eck Observatory? Go all Scooby-Doo on us in the comments!

Images: GEOMAR 

The post Underwater ‘Observatory’ Vanishes Without a Trace in Germany appeared first on Nerdist.

September 7, 2019

Beijing-Based Company Creates China’s First Cloned Kitten

A company in China successfully created the nation's first cloned kitten named Garlic. (Photo Credit: Cindy Strife / Unsplash)

China’s first “copy cat” is ready to make its debut: A Beijing-based company reportedly created the nation’s first cloned kitten and it is an adorable fur baby.

Huang Yu, the kitten’s owner, contacted Sinogene, a commercial pet-cloning company that has previously cloned 40 dogs, after his feline, Garlic, died after urinary tract infection complications earlier this year, Fox News reported. Heartbroken over the loss of Garlic, Huang hoped that Sinogene could create a clone of his cat that he loved so much.

“In my heart, Garlic is irreplaceable,” Huang told The New York Times. “Garlic didn’t leave anything for future generations, so I could only choose to clone.”

The cloned kitty, which is also named Garlic, was born on July 21, AFP noted. It was created from skin cells collected from the original cat, which was unearthed by Huang before the cloning process. Sinogene then retrieved DNA samples from the deceased cat and placed them inside feline eggs. The process resulted in 40 cloned embryos that were placed in surrogate cats, and only one of the pregnancies made it to full term, according to Chen Benchi, who leads Sinogene’s experiments team.

Huang had to shell out $35,000 for the cloning process and even though the “similarity between the two cats is more than 90 percent,” he was still slightly disappointed over some differences, including the new kitty lacking a patch of black fur on its face.

“If I tell you I wasn’t disappointed, then I would be lying to you,” Huang explained to The New York Times. “But I’m also willing to accept that there are certain situations in which there are limitations to the technology.”

Mi Jidong, Sinogene’s CEO, told AFP that even though pet cloning may be expensive, not all of his clients earn a lot of money and are looking to fill a void in their lives after losing their pets.

“In fact, a large proportion of customers are young people who have only graduated in the last few years,” he said. “Whatever the origin of pets, owners will see them as part of the family. Pet cloning meets the emotional needs of young generations.”

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September 7, 2019

Season 2 of ‘The Purge’ Makes its Debut October 15th

The USA Network hit The Purge is back for its sophomore season just in time for tricks and treats during the month of Halloween.

Based on the hit movie franchise, The Purge revolves around a 12-hour period when all crime, including murder, is legal. Season 2 explores how a single Purge night affects the lives of four interconnected characters over the course of the ensuing year, all inevitably leading up to the next Purge. From Blumhouse Television and UCP, the second season of the anthology series opens on Purge night but dives deeper than ever before into what the Purge world looks like the other 364 days of the year. 

THE PURGE — “This Is Not A Test” Episode 201 — Pictured: Derek Luke as Marcus — (Photo by: Alfonso Bresciani/USA Network)

The Purge Season 2 is executive produced by the film franchise creator James DeMonaco, who executive produces along with his partner for Man in a Tree, Sébastien K. Lemercier; Krystal Houghton Ziv, James Roland, Tim Andrew, and Jason Blum. Additionally, Michael Bay, Brad Fuller, and Andrew Form, from the film franchise, serve as executive producers under the Platinum Dunes banner, as does Thomas Kelly. The series is a co-production between Blumhouse Television and UCP. Season 2 stars Derek Luke (13 Reasons Why), Max Martini (Pacific Rim), Paola Nuñez (The Son) and Joel Allen (Never Goin’ Back).

The post Season 2 of ‘The Purge’ Makes its Debut October 15th appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

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