
Celebrities Visit SiriusXM - June 18, 2019

Source: Santiago Felipe / Getty

Mathew Knowles, the mastermind behind Destiny’s Child and the beginnings of Beyoncé’s solo career has revealed that he’s been diagnosed with breast cancer.

According to TMZ, Knowles will open up about the health battle Wednesday morning on “Good Morning America” with Michael Strahan.

As of now, we don’t know how he was diagnosed.

Breast cancer in men is rare. Less than one percent of breast cancer diagnoses involve men. But it is more frequently found in men between 60 and 70 years old, with the median age for Black male breast cancer patients being 63.

Knowles is 67-years-old.

The mortality rate for men in higher than women.

Richard Roundtree, the man who famously portrayed the iconic role of John Shaft was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993. He underwent a double mastectomy and chemotherapy.

Roundtree became and advocate, raising awareness about the disease in men.

In a teaser for the upcoming interview, Strahan asked Mathew how he broke the news of his diagnosis to his family, including his wife Gena Avery, who he married in 2013, his famous daughters Beyoncé and Solange and the two children he’s had since his divorce from Tina Knowles-Lawson in 2011.

You can watch the teaser for the show in the video below.

October 1, 2019

Mathew Knowles Announced He’s Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Celebrities Visit SiriusXM - June 18, 2019

Source: Santiago Felipe / Getty

Mathew Knowles, the mastermind behind Destiny’s Child and the beginnings of Beyoncé’s solo career has revealed that he’s been diagnosed with breast cancer.

According to TMZ, Knowles will open up about the health battle Wednesday morning on “Good Morning America” with Michael Strahan.

As of now, we don’t know how he was diagnosed.

Breast cancer in men is rare. Less than one percent of breast cancer diagnoses involve men. But it is more frequently found in men between 60 and 70 years old, with the median age for Black male breast cancer patients being 63.

Knowles is 67-years-old.

The mortality rate for men in higher than women.

Richard Roundtree, the man who famously portrayed the iconic role of John Shaft was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993. He underwent a double mastectomy and chemotherapy.

Roundtree became and advocate, raising awareness about the disease in men.

In a teaser for the upcoming interview, Strahan asked Mathew how he broke the news of his diagnosis to his family, including his wife Gena Avery, who he married in 2013, his famous daughters Beyoncé and Solange and the two children he’s had since his divorce from Tina Knowles-Lawson in 2011.

You can watch the teaser for the show in the video below.

October 1, 2019

Road to New York Comic-Con: Who Got The Props?

Props and Replicas Are Life

Symbols are things that signify or represent an idea. If you attend Comic Cons, then you are a firm believer in symbolism. I own a replica of T’Challa’s panther tooth necklace and I feel kingly as all hell rocking it. There is a set of steel Wakandan Kimoyo beads that sit prominently on my side table. I wear a different colored Lantern ring on the emotional spectrum based on how I feel any given day. My closet has way too many meticulously chosen nerd-flavored tees that I used to express my mental state while out in the world. I legitimately utilize items from sci-fi, fantasy, and comics to get through the day and tell people who I am.

So… Can you imagine how hyped I am to get a behind the scenes look at the goods at The Prop Store?!?! Not just replicas. Nah. Straight up pieces of production used on film! I’ma be at New York Comic Con with Battling Jack Murdock’s red and yellow fight night outfit! As a native New Yorker, I am honored to be the same distance above sea level with Daredevil’s dad’s boxing paraphernalia. That gritty NYC determination that the 80s/90s Hell’s Kitchen had before it became Hell’s Breakfast Nook. That’s the magic of these symbols, they personify a type of idea.

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A post shared by Frantz Jerome (@truevillainy) on Oct 31, 2018 at 1:23pm PDT

Can you see in your mind’s eye holding young Matt Murdock’s crucifix? The literal personification of Daredevil’s moral compass. The all-black first costume!? When your man Matt was doing flip kicks in the rain looking like Marques Houston in You Got Served. It was a thing a beauty and I’ma be right there with the costume, reliving it all.

Don’t be shocked if you see me in the 2700 block slipping through crowds with a set of Nobu’s kunai and Luke Cage’s bullet-riddled hoodie on trying to slip Wilson Fisk’s ankle monitor off while carrying a set of Judas bullets. Or more realistically, clumsily stumbling out of a photo booth with the OG 1984 Ghostbusters proton pack on my back, Duncan Macleod’s Highlander (TV) katana, the Witch-King’s crown on and the Indiana Jones statue of Ra catching fluorescent light beams and directing me to a place to sit down and charge my phone. Just keeping it real.

Just for context, the folks at are no joke. You can find the holy grail (like the one from The Last Crusade) of cool things from movie sets. John Wick’s blood oath medallion? They’ve got it. Agent Smith’s Desert Eagle? That too. Ash’s arm chainsaw from Evil Dead? Aguilar’s hidden blades from Assassin’s Creed? The “Here we go.” Joker rocket launcher from The Dark Knight? The list. Goes. On. This place stockpiles the relics of your memories and sells them to the highest bidder. They’ve got the goods.

Prop Store will be blessing the New York Comic Con with a live auction of Marvel Television props (some of which I may have mentioned above) and rocking a booth in the 1300 block at #1354 with some of the dopest and esoteric props there for purchase. I’ll be there, fanboying myself into a nerdy coma, come Stan with me fam.

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October 1, 2019

How To Work For A Micromanger Without Losing Your Mind

Angry manager having a meeting with his colleagues in the office.

Source: skynesher / Getty

Working for a micromanager is no walk in the park. It will have you out here mentally quitting your job every other day, ugly crying in the car, worrying about work on your day off, and if you’re not careful, sitting in a doctor’s office being treated for some stress-related illness. Being supervised under this management style can make you feel helpless and hopeless, but there are some things you can do to hold on to your sanity and health until you’re able to secure employment elsewhere. Check out these nine ways to beat your micromanager at her own game.

Make sure your bases are covered

The first and most important rule for working with a boss who micromanages is to cover your butt. We all make mistakes; however, when you’re consistently dropping the ball, you send the message that you can’t be trusted, further perpetuating the cycle of being micromanaged. Once you’ve been labeled as the employee who can’t be trusted, your work life will be a living hell under this type of manager, so be hypervigilant about dotting your Is and crossing your Ts.

September 30, 2019

PODCAST: The ‘Power’ Recap Show S6 Ep 3

The Starz TV series Power is in its final season, also known as “The Final Betrayal”. Angelica and Ryanne return to this new show focusing on episodic recaps of season 6. And don’t worry for you Handmaid’s Tale fans out there, we still have one more episode to be released to finish out the rest of season 3.

For now, enjoy this recap of episode 3 of Power titled “Forgot About Dre”.

Hosts: Angelica and Ryanne
Edited by: Jamie Broadnax
Music by: Sammus

The post PODCAST: The ‘Power’ Recap Show S6 Ep 3 appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

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