Things We Saw Today: Yet Another Reason We Love the Avatar: The Last Airbender Series

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Things We Saw Today: Yet Another Reason We Love the Avatar: The Last Airbender Series

In the above video, YouTuber Just Write offers a lovely look at yet another reason we love the animated Avatar: The Last Airbender series. It points out how both Aang and Zuko’s backstories help drive the drama of the plot and allow for long, satisfying character arcs.

  • I don’t know why The New York Times keeps writing these “let’s frame Nazis nicely” pieces, but they have bafflingly published another one. Please stop normalizing Nazis.
  • Obviously, Puerto Rico needs federal intervention in order to fully recover, and capitalism is not the end-all answer, but Brands of Puerto Rico does give you a small way to make a difference. The site allows you to buy from Puerto Rican businesses for your holiday shopping, or hire Puerto Rican programmers, copywriters, accountants, and other professionals for your business needs.
  • Joe Manganiello posted a photo of himself dressed as Deathstroke/Slade Wilson. (via AV Club)
  • Joshua Dunlop’s “Pokémon Zoology” series imagines what the cutesy animated creatures might look like if they actually existed, and it’s super cool. (via Nerdist)

What’d you see today, TMSers?

(Featured image via)

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