Monday Cute: Stray Dog Joins Orchestra Mid-Performance, Is a Very Good Boy

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Monday Cute: Stray Dog Joins Orchestra Mid-Performance, Is a Very Good Boy

The Vienna Chamber Orchestra was performing in the outdoors in Turkey when they had a surprise last-minute addition to their ranks.

The stray dog’s appearance and timing as it paces calmly onto stage just could not be more perfect. Seeming unperturbed by the huge professional orchestra now backing it, and unmoved by the burst of laughter and applause from the crowd, the dog appears to coolly consider its options. Then it tucks in and settles down by the violinist’s chair for a good listen. You can see the good humor in the violinist’s face as he notices their visitor reclining for the long haul.

The orchestra is playing Mendelssohn’s ‘Italian’ Symphony No.4., and even as they hold it together beautifully, many of the musicians’ expressions show that they want to start laughing along with the crowd. I’m thrilled that no one rushed out to remove the dog and that the crowd wasn’t upset about the concert-crasher but rather, from the sound of it, had a wildly enthusiastic response. Spontaneous bursts of applause upon the appearance of a dog at an ancient site alongside the Viennese Chamber Orchestra are what makes us human.

I love so many things about this: the adorable music-loving dog, the good will from the Orchestra, the approval from the audience. It almost looks pre-arranged, it all unfolded so perfectly. That it was an accident just makes it so much more AWW!-worthy. And of course, maybe it wasn’t an accident. Maybe that dog knew exactly what it was after and just went for it.

The heart wants what it wants.

(via BoingBoing, image: screengrab)

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