5 Apps to Help Relieve Stress in the Workplace

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5 Apps to Help Relieve Stress in the Workplace


Millennials are more ambitious than ever and with everything on their plate, it can be stressful managing it all. Thankfully, there’s an app for that.

As a busy, young entrepreneur in ‘Silicon Harlem,’ John Henry came to New York from his home state of Florida, as a jazz musician and student. After taking advantage of a business opportunity he received as a doorman, he ultimately built and led his first company, an on-demand laundry startup, to an early acquisition within two years.

Throughout the last four years, Henry has worked with early-stage companies as founder and managing director at Cofound Harlem, an impact investment accelerator, and head of AREA, a real-estate tech accelerator and seed-stage VC Firm.

Below, he shares his top apps for relieving stress in the workplace with BlackEnterprise.com:

1. Slack — Slack is a messaging service with teams that can be used to keep projects organized. “It’s become such a staple for communication. All our portfolio companies and partners are on there. 1 of our rules is to always be logged in. It goes a long way for stress-management to have everything in one place,” John shared.

2. My Fitness Pal — “Staying healthy is a must, so I use this app to count calories, track fitness goals, etc.,” says John. With this app, powered by Under Armour, you can keep track of your calories, workouts, and much more. Once you fill out your profile, you get suggested nutritional and fitness plans catered to your goals.

3. Croissant — “This app is a lifesaver! I’m constantly on the go, so this app consolidates all of the co-working spaces across the city into one, simple membership for $99. Truly incredible product,” Henry shares. With 25 locations, snacks, coffee, and the ability to work around other entrepreneurs, Croissant simplifies the stress of looking for a place to work when time is of the essence.

4. Mint — As the mismanagement of funds can be the cause of stress, being able to see your accounts in one location can help to put one’s mind at ease. Henry explains,  “Although I wish there was  a tool to consolidate all bill payments, Mint is still a fantastic tool to manage my finances. I can track my spending, know when/if I’m splurging too much, and forecast around certain bill cycles.”

5. Uber — “Last, but definitely not least. When it comes to getting around with convenience, reliability, and style — there’s no better option than Uber. I try to hail a cab when I can, since it’s more economic, but more often than not the NYC millennial lifestyle lends itself more naturally to an UBER. Does your date have high heels on and doesn’t want to walk? Uber. New Years Eve? Uber. It’s raining? Uber,” John effused.

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