31 Days of Sensuality Day 16: Coping With The Need For Touch Through Massage

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31 Days of Sensuality Day 16: Coping With The Need For Touch Through Massage


31 days of sensuality day 16

Source: iOne Digital / iOne Digital

Not having sex has left me absent of the physical touch – which happens to be my #1 love language and my favorite way to show affection. I removed my all things out of my life that I felt would temp me – I’ve been out here fighting temptations during this Hot Girl Summer! SMH. 

Through this 31 Days of Sensuality Challenge, i’m learning that cutting myself off from pleasure isn’t healthy for me. In fact, humans need to touch each other in order to survive. When we touch, hug, cuddle and connect we release oxytocin which promotes feel-good sensations that foster a sense of well-being and happiness. Physical touch also  increases levels of dopamine and serotonin, these two neurotransmitters help regulate your mood by relieving your body of stress and anxiety. 

Sensuality is more than looking sexy and being sexy. Sensuality is rooted in feeling sexy through well being. 

This week,  I started focusing on giving better hugs. There is undeniable power in a hug- my hugs have become longer, deeper, grounded and full of life. According to Dr. Mercola,  you should hug for at least 20 seconds  at least once everyday! So don’t be offended when I go in for a hug over a handshake. 

I’m also bringing touch back into my life with massages. Splurging on a massage ever so often is important  because of the legitimate health benefits that come from body work. In fact, having regular massage sessions can help with physiological function, mental acuity, migraines, and even symptoms of depression. In addition to the traditional deep tissue massage, I also tried a  Thai Yoga Massage and Reflexology. Each of these massages stimulated healing to different parts of the body, mind, and soul. More about each below: 

Thai Yoga Massage: Thai Yoga Massage is an ancient healing practice  that was born in Thailand. This therapeutic massage combines soft tissue manipulation techniques, assisted yoga postures, breathing and meditation to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation.

Reflexology: Reflexology is a form of bodywork that involves applying pressure to the hands, ears and feet. Reflexologists believe that these reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, creating beneficial health improvements to this area.  

There is something very special about being touched by someone who has healing energy. Each of these massages promoted the flow of energy through my body and I felt a sense of release from them. I allowed my body to be still and melt into a deep and silent place.  

Yes, massages are a treat- so treat yourself! Rid yourself of the idea that massages are something you splurge on, instead budget them into your regular health,  wellness and sensual practice in the same way you would pay for dance classes and a gym membership. 



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