Cat Brooks is gearing up for one of the biggest moments of her life—a race to become the new mayor in Oakland, California.

“I’m running because the people — hundreds of Oaklanders — asked me to,” said Brooks. “I am deeply concerned about the direction in which our city is headed. As the recent Equity Indicators Report demonstrates, Oakland is failing to provide all of our community members with equitable opportunities to live, work, and thrive in Oakland. It’s time to elect politicians who are truly invested in a better future for the people of Oakland, and are willing to do the work to get us there.”

Currently, Brooks serves as the executive director and co-founder of the Justice Teams Network, a network of grassroots activists providing rapid response and healing justice in response to all forms of state violence across California. She’s also the co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project, an organizer, and proud resident of Oakland, California. Additionally, she’s served as executive director for both Youth Together and the National Lawyers Guild.

“I am most proud of the work we have done with families who are survivors of state violence and the development of the APTP First Responders Guide that trains communities to rapidly respond to incidents of police violence,” said Brooks. “It also trains organizers how to support families through the process of fighting for justice and rebuilding their lives. This model is currently being replicated across the country and parts of Canada.”

Recently, she left her position as co-host of KPFA radio’s morning show “Upfront” to run for mayor. In this interview, she shares her plans to uplift and transform the city of Oakland.

Black Enterprise: Across the US there is a lot of voter distrust of government and election security. What would you say to the person who’s reluctant to vote?

Cat Brooks: I would tell a person who’s reluctant to vote that I understand. People in the United States, and in Oakland, in particular, have worked with very few politicians who truly represent their interests within city government. So it would be rational for them to assume that this election is no different, and to stay home from the polls.

Our campaign is trying to create an environment in which politicians are held accountable — and that starts with us. We have been working to establish a political platform that reflects the wants and needs of the people of Oakland.

With respects to our judicial system, 45’s [President Trump] work has not been exclusively at the Supreme Court level. He has packed lower courts with judges who support his views and agenda. Strong city governments must not be afraid to litigate on behalf of themselves and their people. When 45’s judges come after unions, sanctuary, people of color, the LGBTQ community, and/or others, cities must invest in protecting those who are made vulnerable.

When it comes to each of the issues on your political platform, what are the changes you’d like to see and how specifically are you working to make those changes?

Housing is my number one priority and in the first 100 days of my administration. I want to get the 6,000 homeless people sleeping on our streets into shelters and beds. We can ramp up for a natural disaster, and make no mistake, this is a disaster that the UN just called ‘cruel and inhumane.’ So we will open up city buildings and public lands to provide safe, dignified shelter — first and foremost — while we do the long-term work of building the housing our population needs.

I want to zero in on partnerships that create wrap-around services for students and their families, including quality after-school and job training programs and programming that would create full-service community hubs through city social services and nonprofit organizations. Schools can and should be open seven days a week, offering support with things like adult education, conflict resolution, substance abuse counseling, and more. This takes the pressure off of teachers to solve every single social ill and allows them to focus on what we want them to do best: teach.

It is critical that Oakland better support small businesses and ensures equity. I want to create one-stop shops for all permitting and zones that limit big chain stores from displacing our small mom and-pops. I want to build partnerships with our community Colleges — such as Laney and Merritt — to create technical assistance for small businesses, particularly in East Oakland, where we need to ensure economic development without displacement.

Our City spends more money on overtime pay for police officers than it does on preparing our children for successful and thriving lives from day one. As Mayor, I will conduct a complete audit of the Oakland Police Department to determine how more than $271 million of the city’s dollars are being spent. It is time for 21st-century solutions to public safety that are rooted in prevention and not just criminalization, rooted in community-based, equity-focused methodologies that actually protect communities.

The air quality in parts of our city is a public health crisis. My own daughter has been hospitalized multiple times due to asthma. While I believe in the critical importance of jobs, I will not allow coal to be transported through West Oakland, further sickening our children.

Ensure Oakland is a sanctuary city by providing a commitment to a policy that prevents any collusion between local law enforcement and federal agencies. Also working closely with the most impacted communities to create and strengthen rapid response networks, “know-your-rights” training, and other community safety mechanisms.

The post Oakland Mayor Candidate, Cat Brooks, On the Issues appeared first on Black Enterprise.

November 2, 2018

Oakland Mayor Candidate, Cat Brooks, On the Issues

Cat Brooks is gearing up for one of the biggest moments of her life—a race to become the new mayor in Oakland, California.

“I’m running because the people — hundreds of Oaklanders — asked me to,” said Brooks. “I am deeply concerned about the direction in which our city is headed. As the recent Equity Indicators Report demonstrates, Oakland is failing to provide all of our community members with equitable opportunities to live, work, and thrive in Oakland. It’s time to elect politicians who are truly invested in a better future for the people of Oakland, and are willing to do the work to get us there.”

Currently, Brooks serves as the executive director and co-founder of the Justice Teams Network, a network of grassroots activists providing rapid response and healing justice in response to all forms of state violence across California. She’s also the co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project, an organizer, and proud resident of Oakland, California. Additionally, she’s served as executive director for both Youth Together and the National Lawyers Guild.

“I am most proud of the work we have done with families who are survivors of state violence and the development of the APTP First Responders Guide that trains communities to rapidly respond to incidents of police violence,” said Brooks. “It also trains organizers how to support families through the process of fighting for justice and rebuilding their lives. This model is currently being replicated across the country and parts of Canada.”

Recently, she left her position as co-host of KPFA radio’s morning show “Upfront” to run for mayor. In this interview, she shares her plans to uplift and transform the city of Oakland.

Black Enterprise: Across the US there is a lot of voter distrust of government and election security. What would you say to the person who’s reluctant to vote?

Cat Brooks: I would tell a person who’s reluctant to vote that I understand. People in the United States, and in Oakland, in particular, have worked with very few politicians who truly represent their interests within city government. So it would be rational for them to assume that this election is no different, and to stay home from the polls.

Our campaign is trying to create an environment in which politicians are held accountable — and that starts with us. We have been working to establish a political platform that reflects the wants and needs of the people of Oakland.

With respects to our judicial system, 45’s [President Trump] work has not been exclusively at the Supreme Court level. He has packed lower courts with judges who support his views and agenda. Strong city governments must not be afraid to litigate on behalf of themselves and their people. When 45’s judges come after unions, sanctuary, people of color, the LGBTQ community, and/or others, cities must invest in protecting those who are made vulnerable.

When it comes to each of the issues on your political platform, what are the changes you’d like to see and how specifically are you working to make those changes?

Housing is my number one priority and in the first 100 days of my administration. I want to get the 6,000 homeless people sleeping on our streets into shelters and beds. We can ramp up for a natural disaster, and make no mistake, this is a disaster that the UN just called ‘cruel and inhumane.’ So we will open up city buildings and public lands to provide safe, dignified shelter — first and foremost — while we do the long-term work of building the housing our population needs.

I want to zero in on partnerships that create wrap-around services for students and their families, including quality after-school and job training programs and programming that would create full-service community hubs through city social services and nonprofit organizations. Schools can and should be open seven days a week, offering support with things like adult education, conflict resolution, substance abuse counseling, and more. This takes the pressure off of teachers to solve every single social ill and allows them to focus on what we want them to do best: teach.

It is critical that Oakland better support small businesses and ensures equity. I want to create one-stop shops for all permitting and zones that limit big chain stores from displacing our small mom and-pops. I want to build partnerships with our community Colleges — such as Laney and Merritt — to create technical assistance for small businesses, particularly in East Oakland, where we need to ensure economic development without displacement.

Our City spends more money on overtime pay for police officers than it does on preparing our children for successful and thriving lives from day one. As Mayor, I will conduct a complete audit of the Oakland Police Department to determine how more than $271 million of the city’s dollars are being spent. It is time for 21st-century solutions to public safety that are rooted in prevention and not just criminalization, rooted in community-based, equity-focused methodologies that actually protect communities.

The air quality in parts of our city is a public health crisis. My own daughter has been hospitalized multiple times due to asthma. While I believe in the critical importance of jobs, I will not allow coal to be transported through West Oakland, further sickening our children.

Ensure Oakland is a sanctuary city by providing a commitment to a policy that prevents any collusion between local law enforcement and federal agencies. Also working closely with the most impacted communities to create and strengthen rapid response networks, “know-your-rights” training, and other community safety mechanisms.

The post Oakland Mayor Candidate, Cat Brooks, On the Issues appeared first on Black Enterprise.

November 2, 2018

Check Out A Sneak Peek Of Taraji P. Henson’s Character In Ralph Breaks The Internet

Who knew Taraji P. Henson was providing the voice for one of the animated characters in "Ralph Breaks The Internet"? Check her out inside.

November 2, 2018

Ron Swanson Meets Kim Possible in New TALKIN’ TOONS

On this week’s Talkin’ Toons, Kim Possible visits Parks & RecreationBoy Meets World star Will Friedle does his best Ron Swanson impression in a scene from Kim Possible alongside our host Rob Paulsen.

If you like the clip and want to see more, full episodes of Talkin’ Toons are available at our online Alpha community.When you sign up for the first time your first 30 days are free.

November 2, 2018

Things We Saw Today: If Your Writer Friend Isn’t Social Right Now, It’s Just NaNoWriMo Time

laptop and hand writing

It’s November and so aspiring writers everywhere are going to spend the rest of this month doing what all writers love to do: furiously try and make deadlines, while hating everything they write.

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is an annual writing challenge to write a 50,000-word first draft during the month of November. The non-profit organization is celebrating its 20th year and expects more than 400,000 people to start their novel this month. It is a great way to finally just get your brainchild into the world if you want that level of commitment to deadlines..

Seriously, one of the things every writer’s guide tells you to do is just suck it up, put pen to paper or fingers to key and just make the story come to life. Don’t worry about it being perfect: just write.

It sounds simple and once upon a time, it was my least favorite piece of writing advice. It isn’t easy to just turn off that extra part of your brain and “just write,” especially when you have carried a story in your mind and in your heart for years. When you see scenes and sequences so clearly, but while typing it out it feels like instead of creating magic, you are just making a mess. I get it.

Yet, as I look at all the great work being put out, I realize that if you never try, you’ll never know. What is the point of having all these ideas if you never share them? How will you know you really suck if a Twitter thread or Tumblr blog hasn’t been made about you?

So I’m going to be throwing my hat in the ring with all the other NaNoWriMo people out there. All the writers reading this? This is our time. Write your novel.

  • The Portalist has put together a list of 11 feminist science-fiction and fantasy titles throughout the ages, including some of my favorites like Brightness Falls from the Air and Parable of the Sower. (via The Portalist)
  • Thanks to the efforts of American Indian activists in North Dakota, thousands of voters of American Indian descent of the state will be getting free I.D.s, which will make a huge difference in the upcoming election and just a win for Democracy in general. (via Star Tribune)
  • Louis C.K.’s comeback was always going to be easy and feminists knew it. (via Vulture)
  • The PlayStation Classic, the Christmas gift I want the most, will be shipping on December 3rd will ship with 20 pre-loaded games that are perfectly curated for your nostalgia. (via Den of Geek)
  • Gal Gadot fills her timeline with all these pictures of women and girls dressed up at Wonder Woman on Twitter. Hera my heart is so full.

OMG it’s Thursday!

(The CW)

(image: Pexels)

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