Gentrification involves the transformation of under-invested, predominately poor communities from low value to high value. During this transformation, long-time residents and businesses are displaced; unable to afford higher rents, mortgages, and property taxes.

For some, gentrification is a process of renovating deteriorated urban neighborhoods through the influx of more affluent residents. To others, gentrification magnifies the racial divide as it shifts a neighborhood’s racial composition as white residents move in and minorities are moved out.

According to a 2015 Governing survey, gentrification accelerated in several cities with nearly 20% of neighborhoods with lower incomes and home values experiencing gentrification since 2000. That’s compared to only 9% during the 1990s.

Gentrification is a hot topic. The Neighborhood, a recent comedic sitcom on CBS starring Cedric the Entertainer and Tichina Arnold, attempts to make light of white neighbors, moving into predominantly black neighborhoods. Although the sitcom creates opportunities for robust discussion, the results of gentrification are rarely viewed as a laughing matter.

The causes of gentrification are debatable. Some suggest it is caused by social and cultural factors, including family structure, rapid job growth, lack of housing, traffic congestion, and public-sector policies.

According to the CDC, there are definite health impacts. Studies indicate that vulnerable populations typically have shorter life expectancy; higher cancer rates; more congenital disabilities; greater infant mortality; and a higher incidence of asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Gentrification As Public Policy

Coined “Negro Removal” in the 1960’s by James Baldwin, the process of gentrification can happen so gradually it appears to be a subtle phenomenon. To address gentrification, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Los Angeles city council member (8th District), and congresswoman Karen Bass gathered local government officials and community and faith-based leaders for a discussion on the causes and responses to gentrification at the Congressional Black Caucus’ 48th Annual Legislative Conference. The conversation included Nefertiti Jackmon, Executive Director, Six Square Austin’s Black Cultural District; Tracey Ross, Associate Director, Policy Link; Mindy Fullilove, Clinical Psychiatrist and Author of Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurt America and What We Can Do About It; and Ras Baraka, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey.

“It is inspiring to see the leadership on the panel committed to finding solutions,” said Bass. “We need to build more coalitions of government, community, and academics to address this critical community issue.”

“We studied the issue [and] we realized rapid displacement was happening in every big city across the country. I wanted to convene this discussion because this is a national crisis and we need a national discussion to identify concrete solutions,” stated Harris-Dawson.

Solutions like Destination Crenshaw, the first outdoor project of its kind in Los Angeles, using an iconic city street name to provide the context for public artwork and design, will formally establish and memorialize an African American neighborhood and set the tone for community revitalization.

Destination Crenshaw will also create and install a 1.1-mile long open-air street museum along Crenshaw Boulevard that will flank the new Crenshaw/Los Angeles Airport (LAX) Rail Line, serving as the gateway to the City of Los Angeles for riders from across the globe.

Other solutions steered by Harris-Dawson’s office include collaborating with academia to initiate case studies and needs assessments on how to preserve areas at risk; establishing partnerships to create social and economic programs to protect communities and prevent displacement; and introducing policy.

Pending solutions include a $700 million renovation plan to renovate the historic Crenshaw Baldwin Hills Plaza in South Los Angeles. It is estimated that the redevelopment project will generate thousands of new jobs in a community facing a 12% unemployment rate, while also helping to sustain several Black and minority-owned businesses in the plaza.

Additional examples of the commitment to build strong communities are seen in Newark, New Jersey, and the Hire, Buy, Live, Newark initiative led by Mayor of Newark, Ras Baraka. Hire, Buy, Live, Newark is an unprecedented partnership between the city’s business community and various agencies and organizations.

The partnership relies on three integrated, interrelated strategies: Hire Newark, which will connect the unemployed to full-time living wage jobs; Buy Newark, which will support the growth of local businesses and match them to the purchasing needs of other Newark businesses and; Live Newark, which will attract more employees, faculty and students to live in the city and provide existing residents with additional rental and home ownership choices.

Gentrification and Businesses

Since gentrification is exacerbated by the lack of jobs, education, and opportunities within the community; local business leaders play an integral part in how the state of the local economy affects gentrification. Here is how:

-Section 125 Plans – When asked ‘What can people of color do to avoid displacement?’ Ras Baraka quickly answered, “You have to own.” Section 125 plans like 401K plans and other retirement and savings vehicles can provide employees with a road map to financial freedom. Section 125 savings plans and other financial tools that companies offer for their employees can often be the only solution for those seeking to save money, save their property, or purchase. The majority of companies offer some matching contribution for an average of 2.7% of a person’s pay. The most common match is 50 cents on the dollar. For every $1 you contribute to the company’s 401(k), the company will contribute 50 cents. These type of plans provide the ability to receive a match and can be one method for a home buyer to secure a down payment or collateral they need to purchase a property.

-Credit Unions – According to Professor Fullilove, “Black professionals really want to help people build wealth. The problem is in many of these situations (for example with the foreclosure crisis), people went into buying houses to build wealth, but the wealth was stripped. A huge amount of wealth was lost in Black and Latino communities. So many big employers have credit unions that [can be a] tool.” Using credit unions to provide financial backing can benefit.

-Employee Assistance Programs – An employer-sponsored employee assistance plan (EAP) is a work-based intervention program designed to identify and assist employees in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their performance at work, which include emotional issues and financial problems. EAPs may also offer a wide array of services covering basic legal assistance and referrals, help to find elder care services, wellness programs, and more. Employers usually pay for EAPs, and their services are often available not only to employees but to employees’ immediate family members or anyone living in employees’ homes. According to the 2016 SHRM Employee Benefits research report, 77% of surveyed employers offered an employer-paid EAP. EAPs may provide credit-counseling options, referrals to legal aid, and other advice for first-time homebuyers or those in need of retaining, securing, or transferring property.

-Recruitment and Hiring Practices – In Los Angeles, Newark, and other cities, local officials are putting pressure on companies through subsidies and penalties, ensuring residents are hired so they can work in the city where they live.

In Los Angeles, Harris-Dawson and other elected officials are guaranteeing that projects, including the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Mall, have a “very aggressive commitment to hire local and to help make sure African American workers are a part of that process. Many companies working on big public projects like LAX and (our transportation system/Metro) have done the same thing,” explains Harris-Dawson. In Newark, companies such as Prudential, St. Barnabas Hospital, and Rutgers-Newark are being held accountable to hire from the community.

-Tuition Reimbursement Programs– Since displacement and the lack of opportunity are interrelated, the ability to receive tuition reimbursement to pursue a degree can narrow the gap. In a 2016 study, Cigna found that participants in a company offering tuition reimbursement program was 10% more likely to be promoted and made an average of 43% more, over three years, than colleagues who did not take advantage of the program. Increases in salary and position can mean the difference between losing or saving your home — especially in communities where residents are struggling financially. Employees can also benefit from employers that offer student loan repayment assistance.

Gentrification is a complex issue.  Most would agree we need a diverse community and people should not be driven out. At the same time, cities need development, legislation implemented, institutions built, and families strengthened.

Businesses that benefit from the community are being held accountable to be benefactors to the community. As we prepare for upcoming elections, it is essential to pay close attention to those ballot measures that may affect gentrification. Measures such as Proposition 10 in Los Angeles, deal with issues that can hurt or help struggling renters are now on the ballot.

Each city has its challenges, and there is not a one-size-fit-all solution. Businesses are now on the front lines and have the opportunity to collaborate with policymakers to find remedies.



The post Gentrification, ‘Negro Removal,’ and a Housing Crisis appeared first on Black Enterprise.

November 4, 2018

Gentrification, ‘Negro Removal,’ and a Housing Crisis

Gentrification involves the transformation of under-invested, predominately poor communities from low value to high value. During this transformation, long-time residents and businesses are displaced; unable to afford higher rents, mortgages, and property taxes.

For some, gentrification is a process of renovating deteriorated urban neighborhoods through the influx of more affluent residents. To others, gentrification magnifies the racial divide as it shifts a neighborhood’s racial composition as white residents move in and minorities are moved out.

According to a 2015 Governing survey, gentrification accelerated in several cities with nearly 20% of neighborhoods with lower incomes and home values experiencing gentrification since 2000. That’s compared to only 9% during the 1990s.

Gentrification is a hot topic. The Neighborhood, a recent comedic sitcom on CBS starring Cedric the Entertainer and Tichina Arnold, attempts to make light of white neighbors, moving into predominantly black neighborhoods. Although the sitcom creates opportunities for robust discussion, the results of gentrification are rarely viewed as a laughing matter.

The causes of gentrification are debatable. Some suggest it is caused by social and cultural factors, including family structure, rapid job growth, lack of housing, traffic congestion, and public-sector policies.

According to the CDC, there are definite health impacts. Studies indicate that vulnerable populations typically have shorter life expectancy; higher cancer rates; more congenital disabilities; greater infant mortality; and a higher incidence of asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Gentrification As Public Policy

Coined “Negro Removal” in the 1960’s by James Baldwin, the process of gentrification can happen so gradually it appears to be a subtle phenomenon. To address gentrification, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Los Angeles city council member (8th District), and congresswoman Karen Bass gathered local government officials and community and faith-based leaders for a discussion on the causes and responses to gentrification at the Congressional Black Caucus’ 48th Annual Legislative Conference. The conversation included Nefertiti Jackmon, Executive Director, Six Square Austin’s Black Cultural District; Tracey Ross, Associate Director, Policy Link; Mindy Fullilove, Clinical Psychiatrist and Author of Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurt America and What We Can Do About It; and Ras Baraka, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey.

“It is inspiring to see the leadership on the panel committed to finding solutions,” said Bass. “We need to build more coalitions of government, community, and academics to address this critical community issue.”

“We studied the issue [and] we realized rapid displacement was happening in every big city across the country. I wanted to convene this discussion because this is a national crisis and we need a national discussion to identify concrete solutions,” stated Harris-Dawson.

Solutions like Destination Crenshaw, the first outdoor project of its kind in Los Angeles, using an iconic city street name to provide the context for public artwork and design, will formally establish and memorialize an African American neighborhood and set the tone for community revitalization.

Destination Crenshaw will also create and install a 1.1-mile long open-air street museum along Crenshaw Boulevard that will flank the new Crenshaw/Los Angeles Airport (LAX) Rail Line, serving as the gateway to the City of Los Angeles for riders from across the globe.

Other solutions steered by Harris-Dawson’s office include collaborating with academia to initiate case studies and needs assessments on how to preserve areas at risk; establishing partnerships to create social and economic programs to protect communities and prevent displacement; and introducing policy.

Pending solutions include a $700 million renovation plan to renovate the historic Crenshaw Baldwin Hills Plaza in South Los Angeles. It is estimated that the redevelopment project will generate thousands of new jobs in a community facing a 12% unemployment rate, while also helping to sustain several Black and minority-owned businesses in the plaza.

Additional examples of the commitment to build strong communities are seen in Newark, New Jersey, and the Hire, Buy, Live, Newark initiative led by Mayor of Newark, Ras Baraka. Hire, Buy, Live, Newark is an unprecedented partnership between the city’s business community and various agencies and organizations.

The partnership relies on three integrated, interrelated strategies: Hire Newark, which will connect the unemployed to full-time living wage jobs; Buy Newark, which will support the growth of local businesses and match them to the purchasing needs of other Newark businesses and; Live Newark, which will attract more employees, faculty and students to live in the city and provide existing residents with additional rental and home ownership choices.

Gentrification and Businesses

Since gentrification is exacerbated by the lack of jobs, education, and opportunities within the community; local business leaders play an integral part in how the state of the local economy affects gentrification. Here is how:

-Section 125 Plans – When asked ‘What can people of color do to avoid displacement?’ Ras Baraka quickly answered, “You have to own.” Section 125 plans like 401K plans and other retirement and savings vehicles can provide employees with a road map to financial freedom. Section 125 savings plans and other financial tools that companies offer for their employees can often be the only solution for those seeking to save money, save their property, or purchase. The majority of companies offer some matching contribution for an average of 2.7% of a person’s pay. The most common match is 50 cents on the dollar. For every $1 you contribute to the company’s 401(k), the company will contribute 50 cents. These type of plans provide the ability to receive a match and can be one method for a home buyer to secure a down payment or collateral they need to purchase a property.

-Credit Unions – According to Professor Fullilove, “Black professionals really want to help people build wealth. The problem is in many of these situations (for example with the foreclosure crisis), people went into buying houses to build wealth, but the wealth was stripped. A huge amount of wealth was lost in Black and Latino communities. So many big employers have credit unions that [can be a] tool.” Using credit unions to provide financial backing can benefit.

-Employee Assistance Programs – An employer-sponsored employee assistance plan (EAP) is a work-based intervention program designed to identify and assist employees in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their performance at work, which include emotional issues and financial problems. EAPs may also offer a wide array of services covering basic legal assistance and referrals, help to find elder care services, wellness programs, and more. Employers usually pay for EAPs, and their services are often available not only to employees but to employees’ immediate family members or anyone living in employees’ homes. According to the 2016 SHRM Employee Benefits research report, 77% of surveyed employers offered an employer-paid EAP. EAPs may provide credit-counseling options, referrals to legal aid, and other advice for first-time homebuyers or those in need of retaining, securing, or transferring property.

-Recruitment and Hiring Practices – In Los Angeles, Newark, and other cities, local officials are putting pressure on companies through subsidies and penalties, ensuring residents are hired so they can work in the city where they live.

In Los Angeles, Harris-Dawson and other elected officials are guaranteeing that projects, including the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Mall, have a “very aggressive commitment to hire local and to help make sure African American workers are a part of that process. Many companies working on big public projects like LAX and (our transportation system/Metro) have done the same thing,” explains Harris-Dawson. In Newark, companies such as Prudential, St. Barnabas Hospital, and Rutgers-Newark are being held accountable to hire from the community.

-Tuition Reimbursement Programs– Since displacement and the lack of opportunity are interrelated, the ability to receive tuition reimbursement to pursue a degree can narrow the gap. In a 2016 study, Cigna found that participants in a company offering tuition reimbursement program was 10% more likely to be promoted and made an average of 43% more, over three years, than colleagues who did not take advantage of the program. Increases in salary and position can mean the difference between losing or saving your home — especially in communities where residents are struggling financially. Employees can also benefit from employers that offer student loan repayment assistance.

Gentrification is a complex issue.  Most would agree we need a diverse community and people should not be driven out. At the same time, cities need development, legislation implemented, institutions built, and families strengthened.

Businesses that benefit from the community are being held accountable to be benefactors to the community. As we prepare for upcoming elections, it is essential to pay close attention to those ballot measures that may affect gentrification. Measures such as Proposition 10 in Los Angeles, deal with issues that can hurt or help struggling renters are now on the ballot.

Each city has its challenges, and there is not a one-size-fit-all solution. Businesses are now on the front lines and have the opportunity to collaborate with policymakers to find remedies.



The post Gentrification, ‘Negro Removal,’ and a Housing Crisis appeared first on Black Enterprise.

November 4, 2018

Titans Recap, Episode 4: Doom Patrol

Alright Titans, we saw the origins of the angriest Dick Grayson, got some much needed backstory on Rachel’s mysterious upbringing, found our way to Kory Anders’s mysterious storage unit with all of the pushpins and colored string you could want, and got our first glimpse at Beast Boy. This exciting exposition concluded with Raven breaking out of the convent she was drugged and trapped in. Now on that she’s on the run, will Kory and Dick be able to find her? And how will Gar fit into all of this? Let’s find out.

Spoilers ahead

Flashback: 2 Years Ago in the Congo

In the plains of a war encampment looking settlement a helicopter flies over. Medical type folks are rushing handle sick patients. Gar, without his signature green hair, is among those effected and he is abandoned by all of the hazmat suits who are making a prompt exit. However, one of professionals makes their way back and checks Gar’s vital and seems to be a little bit too excited, especially after he spots some snake-like skin on Gar’s arm. The man brings up a vial of green liquid and injects straight into Gar’s neck. He yells as he face flushes a deep green.

On the Run

Back in the present, Rachel is running only to be intercepted by Gar in the form of a green lion. Rachel is predictably worried until Gar ducks behind some trees and reveals his true self. Rachel has questions and Gar’s response is “Don’t worry. I don’t bite.” They run off with Gar in the lead.

Titans — Ep. 104 — Photo Credit: Steve Wilkie / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved

Back at the convent, Kory and Dick look at the giant whole in the building and confront the “kind nun” who drugged and emprisoned here. The nun is worried about the doomsday plot and is summarily escorted to the back of the ambulance. Kory and Dick beginning arguing about Dick’s inability to stay near Rachel, and Dick doesn’t really have a good response. Kory continues her roast of Dick, but the two resolve to find her.

Gar and Rachel take shelter in an abandoned house in the woods to take a breather and warm themselves by the fire. Rachel is worried about her increasing power and how she’s becoming a danger to the folks around. Gar is completely nonplussed by the entire affair and retorts “You saw what I did back there.” The two share a look, and have a playful conversation. A loud sound from outside startle the duo and they go to investigate.

Two hunters are seen in the woods attempting to finish off a deer they shot, when Rachel comes to intervene. The two hunters are deadset on getting their haul, but before they can do much else, Gar scares the living hell out of the two in his green tiger form and they run for the hills. Rachel tends to deer as Gar actually puts his clothes back on. Gar discusses his haemophobia and the fact that he’s never bitten any one before. Rachel mourns the lost of deer life. Gar continues to assure Rachel that she is a good person, and while she rebuffs, he is steadfast. As the two walk away, the deer mysteriously stirs back to life, but they don’t know that.

II. Rest Stop

Gar shows Rachel the building where he lives and takes her to a secret underground bunker a.k.a. Nirvana. Nirvana is predictably every teenager’s dream full of arcade games, unique posters, and free soda. Rachel calls Gar out on his geekdom and he embraces the title without any resistance.

Rachel spots a picture of Gar’s family, and the two bond over parental loss. Gar asks about Kory and Dick, and Rachel in turn asks about who else is living in Nirvana. Right on cue, the first of the Doom Patrol arises and we here (and get a small glimpse) of Robotman. Gar shoves Rachel into the closest as Robotman confronts Beast Boy about what he was doing during the day. Gar gives a half-assed answer, alluding to a “Chief” and gets a little defensive. Robotman chides at Gar’s like of disguise skills before leaving. Gar then gets a little too overconfident and asks if she wants to join him in a game, but Robotman intervenes the moment Rachel steps out of the closest.

Titans — Ep. 104 — Photo Credit: Christos Kalohoridis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

We jump to Robotman making quips dragging the two of them up a grand hallway. Rachel has questions about who exactly lives here, and Gar describes the the group he has taken in with as “conventionally challenged” When Rachel has questions about Robotman, he takes a deep sigh as he seems all too familiar with this question. Gar gives Robotman’s backstory and then explains how Chief is the greatest doctor in the world who saved all of them. Rachel’s next question is “All of you?” and Robotman stops Gar from providing more exposition. Rachel begins wondering around the facility to classic guitar riffs and stumbles onto bandaged man with sunglasses cooking breakfast and rocking out. Dude looks like he’s having a good time and Rachel, clearly hungry enters the kitchen. Larry, a.k.a. Negative Man, asks Rachel how she likes her steak and if she’s vegan before resuming his cookery, while Robotman is quickly loosing control of the situation. Larry and Gar vote to keep Rachel around much to Robotman’s chagrin.

III. In Hot Pursuit

Flash sideways, Kory and Dick are sitting in the car and Dick tells Kory that she has to stay in the car because she’s a little too conspicuous. Kory’s rebuts that she’s been doing just fine, before Dick brings out the badge and Kory’s wanted status, especially due to their proximity near the police station. Dick enters the building and Kory grows restless.

Dick talks to the local police who give him lead on a hunter in the woods who saw a green tiger and a girl with purple hair. The cop gives a little wink-wink nudge-nudge as he repeats the green tiger part of the story and casually throws out that the hunter was drunk. Dick, well versed in all things superheroic, knows he should probably follow up with the hunter himself and asks for a name.

IV. Meet the Rest of the Residents

Back in Nirvana, Gar ascends a spiral staircase as a haunting melody plays on a piano. Gar calls out for a Rita for dinner and says he wants to introduce Rachel to her. The piano stops and Gar takes some old dishes away from the door, saying he’ll bring dinner later.

We then teleport inside Rita’s room, full of classic movie posters and a strange mass of flesh lying on the bed.

Titans — Ep. 104 — Photo Credit: Christos Kalohoridis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Larry has prepared quite the feast and my goodness does he has some showmanship. The feast begins and Robotman becomes fascinated with Rachel’s chicken and waffles and the sensation of taste. We get a brief glimpse a woman slowly descend down the stairs, before Robotman bemoaning his inability to dance or swim thanks to being a brain in a robot. Rachel tries to cheer him up by trying to rock the robot and he becomes a little endeared to her. And right on cue, Rita makes her grand entrance with long white gloves and a stunning red dress.

Titans — Ep. 104 — Photo Credit: Christos Kalohoridis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Rita takes her place at the table and begins filling her plate to the absolute brim. Rita talks about her mysterious condition requiring a high caloric intake before pouring an entire saucer’s pan of gravy on top of her food as she goes to town. Rita complements the chef, and Larry jokes if anyone is willing to kiss the cook. Shortly there after Rita’s “condition” begins to take hold and she tries to hide herself. Rachel reaches out and evokes her empath powers to get a glimpse of Rita’s old life: famous actress committed to a padded cell after an accident on set, but not much is given. Rachel assures Rita that she’s not afraid, and Rita seems comforted by this fact. And after that cue: Chief. Chief asks about Rachel before quickly progressing the plot by informing everyone that he has a new patient and everyone gets up and gets going.

V. The Man of Medical Marvels
Titans — Ep. 104 — Photo Credit: Christos Kalohoridis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Rita puts on some gloves as Robotman asks for the patient’s history. Chief orders everyone to their positions as Rachel views everything atop a balcony. Gar brings some medical equipment and Larry unveils the patient afflicted by an explosion of liquid nitrogen. The doctors on site said their was nothing to the done, but Chief is apparently not a man who can be easily deterred. Chief injects a strange purple to the IV in an attempt to stabilize her body temparture, although all it seems to do is make the entire room cold instead. Everyone pitches in to keep her warm, while Rachel goes in to try and keep her calm. It seems to work and Chief seems happy with the new addition to his motley crew.

Titans — Ep. 104 — Photo Credit: Christos Kalohoridis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Chief then has a stern talking to Gar who has failed to keep the one rule of the house: keep this place safe. Chief, despite being exceedingly sketchy, does seem to have good intentions in keeping his patients safe and while he’s mad at Gar, he quickly returns to a serene state and asks about Rachel’s power. Chief claims he can help Rachel and Gar asks if Chief heard about the explosion at the convent.

VI. Detective Dick Grayson on the Case

In a different section of the woods, we see Dick and Kory pull up to the hunter’s house. The hunter wants nothing to do with another line of questions, but Dick stops him from closing the door and tries persuading him to comply. The hunter doesn’t take too kindly to that and pulls out a shotgun, and Dick quickly escalates and then deescalates the situation by pinning the hunter to the floor. Dick then starts taking out his anger on the hunter and Kory (who again, currently has the highest body count of anyone on the who) has to intervene. Dick looks frustrated for all of one second before becoming mortified as the hunter’s son makes his way to the living room. Dick is full of all of the regrets. The hunter assures Kory that he would never hurt a kid and provides an address to an abandoned house in the woods. Kory offers some money to the hunter, who takes the recompense before cursing her out.

VII. Post-Op Briefing

Back at the Doom Patrol’s house, Chief and Rachel are discussing the successful treatment of the new patient Chief explains how he was startled by Rachel’s presence and then explains his extremist medical viewpoint and experimental methodology. Chief provides some more backstory on each of the Doom Patrol members and we get a little sense of Stockholm Syndrome and a little sense of genuine thanks for what Chief has done for them.

Rachel questions the housing arrangement, but Chief is steadfast in how his research is in pursuit of the greater and how he can help Rachel. Rachel is skeptical, but Chief gestures to his successes: A smiling Rita and a somber Robotman.

VIII. Post-Beat-Em-Up Briefing

Back in the road trip, Kory feints a little bit of surprise at Dick’s brutality. Kory calls out on Dick’s unhealthy coping mechanisms, and while Dick is reluctant to talk, Kory succinctly summarizes the entire situation in three words.

“You got problems.”

Dick doesn’t have a clever comeback for that one, and instead offers a vague explanation of his tragic backstory. Kory and Dick continue in their debate over their adoptive parenting of Rachel and the two slowly seem to be forming a begrudging respect for one another.

IX. Converging Plotlines

Brief jump to Robotman looking longingly at photographs of his old life as a race car driver.

Jump to Chief strapping Rachel down as Gar sits nearby. Chief claims what’s going to happen next is a relatively procedure and convinces Gar to bring him the case. Gar has questions about the procedure, but Chief is in full mad doctor mode, revealing vials.

Rachel doesn’t want anything to do with this after seeing the syringe and pleads to Gar to get her out of there. Chief orders Gar away, and Gar hesitates before deciding that Rachel gets to have agency (thank god). Gar flashes his tiger eyes since Chief isn’t backing down, but before he can embrace his Beast Boy nature, Chief tranqs him and triggers Rachel’s dark side.

Titans — Ep. 104 — Photo Credit: Christos Kalohoridis / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

We then intercut between Kory and Dick entering the house and all sorts of dark magic fuckery happening with Rachel. Lights are flashing. Dark tendrils are flailing. Dick and Kory find themselves facing Robotman, Rita, and Larry. Rachel is playing with Chief like a ragdoll. Dick goes off to find Rachel and Kory is left in a 1v3, but her eyes got that green glow going on.

Dick gets to the basement to see aforementioned dark magic fuckery and tries to shut shit down involving Rachel yelling into a magical portal. Dick finally figures out how to be a good guardian and manages to talk Rachel done after embracing the fact that he actually needs to take care of this scared child. Portal magically closes and we cut to the black.

Back upstairs, the Doom Patrol watch Dick, Kory, and Rachel leave. As Gar looks longingly, the rest of the Doom Patrol encourages him to have a life and join in the roadtrip. The three are bound to the estate and the caretaking of Chief, and see that Gar has his eyes set on something outside the confines of the strange medical building. Gar says his farewells and then hops into the car. Dick and Kory seem strangely okay with all of this, and the four drive off into the night to continue the Titans story arc while the rest of the Doom Patrol have to wait until 2019.

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The post Titans Recap, Episode 4: Doom Patrol appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

November 4, 2018

EMMET OTTER’S JUG-BAND CHRISTMAS Finally Releases a Soundtrack Album

Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas may not be the most famous holiday musical — or even really famous at all. The 1977 television Christmas special from Jim Henson is now probably best known for the hilarious blooper reel, featuring Muppets performer Frank Oz, widely shared earlier this year. (Oz’s voice for Ma Otter was later replaced by the lovely voice of Marilyn Sokol, and her sweet singing is one of the highlights of the HBO special.)

The Emmet Otter special itself is just as delightful and packed with personality as those outtakes. Luckily for Henson fans — and for those of us who grew up watching the short feature whenever it re-aired on TV — Ma Otter, Emmet Otter, the Frogtown Hollow Jubilee Jug Band, and even the Riverbottom Nightmare Band finally get their due with a soundtrack release just in time for the holidays. (Thanks to Consequence of Sound for the heads-up.)

Based on the children’s book, Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas is the charming story of a small town mother and son who are barely scraping by. When a nearby town hosts a talent competition with a grand prize of $50, both Alice and Emmet Otter enter the contest in secret, determined to win and buy a Christmas present — for the other.

The soundtrack is written by Muppets mainstay Paul Williams, who also composed songs for The Muppet Movie and The Muppet Christmas Carol. The Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas soundtrack, which even includes the bonus, unreleased song “Born In A Trunk,” is now available in physical and digital release on Spotify, Amazon Music, and iTunes.

Do you have a favorite classic holiday special? (Yes, the Star Wars Holiday Special counts.) Tell us about it in the comments.

Images: Jim Henson / Disney

November 4, 2018

Things We Saw Today: The Ryan Reynolds/Hugh Jackman Bromance Continues

ryan reynolds hugh jackman

Do any other duo have as much fun trolling each other than Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds? The friendship between the erstwhile Logan and Wade Wilson is undoubtedly the best thing to come out of the dismal 2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Since meeting on the film, the two have gone on to lovingly troll one another on social media to hilarious effect, as Reynolds continues to petition Jackman for a cameo in the Deadpool series.

Their latest exchange features Reynolds poking fun at Jackman’s upcoming politically-themed film The Front Runner, which follows the ill-fated 1988 presidential run of Colorado senator Gary Hart, played by Jackman. Jackman’s performance is rumored to be award-worthy, but Reynolds quickly takes him to task in a mock political take-down ad.

Jackman was quick to respond to Reynolds’ video with one of his own … or more accurately from his dog, who drops a deuce on a photo of Reynolds.

Stay classy, you two.

(via Huffington Post, image: JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

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