Season: 1 / Episode: 8 / Starz

***Spoilers be quoting Slim Charles and saying, “If it’s a lie, then we fight on that lie.” Previous COUNTERPART recaps are here***

Maaaan, listen. We start this shit off with a flashback of sorts, or more so, a “meanwhile back in Episode 6” type shit. When Pope called and asked if this was the dry cleaners that shit was something serious, yo. They at the Indigo School in full alert going Fahrenheit 451. They out here burning everything gotdamn thing, yo. The prime crew in the woods get discovered in the middle of the purge and they all go inside. They got a whole satchel of cyanide pills, yo.

But it ain’t the quiet goodnight just yet. These muthafuckas got the Punisher’s weapon locker and they going to war over this shit, fam. Bodies hitting the floor outside, documents getting flamed on the inside. This shit is all the way real, man. Your boy Shaw took one to the shoulder, but fuck it. He spit that bullet out and still killed a dude cuz there’s more work to be done.

Meanwhile, this ol “down with the ship” heifer done packed her shit up and leaving out the back while ayebody else getting sprayed the fuck up. Dude tries to call her out on it, but he like, fuck it, I’d rather live too, I guess.

Howard walking the scene and checking this carnage. Shit is fucking crazy. Shaw and Emily Prime aka EPMD talking about this place and not knowing what the fuck they lookin’ at. EPMD brings Shaw into the classroom and she shows him the timeline they were creating, how they were comparing the two worlds and schooling the youth and shit.

Howard finds the, ahem, operating room. He fucking mortified cuz they done fed the kiddies cyanide pills, man. Gotdamn this shit is the worst.

Interdimensional In-Laws, Am I Right?

Speaking of the worst, Howard in Black aka HIB hears a phone ringing in the house. He picks that shit up and it’s his… mother-in-law. I guess. She calling cuz she done made it to Berlin. She in Emily Coma’s hospital room cuz Emily is no longer… in a coma.

So… that’s awkward.

Not nearly as awkward as this shit that must be going on in the Quayle residence. St. Pete trying to get the baby to stop crying cuz Snake Ass Clare is handcuffed to a radiator in the bathroom.

HIB gets to the hospital and Charlotte there to tell him that E Coma might not understand anything. She awake but she ain’t responded to shit.

Innocence Lost, or at Least Innocence Got Mercy Ruled

Baldwin sleeping that comfortable ass sleep, like he doesn’t have a bounty on his head/isn’t a world jumping assassin or anything. Greta trying to get Baldwin to open up, stay for breakfast, apply to the local community college, something. But she asking too many questions, yo. Baldwin like, yeah… it’s been good, but I gotta go.

At the hollowed out remains of the Indigo School, they still going through the shit left behind, and EPMD convinces Shaw not to call this shit in. She still a little gun shy cuz last time she went through official channels, they tried to give her that rockstart at age 27 treatment. They got their suspicions that Pope is behind this shit, but they trying to get their ducks in a row first.

EPMD tries to see if Howard is fine but that muthafucka ain’t fine. Problem is, Howard can’t be cracking now cuz he supposed to be HIB and Shaw watching this shit like a hawk. They discover what this shit really is, a replacement school for terrorist cells. Fun. Shaw asks Howard check with his people in customs to see if any of these cats have crossed over recently. EPMD volunteers to go with him. Shaw is like, the fuck for? But she throws him off by mentioning that dude from the interrogation was the only one that knew they were coming. For what its worth, EPMD seems to be one of the few people that are pretty damn good at their job.

Everybody is a Prisoner of Someone’s

SAC still chained up like the mom from Unbreakable. The baby still crying. St. Pete still questioning her and she comes clean about everything… except the part about her strangling the fucking life out of MHOBC. Extracted. Uh-huh. St. Pete finally lets SAC feed Borrowed Name Spencer, tears falling like this whole fucking façade.

At the hospital, HIB is getting briefed on E-Coma’s condition. Charlotte gonna step in talking about whatever care is best for her, we’ll do it, after she got done playing Cookie crush on her phone or some shit. HIB ain’t havin’ it. She knows Charlotte ain’t shit. Her whole family ain’t shit. But she is here to stay now so I can’t wait till Howard gets back and sees this shit. Or till HIB sees what the hell is going on at the Quayle Household. Everybody in for surprise parties, fam.

EPMD and Howard leaving the house and Howard still shook. EPMD tells him that they need to get in touch with HIB because that’s the only person she can trust. But HIB or someone that looks exactly like him got a better standing in the office so this might be on him.

SAC and St. Pete talkin’ this shit out and how this is an act of war. SAC drops that this shit is payback for the flu epidemic. St. Pete goes to turn her in, but she start talkin’ that shit to him. Saying he gonna be just as fucked when this shit goes down as she will. Also, Spencer got that Prime DNA in her so she bout to be a lab rat like a muthafucka.

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Murders

Baldwin scoping shit out and sees one of the targets doing some shopping. Your boy was legit just enjoying his muthafuckin day, bringing home some Trader Joes in whatever hipster part of Berlin when she put the garot to him. Fucking self-tightening shit. She for real went riding her bike with no hands on your boys assassination. Colllllllddddd-blooodddded.

Howard doing his HIB impression at customs and confirms these children of the corn muthafuckas crossed over.

Aldrich just drops by to holla at St. Pete. This shit look all the way bad, man. He offers your boy soup, which is a great plan cuz he watching St. Pete’s hand trembling like a muthafucka. HOW IS THIS DUDE A SPY? I know I’ve told y’all before, when a muthafucka rolls up on you and tells an unsolicited analogy that just so happens to coincide with whatever shit you are secretly going through, DON’T LET THEM FINISH. Get the fuck out, man. But nah, St. Pete too shook so he just listens to Aldrich demonstrate how cold he is for the cause. He tells St. Pete he’s leaving dudes outside the house, but he’s letting him come in on his own terms. I say gotdamn.

EPMD catches Raash walking his dog, as he is wont to do. She tells him that needs to get HIB a message. And oh yeah, I know the Howard muthafucka currently here ain’t HIB, FYI. On both sides, EPMD and HIB trying to arrange an interface that night to relay information.


Howard walking into interface and this is actually some shit he knows how to do. And just like that, HIB and Howard seeing each other again. Bruh. This might be the best scene of the series. This shit just confirmed that JK Simmons is winning the Golden Globe next year, yo. No. Fucking. Contest.

Howard is going the fuck off. HIB is smug as all hell. And HIB lies about E-Coma waking up. But he does tell Howard that she was fucking Andrei. Man, he cut Howard to the gotdamn bone. And… Howard knew all along that E-Coma was not only cheating but also a spy. He just suppressed that shit. Jesus, man. This shit went from bad to fucking sad to Howard resolving that shit and making HIB look smaller than how he came in. Jesus, Simmons is Da Gawd.

The ability to love someone, is the only thing that separates me, from you.


Man, both Howards walk out there all kinds of fucked up.

So I think I Gotta Drop Saint from St. Pete

Late night at Greta’s, and Baldwin comes back up in the spot. Um… breaks into the spot actually. Cuz that’s how you tell someone you miss them. Breaking and entering. Greta gotta be like… so maybe you I don’t pick up scarface drifters in my coffee shop anymore.

St. Pete waiting at the Hotel Walcot. Aldrich is there on schedule. St. Pete confesses that he’s been manipulated but he ain’t the mole itself. And then… he lays that shit on Howard Silk.

What in all fucks, man? There was literally one good way to do this shit and this muthafucka chose one of the other 8 billion. Ok… ok, that’s cool. But St. Pete gotta die too when this shit is done. No debating, he gots to go. First you were an idiot, but now you a fuckin’ snake like Snake Ass Clare.

Ugh… as if the Howards didn’t have enough shit to deal with. I think it’s fair to say things are as bad as they’ve ever been.

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The post Counterpart Recap: Love the Lie appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

March 12, 2018

Counterpart Recap: Love the Lie

Season: 1 / Episode: 8 / Starz

***Spoilers be quoting Slim Charles and saying, “If it’s a lie, then we fight on that lie.” Previous COUNTERPART recaps are here***

Maaaan, listen. We start this shit off with a flashback of sorts, or more so, a “meanwhile back in Episode 6” type shit. When Pope called and asked if this was the dry cleaners that shit was something serious, yo. They at the Indigo School in full alert going Fahrenheit 451. They out here burning everything gotdamn thing, yo. The prime crew in the woods get discovered in the middle of the purge and they all go inside. They got a whole satchel of cyanide pills, yo.

But it ain’t the quiet goodnight just yet. These muthafuckas got the Punisher’s weapon locker and they going to war over this shit, fam. Bodies hitting the floor outside, documents getting flamed on the inside. This shit is all the way real, man. Your boy Shaw took one to the shoulder, but fuck it. He spit that bullet out and still killed a dude cuz there’s more work to be done.

Meanwhile, this ol “down with the ship” heifer done packed her shit up and leaving out the back while ayebody else getting sprayed the fuck up. Dude tries to call her out on it, but he like, fuck it, I’d rather live too, I guess.

Howard walking the scene and checking this carnage. Shit is fucking crazy. Shaw and Emily Prime aka EPMD talking about this place and not knowing what the fuck they lookin’ at. EPMD brings Shaw into the classroom and she shows him the timeline they were creating, how they were comparing the two worlds and schooling the youth and shit.

Howard finds the, ahem, operating room. He fucking mortified cuz they done fed the kiddies cyanide pills, man. Gotdamn this shit is the worst.

Interdimensional In-Laws, Am I Right?

Speaking of the worst, Howard in Black aka HIB hears a phone ringing in the house. He picks that shit up and it’s his… mother-in-law. I guess. She calling cuz she done made it to Berlin. She in Emily Coma’s hospital room cuz Emily is no longer… in a coma.

So… that’s awkward.

Not nearly as awkward as this shit that must be going on in the Quayle residence. St. Pete trying to get the baby to stop crying cuz Snake Ass Clare is handcuffed to a radiator in the bathroom.

HIB gets to the hospital and Charlotte there to tell him that E Coma might not understand anything. She awake but she ain’t responded to shit.

Innocence Lost, or at Least Innocence Got Mercy Ruled

Baldwin sleeping that comfortable ass sleep, like he doesn’t have a bounty on his head/isn’t a world jumping assassin or anything. Greta trying to get Baldwin to open up, stay for breakfast, apply to the local community college, something. But she asking too many questions, yo. Baldwin like, yeah… it’s been good, but I gotta go.

At the hollowed out remains of the Indigo School, they still going through the shit left behind, and EPMD convinces Shaw not to call this shit in. She still a little gun shy cuz last time she went through official channels, they tried to give her that rockstart at age 27 treatment. They got their suspicions that Pope is behind this shit, but they trying to get their ducks in a row first.

EPMD tries to see if Howard is fine but that muthafucka ain’t fine. Problem is, Howard can’t be cracking now cuz he supposed to be HIB and Shaw watching this shit like a hawk. They discover what this shit really is, a replacement school for terrorist cells. Fun. Shaw asks Howard check with his people in customs to see if any of these cats have crossed over recently. EPMD volunteers to go with him. Shaw is like, the fuck for? But she throws him off by mentioning that dude from the interrogation was the only one that knew they were coming. For what its worth, EPMD seems to be one of the few people that are pretty damn good at their job.

Everybody is a Prisoner of Someone’s

SAC still chained up like the mom from Unbreakable. The baby still crying. St. Pete still questioning her and she comes clean about everything… except the part about her strangling the fucking life out of MHOBC. Extracted. Uh-huh. St. Pete finally lets SAC feed Borrowed Name Spencer, tears falling like this whole fucking façade.

At the hospital, HIB is getting briefed on E-Coma’s condition. Charlotte gonna step in talking about whatever care is best for her, we’ll do it, after she got done playing Cookie crush on her phone or some shit. HIB ain’t havin’ it. She knows Charlotte ain’t shit. Her whole family ain’t shit. But she is here to stay now so I can’t wait till Howard gets back and sees this shit. Or till HIB sees what the hell is going on at the Quayle Household. Everybody in for surprise parties, fam.

EPMD and Howard leaving the house and Howard still shook. EPMD tells him that they need to get in touch with HIB because that’s the only person she can trust. But HIB or someone that looks exactly like him got a better standing in the office so this might be on him.

SAC and St. Pete talkin’ this shit out and how this is an act of war. SAC drops that this shit is payback for the flu epidemic. St. Pete goes to turn her in, but she start talkin’ that shit to him. Saying he gonna be just as fucked when this shit goes down as she will. Also, Spencer got that Prime DNA in her so she bout to be a lab rat like a muthafucka.

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Murders

Baldwin scoping shit out and sees one of the targets doing some shopping. Your boy was legit just enjoying his muthafuckin day, bringing home some Trader Joes in whatever hipster part of Berlin when she put the garot to him. Fucking self-tightening shit. She for real went riding her bike with no hands on your boys assassination. Colllllllddddd-blooodddded.

Howard doing his HIB impression at customs and confirms these children of the corn muthafuckas crossed over.

Aldrich just drops by to holla at St. Pete. This shit look all the way bad, man. He offers your boy soup, which is a great plan cuz he watching St. Pete’s hand trembling like a muthafucka. HOW IS THIS DUDE A SPY? I know I’ve told y’all before, when a muthafucka rolls up on you and tells an unsolicited analogy that just so happens to coincide with whatever shit you are secretly going through, DON’T LET THEM FINISH. Get the fuck out, man. But nah, St. Pete too shook so he just listens to Aldrich demonstrate how cold he is for the cause. He tells St. Pete he’s leaving dudes outside the house, but he’s letting him come in on his own terms. I say gotdamn.

EPMD catches Raash walking his dog, as he is wont to do. She tells him that needs to get HIB a message. And oh yeah, I know the Howard muthafucka currently here ain’t HIB, FYI. On both sides, EPMD and HIB trying to arrange an interface that night to relay information.


Howard walking into interface and this is actually some shit he knows how to do. And just like that, HIB and Howard seeing each other again. Bruh. This might be the best scene of the series. This shit just confirmed that JK Simmons is winning the Golden Globe next year, yo. No. Fucking. Contest.

Howard is going the fuck off. HIB is smug as all hell. And HIB lies about E-Coma waking up. But he does tell Howard that she was fucking Andrei. Man, he cut Howard to the gotdamn bone. And… Howard knew all along that E-Coma was not only cheating but also a spy. He just suppressed that shit. Jesus, man. This shit went from bad to fucking sad to Howard resolving that shit and making HIB look smaller than how he came in. Jesus, Simmons is Da Gawd.

The ability to love someone, is the only thing that separates me, from you.


Man, both Howards walk out there all kinds of fucked up.

So I think I Gotta Drop Saint from St. Pete

Late night at Greta’s, and Baldwin comes back up in the spot. Um… breaks into the spot actually. Cuz that’s how you tell someone you miss them. Breaking and entering. Greta gotta be like… so maybe you I don’t pick up scarface drifters in my coffee shop anymore.

St. Pete waiting at the Hotel Walcot. Aldrich is there on schedule. St. Pete confesses that he’s been manipulated but he ain’t the mole itself. And then… he lays that shit on Howard Silk.

What in all fucks, man? There was literally one good way to do this shit and this muthafucka chose one of the other 8 billion. Ok… ok, that’s cool. But St. Pete gotta die too when this shit is done. No debating, he gots to go. First you were an idiot, but now you a fuckin’ snake like Snake Ass Clare.

Ugh… as if the Howards didn’t have enough shit to deal with. I think it’s fair to say things are as bad as they’ve ever been.

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The post Counterpart Recap: Love the Lie appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

March 11, 2018

This Pop-Up Restaurant Charged White Customers More To Prove A Point

Last year, a report found that the median wealth for a Black family in America was just $1,700 compared to $116,800 for a typical white family. Even more startling, if these trends continue, by 2053 the median wealth for Black families will be zero. The gap between those who have it and those who don’t can be felt across America, but more acutely in urban areas where the cost of living has increased. While cities like New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and Atlanta are experiencing a resurgence as people flock to rapidly gentrifying areas, residents of color are often priced out. In New Orleans, the median income of Black families fell from $32,332 in 2000 to $27,812 in 2013, while the income of their white counterparts remained steady, going from $61,117 in 2000 to $60,070 in 2013. While many people don’t give this reality a second thought, Chef Tunde Wey’s latest experiment is helping to further the conversation about the growing income divide. At the end of February, Wey opened a pop up restaurant called Saartj. The booth sold Nigerian entrees for $12 a plate, but when white patrons placed their order they’d be schooled on New Orleans’ growing racial income gap and asked if they’d pay $30 for the food so that the additional $18 would be redistributed to Saartj’s customers of color. The experiment had surprising results. “Some of [the white customers] are enthusiastic, some of them are bamboozled a bit by it,” Wey told NPR. “But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay.” Wey conducted the experiment with the assistance of Tulane University graduate student Anjali Prasertong, who also helped him collect data. Prasertong said the high numbers of white customers who were willing to pay more than twice the price of the meal surprised her. “That was definitely higher than we expected,” Prasertong admitted. She also said that the experiment made her realize was that people of color think about the wealth disparity a lot more than their white peers. “One of the things I took away from interviewing people was a greater awareness that people of color have thought about wealth disparity and how it has touched their lives and the kinds of things they've lost out on because they didn't have access to the resources their white friends did,” Prasertong said. “Not that [white people] weren't aware,” she continued, “but they never really thought about how ... that might have affected where they are in the world in relation to people of color. They never stopped to think, 'Oh, that car my parents gave me in college allowed me to drive across town to get a good job.' ” Wey—who named the pop up stall Saartj after the 19th century South African woman Sara “Saartjie” Baartman who was paraded around Europe as a “freak of nature” because of her large buttocks—said he hoped the experiment helped people think about issues like  racism and inequality as more than just systematic problems they could do little about. “We think of this as a systemic issue, like something that happens outside of ourselves, when in fact the aggregate sum of all of our actions and choices exacerbates or ameliorates the wealth gap,” he said. Wey said he wants people to consider “where we choose to send our children to school, where we choose to buy a home and critically, how we choose to spend our money and where we choose to spend our money.”

March 11, 2018

WBTV Coming to WonderCon 2018!

WBTV is back for WonderCon!  Check out the press release below for shows that will be coming and which ones will be doing screenings.  Is your fave on the list? Are you looking forward to new shows Krypton and animated series Constantine? Sound off below in the comments!




Q&A Panels with The 100, Black Lightning, Krypton, Teen Titans Go! and Unikitty!,

Plus a New Episode of Lucifer and the World Premiere Screening of Constantine

on WonderCon Weekend in Anaheim March 23–25

BURBANK, Calif. (February 28, 2018) — Warner Bros. Television (WBTV) and Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) unleash their heroes, DC Super Heroes and antiheroes (both animated and live action), as well as a fully sparkled Unikitty, when four WBTV series and three WBA series attend the fan fest in Anaheim March 23–25. Special Video Presentations, panels and Q&A sessions with The 100 (premiering Tuesday, April 24 at 9/8c The CW), DC Super Hero series Teen Titans Go! (Fridays 6/5c Cartoon Network) and Unikitty! (Fridays 6:30/5:30c Cartoon Network) take place on Friday, March 23. Fans will be treated to the exclusive world premiere screening of the new animated digital series Constantine, followed by an out of-this-world session for the new super series Krypton (premiering Wednesday, March 21, at 10/9c on SYFY) on Saturday, March 24. The weekend finishes with electrifying sizzle on Sunday, March 25, with exclusive sneak peek screenings of upcoming episodes of Lucifer (Mondays 8/7c FOX) and Black Lightning (Tuesdays 9/8c The CW).

Stars and producers scheduled to attend WonderCon 2018 include:

  • The 100 stars Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Christopher LarkinLindsey Morgan, Richard Harmon and Tasya Teles along with executive producer Jason Rothenberg.
  • Krypton stars Cameron Cuffe, Georgina Campbell and Shaun Sipos along with executive producer Cameron Welsh and DC Entertainment’s Dan Evans.
  • Black Lightning executive producer/showrunner Salim Akil with series writers Jan Nash, Pat Charles, Adam Giaudrone and Lamont Magee.
  • Constantine star Matt Ryan, along with series writer J.M. DeMatteis and Blue Ribbon Content & Warner Bros. Animation’s Peter Girardi.
  • Teen Titans Go! producers Michael Jelenic and Aaron Horvath, along with Beast Boy voice actor Greg Cipes.
  • Unikitty! producers Ed Skudder, Lynn Wang and Aaron Horvath, along with art director Andrea Fernandez, animation director Anna Hollingsworth and voice cast Eric Bauza, H. Michael Croner and Roger Smith.

The cast and producers of all series will be signing autographs. For more information about participating, please visit

For more information about the Studio’s plans at WonderCon, please follow us on Twitter at @warnerbrostv.

Following are the WBTV panel dates and times for WonderCon 2018 (panelists and panel times may be subject to change).

Friday, March 23

2:30–3:30 p.m. Unikitty! Special Video Presentation and Q&A — WonderCon attendees will be transported to a joyous kingdom full of sparkle matter, happy thoughts and the occasional rage-out when Unikitty! takes the stage.  Bring your positive vibes and join our panel of producers and members of the voice cast for a behind-the-scenes look at the hit animated series starring your favorite character from The LEGO® Movie.  Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Unikitty! airs Fridays at 6:30/5:30c on Cartoon Network. Follow Cartoon Network on Twitter at @CartoonNetwork.  Room: North 200B

3:30–4:30 p.m. Teen Titans Go! Special Video Presentation and Q&A — The Titans are back at WonderCon and they’re bringing all the fun, laughs and hilarious hijinks that are part of every Teen Titans Go! panel.  You only need to bring your questions (and maybe some waffles and pie) for producers Michael JelenicAaron Horvath and voice actor Greg Cipes who will answer your questions about all things Titans.   Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Teen Titans Go! airs Fridays at 6/5c on Cartoon Network.  Become a fan of the show on Facebook at, and follow Cartoon Network on Twitter at @CartoonNetwork.  Room: North 200B

6:00–7:00 p.m. The 100 Special Video Presentation and Q&A — With season five premiering on Tuesday, April 24 at 9/8c on The CW, The 100 makes its return to Anaheim for a special appearance at WonderCon with a sneak peek into the new season. More than six years have passed since Praimfaya has ravaged the planet and killed most of the human race. As Clarke waits to hear from the group on the Ark, or in the bunker, a prison ship drops from the sky. Are they friend or foe?  And what do they want? Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Christopher Larkin, Lindsey Morgan, Richard Harmon and Tasya Teles and producer Jason Rothenberg. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Alloy Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television, The 100: The Complete Fourth Season is available on Digital, Blu-ray™ and DVD. Become a fan on Facebook at, and follow the show on Twitter @CWThe100. Room: North 200A


Saturday, March 24

10:00–11:00 a.m. Constantine World Premiere Screening — A WonderCon Anaheim exclusive! Don’t miss the world premiere screening of the first episodes of the animated Constantine series for CW Seed!  This new series from Blue Ribbon Content and Warner Bros. Animation follows DC’s popular comic book character John Constantine (voiced by the live action series star Matt Ryan), a seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult.  Constantine is executive produced by David S. Goyer (The Dark Knight trilogy, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, ConstantineKrypton), Greg Berlanti (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Black Lightning), and Sarah Schechter (Blindspot, Riverdale, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning).  Join series star Matt Ryan, plus series writer J.M. DeMatteis (Justice League Dark, Batman vs. Robin) and Blue Ribbon Content & Warner Bros. Animation’s Peter Girardi for a Q&A session after the screening.  The first season of Constantine begins streaming March 24 at  Room: North 200A


2:00–3:00 p.m. Krypton Special Video Presentation and Q&A — The never-before-told story of Superman’s ancestors, set two generations before the destruction of his home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather, Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe) as he’s faced with a life or death conflict – to save his home planet or let it be destroyed in order to restore the fate of his future grandson. Join showrunner and executive producer Cameron Welsh (Ash vs. Evil Dead), DC Entertainment executive Dan Evans, and stars Cameron Cuffe (The Halcyon), Georgina Campbell (Black Mirror) and Shaun Sipos (Melrose Place) as they provide exclusive insight into this highly-anticipated new series from executive producer David S. Goyer, Warner Horizon Scripted Television, DC Entertainment and SYFY.  Krypton premieres March 21 and airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on SYFY. Room North 200A


Sunday, March 25

10:30–11:15 a.m. Lucifer Exclusive Screening of Brand New Episode — Consider this your deal with the devil! Lucifer fans will not only have the opportunity to screen an upcoming episode of the devilish drama, but also a special video message from series stars Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Tom Welling and Aimee Garcia.  From Jerry Bruckheimer Television in association with Warner Bros. Television, and based upon the characters created by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth and Mike Dringenberg for Vertigo from DC Entertainment, Lucifer airs Mondays at 9/8c on FOX. Become a fan on Facebook at and follow the show on Twitter @LuciferonFOX.  RoomArena

12:45–1:45 p.m. Black Lightning All-New Episode and Q&A — Where there is darkness, there is…Black Lightning. Jefferson Pierce made his choice: he hung up the suit and his secret identity years ago. But with crime and corruption spreading like wildfire, and those he cares about in the crosshairs of the menacing local gang, The One Hundred, he must return as Black Lightning — to save not only his family, but also the soul of his community. Join series producers and writers to watch the electrifying never-before-seen “Sins of the Father” episode of Black Lightning, followed by a Q&A session.  Based on the DC character created by Tony Isabella with Trevor Von Eeden, Black Lightning is produced by Berlanti Productions and Akil Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. Black Lightning airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW. Become a fan on Facebook at and follow the show on Twitter @blacklightning.  Room: Arena

The post WBTV Coming to WonderCon 2018! appeared first on The Nerd Element.

March 11, 2018

Is STAR TREK: INSURRECTION Improved By a “Ships-Only” Edit?

Two decades ago, the movie voyages of the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew continued with Star Trek: Insurrection, and the ensuing years have not been kind. While the cast members looked like they were having fun as their characters turned on a corrupt Starfleet admiral and his alien allies, the story plays out like a slightly bigger version of the TV series, and Insurrection is considered to be one of the more forgettable chapters in the franchise. But what if there were a way to make the film better? One fan recently released an extremely condensed cut of the film that features only the starships in action.

Via io9, the “Star Trek: Insurrection – Just the Ships” edit was created by Weekly Equation, and it does have a few areas of interest. This was the first Star Trek feature film to solely utilize CGI for the ships and the space battles. Some of the new designs, including the Son’a Collector ship and the Federation Scout ship, are very eye-catching. This was also one of the few opportunities for fans to see the Enterprise-E in action.

However, even though the film’s story was less than stellar, the climatic space sequences simply don’t play as well without context. Despite what some may believe, the characters are Star Trek‘s greatest assets, and aside from a brief glimpse of Data, the presence of the Enterprise’s crew is not felt in this footage. Without that human touch, it’s impossible to care about the action. Ironically, it makes the film better by making us appreciate the original cut more.

Do you think the “ships only” cut improves Star Trek: Insurrection? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Paramount

Story-Trekkin’, across the nerdy ‘verse…