I have discovered a pattern in the Hap and Leonard series so far. Each season, there is one or more episodes where the jokes are still prevalent, but the lesson is preached in a hard, sobering, and very loud manner. Episode three, “T-Bone Mambo,” is the lesson for viewers so far. It is a heavy episode […]

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April 1, 2018

Hap and the White Supremacy End Game

I have discovered a pattern in the Hap and Leonard series so far. Each season, there is one or more episodes where the jokes are still prevalent, but the lesson is preached in a hard, sobering, and very loud manner. Episode three, “T-Bone Mambo,” is the lesson for viewers so far. It is a heavy episode […]

The post Hap and the White Supremacy End Game appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

April 1, 2018

Texas Woman Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Voting In 2016 Election

A Texas woman will be serving five years in prison because she voted in the 2016 election. It turns out that 43-year-old Crystal Mason was on parole during this time and Texas law states that a felon cannot vote while …

March 31, 2018

Champions #18 Review

Writer: Mark Waid / Artist: Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba / Marvel Comics

We are now in the aftermath of last issue’s horror show. Viv 2.0 has finally been put down after turning into a cross between Hal 9000 and the serial killer from Scream. Unfortunately, this has left Viv prime in a dicey situation as the Champions discover her over Viv 2.0’s dead body. I just want to note that Vision has to be the worst parent ever. Why are the Avengers just letting this droid loose in these streets?

Honestly, the whole situation wraps itself up pretty nicely. Most of the issue is by the numbers and serves as a way to conclude the whole mess with Avengers crossover. This gives the newly expanded team a fresh starting off point, which I appreciate. Waid now has a chance to focus on telling stories that make the Champions different from teams like the Avengers.

One thing that did surprise me was a touching moment between two of the Champions that leads to one of them leaving the team. I’m not going to spoil who is it but it makes sense and it’s handled well. This Champion’s absence will be missed and it is sad to see them go but their exit is a great character moment. We now have a chance to see some of the new members shine and hopefully, Waid will explore that in the upcoming issues.

Also, can we get a Champions cartoon in Ramos’ art style? Because I’d be down for that. It’s amazing how well his exaggerated art makes everything look action-packed even in the dull moments.

Overall, I’m just glad that we are moving on from this story arc. Wrapping up lingering plot points and expanding the team at the same time makes the new folks look like foot soldiers without much to do. While this arc is enjoyable in some aspects, what we really want to see is more interactions with the newbies and learn more about these characters. Thankfully, it looks like that is where the book is leading towards.

7.5 Synthezoid Mechanic Licenses out of 10

Reading Champions? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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The post Champions #18 Review appeared first on Black Nerd Problems.

March 31, 2018

Things We Saw Today: The Infinity War Trailer, But Everyone’s Deadpool

YouTuber Mightyraccoon! recently posted an edited version of the Avengers: Infinity War trailer in which every superhero is played by Deadpool. It’s exactly the sort of meta, fourth-wall-breaking stunt that suits a character like Deadpool—plus, I giggled every time I saw that Deadpool mask with flowing hair on it. I’m a woman of simple taste.

This trailer jokes about the serious tone of the original, with Deadpool undercutting everyone’s plans and declaring that Thanos’s plans are “boooring.” As we get our full glimpse of Thanos, he asks, “Why the eff does Cable look like a purple Homer Simpson?”

  • Over at BuzzFeed, Syd Robinson defends the honor of The Emperor’s New Groove. 
  • Now, I know you’re all going to be shocked to hear this about “the least racist person,” but Donald Trump’s 2018 White House intern class is yet again overwhelmingly white. (via HuffPost Black Voices)
  • Oh, cool, Roseanne Barr is tweeting conspiracy theories and Trump propaganda. (via The Hollywood Reporter)
  • Pajiba has a refresher on Season One of FX’s Legion. 

That’s all I’ve got for today, Mary Suevians! What’d you find in the news?

(Featured image: 20th Century Fox)

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