After helping to spread fake news online, Facebook is doubling down in its efforts to fight it. For more than a year, the social network has been removing false accounts, working with fact-checkers, […]

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June 24, 2018

Facebook Fact-Checks Fake News

After helping to spread fake news online, Facebook is doubling down in its efforts to fight it. For more than a year, the social network has been removing false accounts, working with fact-checkers, […]

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June 24, 2018

How This Woman Landed Her Gourmet Food Brand at Bloomingdale’s Stores

Genelle Drayton left a 10-year career in sports marketing and entertainment to take the entrepreneurial leap into the culinary industry—a sector where many people of color, particularly women, are underrepresented and underestimated. Drayton’s desire for something more paid off. Not only has Sweet Dames Artisan Confections landed in Bloomingdale’s stores, her mouthwatering gourmet macaroons were voted one of the Top Five Desserts in NYC PopMarkets by MetroNYC. Now she’s also sharing her knowledge and talent to help other “foodpreneurs” by participating in events like the SheChef panel series focused on “The Art of Hustle: Branding, Marketing & Launching Your Product.”

“While I learned a lot within the organization there was no opportunity for growth, said Drayton. I was stagnant. I knew that there was more and I was willing to create a life for myself doing something that I loved, so it was time to go. One day while I was still employed and sitting at my desk, I decided I was going to bake for the holidays and gave away baked goods as gifts. People loved the products and began to place orders with me. Six months later, I took the risk and left corporate America to establish Sweet Dames Artisan Confections.”

Here’s the backstory on how she learned more about the food industry and landed in Bloomingdales, a New York-based high-end department store.

When you made the decision to take a leap of faith, what are the first three things you did to learn about the industry and perfect your craft?

Research, education, and networking. I sought the knowledge of professionals within the industry. I’ve worked with Chef Julian Plyter, who taught me all the necessary steps to establish a legal baking business in New York City, and was his intern. I learned the science of baking and various baking techniques at the Institute of Culinary Education. I’m still perfecting, still learning and discovering ways to improve my business every day.


Image credit: Sweet Dames Artisan Confections

Why did you choose gourmet Coconut Macaroons and CocoMallow sandwiches as your niche? 

Initially, when I started my business I was all over the place, custom designed cakes, wedding cakes, custom cookies, you name it I baked it. That, of course, gets old very quickly. My coconut macaroons were always a part of my offerings, but I noticed clients were ordering them as gifts for the holiday season. They appreciated the uniqueness of the product, flavors, and packaging. My event planning experience and relationships in that space definitely helped me. We now offer custom packaging due to an increase in the corporate space.

The idea of the CocoMallow Sandwiches came to me at home, I love the idea of taking something old, traditional, and making it new again with Caribbean flavors and unique pairings. People get really excited about them.

Did you test the market before delving into your business full time? If so, how?

Yes. Pop-up markets were definitely my testing ground. It’s a great way to get your name and product out there, and see how customers respond, what works, what doesn’t.


image credit: Sweet Dames Artisan Confections

How did you land an opportunity to sell your macaroons at Bloomingdales? 

Thank God for relationships, I’ve learned over the years the importance of maintaining them. I know someone that works for them, she started her career a few years ago and was promoted to food buyer. She was aware of my brand, loved the product, and invited me in to pitch the company.

What would you say were the top two deciding factors for Bloomingdale’s buyers to accept your product into stores? How did you prove that there was a demand for your product?

The presentation is everything and that’s what definitely drew them in, but they really appreciated the uniqueness of the product and the packaging, I even converted some folks to coconut lovers. The real test was the trunk shows. I sold the product in their 59th street location and did very well, they were very impressed with my numbers. I’ve since sold at both SoHo and 59th Street Bloomingdale locations and will increase over the next few months.

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June 23, 2018

Kiss Me First on Netflix is an Emo VR Murder Mystery Mashup

Kiss Me First is a British thriller from Netflix and it is giving me goosebumps. The series runs for 6 episodes and it is a murder mystery for the digital age. The story focuses around the blossoming friendship of Leila/Shadowfax (Tallulah Haddon) and Tess/Mania (Simona Brown). Leila seems to be seeking escape from reality, through the virtual reality game “Azana,” after her mother’s death. Tess picks up on Leila’s vulnerability and invites her into Red Pill. You fans of The Matrix know exactly what that means… off the grid and into some crazy open consciousness shit. Red Pill is a paradise where “Azana” players are free to be themselves and to feel.

Before you know it, Tess/Mania has found Leila/Shadowfax in IRL and the two begin to form a relationship full of codependency, escape and fantasy. That is, until Leila discovers the hidden antics of Red Pill’s creator Adrian when another player goes missing online and is found dead from an apparent suicide IRL. A suicide that Leila may have witnessed in VR.

After viewing the first two episodes of Kiss Me First, I can honestly say that I’m looking forward to a light binge with Tess and Leila.

What You’ll Love About Kiss Me First:

  1. Two strong female leads with a beautiful ass, complex WoC as one of them
  2. Great nods to The Matrix, Ready Player One, and Black Mirror
  3. Kiss Me First is Britishly bleak in it’s delivery of a coming of age story
  4. The stunning landscapes of “Azana” that are almost as beautiful as Zelda: Breath of the Wild

What You’ll Crave For:

  1. A not-so-seemingly predictable plot
  2. Smoother transitions from VR to RL
  3. A Tess and Leila ship
  4. For Kiss Me First not to become another 13 Reasons Why

If this is what growing up in the digital age is all about, I’ll stick to the tv for my VR drama. Kiss Me First seems like a good late night binge for just that.

Kiss Me First premieres on Netflix in the U.S. on Friday June 29th.

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June 22, 2018

Timmy’s Costume Corps Needs You!

Every year around this time, we come to you requesting new costumes for Timmy to wear to San Diego Comic-Con. And you, our fabulous makers and crafters and artists, turn your skillz to creating tiny outfits for our favorite monkey...