Hello again everyone! Kendra here, and I’m back to share a bit of my photo coverage of Otakon 2017. Otakon is one of the largest anime conventions held on the East coast, and this year was the move to Walter E. Washington convention center in downtown Washington, D.C. The con itself has primarily been held in Baltimore, Maryland (with its younger sister con, “Otakon Vegas” held in Las Vegas, Nevada). It was announced back in 2013 by Otakorp, Inc, (the non-profit organization that puts together the con) that the convention would be moving to a new home just down the highway in 2017.

The move was definite needed change of paste. The DC convention center, which is also home to AwesomeCon, had more than enough space to accommodate Otakon ever growing amount of attendees. Official numbers haven’t been released yet, but the con has averaged between 20,000-30,000 con goers each year since 2004.

But enough of that, let’s get to the photos!! Definitely a massive amount of amazing cosplays on display in DC. Check out the ones that caught my eye!! What are your favorite pictures? Let us know in the comments!

Ninja gijinka Charizard

The post Otakon 2017 appeared first on The Nerd Element.

August 27, 2017

Otakon 2017

Hello again everyone! Kendra here, and I’m back to share a bit of my photo coverage of Otakon 2017. Otakon is one of the largest anime conventions held on the East coast, and this year was the move to Walter E. Washington convention center in downtown Washington, D.C. The con itself has primarily been held in Baltimore, Maryland (with its younger sister con, “Otakon Vegas” held in Las Vegas, Nevada). It was announced back in 2013 by Otakorp, Inc, (the non-profit organization that puts together the con) that the convention would be moving to a new home just down the highway in 2017.

The move was definite needed change of paste. The DC convention center, which is also home to AwesomeCon, had more than enough space to accommodate Otakon ever growing amount of attendees. Official numbers haven’t been released yet, but the con has averaged between 20,000-30,000 con goers each year since 2004.

But enough of that, let’s get to the photos!! Definitely a massive amount of amazing cosplays on display in DC. Check out the ones that caught my eye!! What are your favorite pictures? Let us know in the comments!

Ninja gijinka Charizard

The post Otakon 2017 appeared first on The Nerd Element.

August 27, 2017

Watch CHASE, a Short Film That Hypnotically Chronicles the Passage of Time

Time is the one thing no one can change, and it only flows in one direction. From moment to moment, we can only perceive the passage of time with the evidence of our senses. But as a new short film demonstrates, people, places, and shapes can bleed into each other in mesmerizing ways simply by speeding up or slowing down our perception of time.

Via Laughing Squid, artist and photographer Páraic McGloughlin has released Chase, an animated short film compiled from his personal photographs while offering a hypnotic look at everyday life. There is no plot or narrative to speak of, it just focuses on the way that everything blends together. Strangers literally walk in each others footsteps, and the city seems to live and breath as if it had a life of its own.

Chase from Páraic Mc Gloughlin on Vimeo.

McGloughlin shot Chase in Ireland and Poland, and he described it as “a journey that explores ideas of decision, choice, consequence, circumstance and time among other things, a personal perception on how we try to find whatever it is we are searching for. The film looks at objects,people,and places which share common properties,our connection with one another and our environments in the very similar yet very different paths we share.”

You can follow McGloughlin’s work by checking out his Vimeo channel or visiting his personal portfolio at his official site.

What do you think about Chase? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Image: Páraic McGloughlin

August 26, 2017

Jared Garfield Joins ‘Doctor Who’ Christmas Cast

Doctor Who

Bradley Walsh may or may not be the Thirteenth Doctor’s new companion. But one thing’s for sure: Jared Garfield will play the First Doctor’s traveling mate this Christmas. The Hollyoaks star has been […]

The post Jared Garfield Joins ‘Doctor Who’ Christmas Cast appeared first on

August 26, 2017

Analyzing GAME OF THRONES’ Seventh Season Before the Finale

It’s the Friday before Game of Thrones‘ season finale, the internet is up in arms (again) over the “correct” viewing order of the Star Wars movies, and James Cameron shared some opinions on Wonder Woman that did not go over well with anyone, so yeah, there was a lot to discuss on today’s Nerdist News Talks Back.

Image: HBO

Nerdist senior editor and host of The Dan Cave Dan Casey filled in for host Jessica Chobot, and he was joined by managing editor Alicia Lutes, science editor Kyle Hill, and Mothership writer and the number one person alive rooting for Tormund and Brienne to make giant babies, Amy Vorpahl.

With this being the last episode of Nerdist News Talks Back before Game of Thrones‘ big season seven finale, the gang discussed what they think of this year so far and whether having fewer episodes has helped or hurt. And while not everyone might be okay with the relatively low death total of the season (so far), everyone definitely approves a beardless Tormund Giantsbane in real life.

From there they hit the hyperdrive on the never-ending debate that has popped up again, about what is the correct order to watch the Star Wars movies. Machete? Ring Theory? (:cough: 456-123-456-7 :cough:). But if you think that’s hard, where and how should you fit in Rogue One and Clone Wars before you do your big re-watch before The Last Jedi?

Finally it was time to address James Cameron’s comments that Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman was actually a step back for women in Hollywood. Yeah, he really did say that. Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins has already brushed off that criticism, but did our panel think Cameron had a point? Can a woman be too beautiful to be a role model? Spoiler alert: we’re Team Jenkins on this one.

Image: Warner Bros.

You’ll also notice we gave away some beta codes for Call of Duty: World War 2 (subtle, huh!). If you don’t want to miss out on those chances in the future and you want to get your questions answers, tune in live to Nerdist News Talks Back every weekday at 1 pm PST on our YouTube and Alpha channels. Like on Monday for All Kings Considered where we’ll be talking about the GoT finale.

What do you think of this year’s Game of Thrones? What order should someone watch the Star Wars movies? And did you agree with James Cameron or not? Talk back to us in the comments below.

Want to Catch Up with More Talks Back? Here Are Our Latest Episodes!

Featured Image: HBO