The third episode of Star Trek: Discovery continues to set new higher standards for excellence in Trek series design and story-telling. Especially considering we are only in the first season, this is something no other ST series was able to achieve with the possible exception of “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.” Anyway, let’s get to […]

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October 6, 2017

‘Star Trek: Discovery’ New Ship, New Crew, New Mission in Third Episode

The third episode of Star Trek: Discovery continues to set new higher standards for excellence in Trek series design and story-telling. Especially considering we are only in the first season, this is something no other ST series was able to achieve with the possible exception of “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.” Anyway, let’s get to [...]

The post ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ New Ship, New Crew, New Mission in Third Episode appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

October 6, 2017

Valkyrie: 3 Reasons Tessa Thompson Excites Us In “Thor Ragnarok”

Valkyrie Is One of Marvel’s Baddest Ladies And Tessa Thompson Is A Perfect Match When we first heard that Tessa Thompson would be a part of the Thor: Ragnarok cast, November seemed very, very far away. The time passed by quickly, however, and with just a few short weeks before the movie’s release date, it [...]

The post Valkyrie: 3 Reasons Tessa Thompson Excites Us In “Thor Ragnarok” appeared first on Black Girl Nerds.

October 5, 2017

Is There a Secret RICK AND MORTY Season Finale Around the Corner?

Last Sunday’s purported Rick and Morty finale was a pretty hilarious episode, but as far as a season-ender goes, it came up a little bit short. We were hoping for a more definitive ending to this year’s storylines—after all, recent developments on the show had us expecting a different President to come after the show’s titular duo. And to be perfectly frank, we don’t really consider the issue of Beth’s true nature to be settled at all, either. But what if the show’s creators have trolled us yet again? Today’s Nerdist News is investigating the theory that a true third season finale may be our early Christmas gift!

Join host, and the only woman brave enough to challenge the Citadel of Ricks, Jessica Chobot, as she walks us through an intriguing hypothesis about the show’s potential finale. Apparently, many fans believe that Mister Poopybutthole’s comments in the end credits scene were overt hints that at least one more episode is coming. He mentioned having a long white beard the next time we see him, which naturally has fans assuming that he means Santa Claus. That led to the notion that the real season finale will be a Christmas episode.

Now, we love that idea. And it would fit in Adult Swim’s wheelhouse to suddenly drop a new episode of Rick and Morty without warning. That April Fool’s Day stunt is still one of our favorites. But the reality is that fans may be reading too much into the throwaway comments of a minor character. Mister Poopybutthole also said that he might have grandchildren to go along with his long white beard, so the Santa Claus analogy doesn’t really hold up.

On top of everything else, series co-creator Dan Harmon has admitted that the episode we saw last Sunday wasn’t originally intended to be the season finale. Harmon and the rest of the team just realized that they couldn’t reach their target of 14 new episodes and settled for “finale-izing” Rick’s battle with the President. The team behind the show are probably working on new episodes as we speak, since it is one of Adult Swim’s biggest hits. But we would be very pleasantly surprised if the rumor of a secret season finale turned out to be true. We’re not expecting it to pan out, but we’d love to be wrong!

What do you think about about the secret Rick and Morty season finale theory? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!


Images: Adult Swim

October 5, 2017

The DCTV Podcast Episode 78: DCEU Who?

DCTV started with Arrow.  Michelle, James, and I watched and waited to see what heroes were going to be added to the ever expanding television universe. Flash, Gotham, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl followed suit.  The excitement that was Dawn of Justice gave way to a bit of disappointment for all three of us. Even so we still had our shows to look foward to. Gotham had improved, and the Flash was strong as ever. With the promise of the DCEU we were hopeful.

The Academy Award winning Suicide Squad premiered to a tepid response, although the three of us liked it well enough.  Just when we were feeling a bit down about our heroes, Wonder Woman changed everything. Listen as we discuss the future of the DCEU, review Gotham, and try to stay hopeful as we wait to see what the future holds.


The post The DCTV Podcast Episode 78: DCEU Who? appeared first on The Nerd Element.