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To begin Black History Month, today’s Google Doodle honors Edmonia Lewis, the first woman of African American and Native American heritage to achieve international recognition as a sculptor. In the Doodle by Sophie Diao, Lewis is sculpting “The Death of Cleopatra,” one of her most famous works. The colors of the letters reference the name Lewis was given by her mother’s nomadic family, “Wildfire.”

The sculptor was known for “incorporating African American and Native American cultural themes into her Neoclassical style sculpture.” Passionate about art, Lewis enrolled at Oberlin College at age 15 and faced brutal discrimination–she left for Boston without finishing her final term after a brutal assault. She then had challenges finding an apprenticeship until she met sculptor Edward A. Brackett.

Lewis’ works include sculptures of abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison, Charles Sumner, Wendell Phillips, John Brown, and Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. With this success, she traveled to Europe and settled down in Rome where she established a studio and continued to create highly-acclaimed work until her death.

Past doodles on this day have featured Langston Hughes (today is his 115th birthday), Harriet Tubman, and Frederick Douglass. You can read more about Lewis here and check out her Google Arts & culture exhibit here.

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February 1, 2017

Google Doodle Starts Black History Month by Paying Tribute to Iconic Sculptor Edmonia Lewis

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To begin Black History Month, today’s Google Doodle honors Edmonia Lewis, the first woman of African American and Native American heritage to achieve international recognition as a sculptor. In the Doodle by Sophie Diao, Lewis is sculpting “The Death of Cleopatra,” one of her most famous works. The colors of the letters reference the name Lewis was given by her mother’s nomadic family, “Wildfire.”

The sculptor was known for “incorporating African American and Native American cultural themes into her Neoclassical style sculpture.” Passionate about art, Lewis enrolled at Oberlin College at age 15 and faced brutal discrimination–she left for Boston without finishing her final term after a brutal assault. She then had challenges finding an apprenticeship until she met sculptor Edward A. Brackett.

Lewis’ works include sculptures of abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison, Charles Sumner, Wendell Phillips, John Brown, and Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. With this success, she traveled to Europe and settled down in Rome where she established a studio and continued to create highly-acclaimed work until her death.

Past doodles on this day have featured Langston Hughes (today is his 115th birthday), Harriet Tubman, and Frederick Douglass. You can read more about Lewis here and check out her Google Arts & culture exhibit here.

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The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—

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February 1, 2017

The Huge Screen, Color-Changing Workspace

We’ve highlighted a bunch of multi-display setups recently, but this single-panel workspace from reader Wayne shows off that one display—especially when it’s huge—can be just as good looking as several. He submitted his setup to our Workspace Show and Tell Pool, and here are some more photos.


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Cashing In with T.J. Miller #174: Clock Crystals

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Listen to this episode inside a double basement, with your mother in law….

Follow @CashLevy and @nottjmiller on Twitter!

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