What my eyes have seen I just can’t keep to myself, folks. So, in advance, I apologize.

There I was, minding my business, looking through a particular photo agency’s images to figure out if people of color hit the red carpet for the Cannes film festival, which kicked off today. While scrolling through, I happened upon the most interesting ensemble I’ve seen since that young woman who will not be named wore a Donald Trump dress to the Grammys:

Victoria Abril Cannes African geisha

But this individual is not an unknown singer trying to get put on by appealing to nativists. This woman is an accomplished star of the screen. Her name is Victoria Abril, and she’s a 57-year-old Spanish actress and singer who has been in the business since the ’70s. She is a consistent collaborator with well-known Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar, and this year, he is president of the Cannes jury. Maybe that’s the explanation behind why Abril was present for this year’s festivities in Paris. However, I can’t give you an explanation when it comes to why she chose to wear this ensemble.

The hair is very much African. As is the inspiration behind the wax print that her kimono is made of. But the kimono (made in Kyoto, Japan), along with the obi belt, are clearly of Japanese influence. It’s like she woke up and thought, “Whose culture can I wear as a costume on the red carpet today?” But really, we know that she just woke up ready to get people talking and get some attention. Congratulations, Victoria, you’ve succeeded.

Images via Splash and WENN 

The post Stylish Or Foolish? Spanish Actress Steps On Cannes Red Carpet Dressed As An African Geisha appeared first on MadameNoire.

May 17, 2017

Stylish Or Foolish? Spanish Actress Steps On Cannes Red Carpet Dressed As An African Geisha

What my eyes have seen I just can’t keep to myself, folks. So, in advance, I apologize.

There I was, minding my business, looking through a particular photo agency’s images to figure out if people of color hit the red carpet for the Cannes film festival, which kicked off today. While scrolling through, I happened upon the most interesting ensemble I’ve seen since that young woman who will not be named wore a Donald Trump dress to the Grammys:

Victoria Abril Cannes African geisha

But this individual is not an unknown singer trying to get put on by appealing to nativists. This woman is an accomplished star of the screen. Her name is Victoria Abril, and she’s a 57-year-old Spanish actress and singer who has been in the business since the ’70s. She is a consistent collaborator with well-known Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar, and this year, he is president of the Cannes jury. Maybe that’s the explanation behind why Abril was present for this year’s festivities in Paris. However, I can’t give you an explanation when it comes to why she chose to wear this ensemble.

The hair is very much African. As is the inspiration behind the wax print that her kimono is made of. But the kimono (made in Kyoto, Japan), along with the obi belt, are clearly of Japanese influence. It’s like she woke up and thought, “Whose culture can I wear as a costume on the red carpet today?” But really, we know that she just woke up ready to get people talking and get some attention. Congratulations, Victoria, you’ve succeeded.

Images via Splash and WENN 

The post Stylish Or Foolish? Spanish Actress Steps On Cannes Red Carpet Dressed As An African Geisha appeared first on MadameNoire.

May 17, 2017

Futurama Has Gone Mobile

Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow, is a new game coming soon to mobile devices containing the first new animation from the FUTURAMA universe since the show’s original TV run ended in 2013.

The post Futurama Has Gone Mobile appeared first on TheBlackGeeks.

May 17, 2017

Behold Hasbro’s 12″ Marvel Legends DAREDEVIL Figure (SDCC Exclusive)

While horror-based companies like McFarlane Toys and NECA get away with it all the time, the larger toy lines for mass properties generally shy away from figures that show the consequences of violence. Even a line like WWE, which equips its figures with road signs, ladders, canes and barbed-wire bats for battle doesn’t make bloody toys to represent hardcore matches; for some mass retailers, that’s just a no-no if your property is aimed at kids. But for San Diego Comic-Con exclusives, which are most likely to be purchased primarily by very patient adults waiting in long lines…there can be blood. And in this case, there will.

Marvel Legends Series 12-Inch Daredevil Figure - oop (1)

Hasbro has to be well aware that the Daredevil most people are familiar with at the moment is Charlie Cox’s version on Netflix, who routinely ends his episodes in need of medical attention. So while you can make this 12-inch Daredevil figure look like the basic comic-book version in a clean red suit, you can also swap out his head, hands, and forearms for a black-eyed, cut-up, taped-forearm version with blood on his hands.

Marvel Legends Series 12-Inch Daredevil Figure - in pkg (1)

Additional bonuses include  interchangeable fists and open hands for both costumed and taped styles, Daredevil’s fighting sticks, and original artwork by Joe Quesada that also comes as two posters. As an extra nod to the character’s abilities and those fans most likely to identify with them, the back of the box is even printed in Braille.

At $59.99, this is a downright steal, only $1o above standard retail for this line of figures, but with bonuses you’d never be able to get at the big box stores. You can’t beat this Devil…and who would dare?

Are your sonic senses already going off in anticipation? Let us know in comments!

Images: Hasbro

May 16, 2017

If The Last Jedi Really Has the Biggest Reveal in Star Wars History, What Could It Be?

A Japanese ad for Star Wars: The Last Jedi makes a very intriguing claim—it says the film will include the biggest, most shocking reveal in Star Wars history. The obvious answer is that this will be the discovery of Rey’s origin, but we got to thinking... what if it isn’t?